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Book online «The Old Ones by rachel hazeldine (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author rachel hazeldine

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around to do it, its not like they could turn her down, or just before she is about to do it, get someone else to go for her. this would also be her chance to see what it is really like for a person her age, and as much as she believed she lived a better life than them because from what she figured out they only worried about petty, small things, and lived life doing the same thing over and over again, she would be able to experience it for herself.

Without even hesitating, Bethany swung the doors open with a big grin on her face and announced “I’ll do it-I’ll act as a secondary school student.”

chapter 3

When she told them she would do the case, she expected for them to have a huge, negative reaction of some sort, before realising that she was perfect for it. what she didn't expect was that she would actually be met with silence and everyone in the room would just stare at her, gobsmacked, as if she had grown an extra nose or something.

“absolutely not” her mother said, breaking the silence “we have discussed this before, you are not going hunting, especially not on a case where you would have to work on your own.”

“I’d be perfect for the case though” Bethany defended “you have all admitted that you need someone younger to go work the case, and I’m ready for this mum.”

“we don't care whether or not we need someone younger” he father interrupted “no means no”

bethany couldn't believe what she was hearing, there was no reason at all that she shouldn't do the case, they basically needed her, and yet her parents were still refusing to allow her, their whole idea was preposterous and she was confused in why they were unable to see it.

“why are you so ignorant to the fact that i can look after myself” she hissed “i could be a good hunter if it wasn't for you both acting as if i am a child that needs protecting!”

“thats enough” her mother growled “now stop making a fool of yourself!”

“its you who is making a fool of me by smothering me!” she argued “you talk about how you want what's best for me and yet you stop me from defending humanity, stop me from reaching my full potential as a hunter! maybe, just maybe, being a hunter is what's best for me, you've lived a good life as one, so there isn't any reason that i can not do exactly the same thing is there?”

“will all three of you stop arguing already” Billy said, his voice loud but calm “we have more important matters to face” turning to Bethany he asked “why should we allow you to take charge of this? i know you learnt a lot these past years, but what makes you think you are ready to go out hunting with the more experienced of us?”

“its not about our past experience” she said through her teeth, trying to not lose her temper, after all she had spent many years training with these people so she was up to their level, so she should be able to handle what they would “its about who is able to save these innocent lives the most effectively, and at this moment, thats me. I’ll be able to go into the school and figure out what's going on, help stop more people from going missing, and track down whatever had taken them.”

“my exact point” her mother said to Billy “we don't know what took them yet, so how do we know it is safe for her, shes only a child!”

“if i remember correctly” Billy said raising a white eyebrow “i allowed you to first go hunting when you were thirteen years of age, so i'm sure age doesn't play a part in your daughters capability to do a case.”

“but we discussed this a long time ago,” Bethany’s father argued “when my wife was pregnant if i remember, and we to the conclusion that it would be best for us as her parents to decide when she starts hunting, are you really going to go back on your word Billy?”

“desperate times call for desperate measures” Billy told him “i don't like this any more than you do, but if she is the only person available than she will have to do.”

“I’m more than capable of doing this” Bethany sighed with frustration, hating the fact that they were talking about her as if she wasn't there, and that they were only going to let her go been as they didn't have anyone else to go making her a second choice.

“its not about your capability” her mother told you “this is about keeping you safe, sending you of on a case where we don't even know what creatures are involved is like sending you out to be murdered, and i am not taking that chance!”

“but its not up to you anymore” Bethany reminded, with a happy realisation “its up to Billy if i go or not.”

her mother kept her mouth firmly closed, but her fiery eyes showed how unhappy she was about the decision.

knowing Bethany was true, everyone turned to Billy for the finally say.

after a few seconds he let out a sigh and said “I’m sorry about this, but I’m going to have to send her out on the case, we have no one else to go, and its like we have said many times before, the innocent people are our priority-we risk our lives everyday hunting, and this is no different.” looking at Bethany with his large grey eyes, he said “I’m going to give you to the end of the week end to get ready, and you’ll start the case on monday, but just remember, one wrong move and you're gone, we’ll either be planning for some else to take over, or planning your funeral.”

“you won't regret this” Bethany said with a wide grin on her face, running of to go train for what might be the last time before her first hunt.

chapter 4

The thought of going to school was thrilling but also nerve-wracking for Bethany, with the life she lived, she never had the opportunity to go to a public school, instead she had been home taught the basics she needed to know by passing hunters, then learnt anything extra from the books she read. the only thing she really knew about secondary school, and well, any school in the matter, was from the tv shows she loved to watch in her free time, and being stuck in a house with no one her age, or no friends, watching tv was the only thing that kept her from going insane all them times she had to spent on her own in the large home, when everyone else had gone hunting and left her to fend for herself.

“try not to get into trouble with the school while you are here” Bethany’s mother told her as she pulled up outside the school gates “as much as i would like you to socialize, I'd rather not be pulled out of a case just to sit in the headteachers office while he tells us the importance of following the school rules.”

“I’m not going to cause a riot” Bethany reassured her “and anyhow, I’m not here to make friends, i'm here to find out what's been taking these people, and get rid of it for good.”

“no one said you can't make any friends while you’re here though” her mother told her, looking annoyed for her daughters lack of interest of making any communication with the people she was going to meet than necessary “you must be sick of only being able to socialize with us old folk, its not like we have the same interests or mindset as you.”

Bethany looked up at her mother with a frown and said “thats not true, we have the same interests, we all love hunting. plus, its pointless making friends, as soon as i finish the case, its not like i'm ever going to see them again.”

after a couple minutes of silence, her mother blurted “you don't have to do this if you don't want to, it's not too late to change your mind.”

“i do want to do this though” Bethany insisted “this is all i have every wanted to do, and i'm glad that i'm finally able to do it, and maybe just a little annoyed that its taken you this long to agree to me being able to.”

taking a deep breath, her mother said “well just remember that I’m always here for you if you need me.”

“i know mum” Bethany said, giving her a hug before stepping out of the car.

watching as her mother drive of, Bethany took a deep breath, trying to contain her excitement, and headed towards the school.

she wasn't sure where she was supposed to go first, but she decided the reception was the best place to go, been as it was the easiest place to locate with a big, neon red sign above it saying ‘school reception’ that allowed it to be easy for near enough anyone to find.

“excuse me” Bethany said to the receptionist, a bored looking woman with short brown hair and fake tanned skin “I’m Bethany Cooper, i'm new here, and I’m a bit lost-will you tell me where to go please?”

after a few minutes of chewing her gum, and reading her magazine, the woman looked up and said “name?”

“Bethany Cooper” Bethany repeated, ignoring the temptation to as the woman if she was stupid or just plain ignorant.

After five minutes of looking through a small folder, she handed a two sheets of A4 paper to Bethany and told her “this is your timetable, and a map of the school, if you have any trouble finding your way just ask another student and they will probably show you the way.”

Bethany gave her a “thanks” laced in sarcasm, then went off to find her way to her first period.

according to her timetable, her first lesson was maths, and after spending so much time learning about maps by the hunters, it didn't take her long to find her where to go on such a simple looking one.

walking into the classroom, she saw some of the students heads go up to stare at her like she was some new species of human, ignoring them, she walked up to the teacher and said “excuse me, but my timetable says I’m supposed to be in here.”


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