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Book online «The Elvish Girl by Alvinia Jenkinson (the beach read txt) 📖». Author Alvinia Jenkinson

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you will still be sent to slavery if you’re still alive in the end, Beck get her Aranel Anwarünya.” Said the piggish man

“What sir?” Asked Beck while staring at the chief.

The pig then smacked his head and said in an angry tone “The twin swords you idiot, the ones I forbid you idiots to touch.”

“Oh yes sir, right away sir.” He said as he scampered away.

“My dear Ril you have no idea what it has been like living with these idiots I must say when I was living with you was a breath of fresh air oh how I could go on and how I wish you would convert to our kind, but we both know that you would kill me in a heartbeat.” As the Pig finished talking Beck arrived with a bundle of cloth and before I realized what was happening the bundle was thrust into my hands, practically knocking me off my feet.

As I gained my balance all of the hunters gathered and were shouting out random names, who I think are my opponent.

“Face it against borg”

“No face it against Blarg”

Then fights started to break out about who I should face until Pig’s face got so red and then

“ENOUGH I chose who it fights!” He roared “And it will fight Nightmare, so elf you better be prepared to fight for your life.”

As he said those words I could feel my heart jump into my thought ‘calm down calm down calm down calm down’ I said in my head like a mantra ‘I can do this I can do this’.

“Bring it on.” I said without an ounce of fear

“Tamuríl, you don’t have to do this, in fact you shouldn’t you don’t know how these people fight how they trick and warp you.” Said the chief with a worried tone in his voice

“I’m sorry chief, but I will not run away from this nor will I cower as innocent people are being hurt because of fear, NO MORE!” I shouted

"HA being hurt out of fear now is that what you call it, it’s more like sport for us we don’t care about anything but money and you elves are sold at a high price since the revolution.” He said wiping tears of laughter. ”And to think that you things actually believed that we humans even had emotion towards you.”

I unwrapped the cloth as my body shook with rage and under the cloth I saw two silver handles that seemed to sparkle like stars in the sky, but there were no blades.

“Beautiful aren’t they, power just radiates off of them although there’s a catch to using them.” He said as I stared at him waiting to find out what the catch was when I realized, the son of a bitch was playing me ‘well two can play at that game’

I unsheathed the blade with lighting speed and pressed the blade to his throat “I could kill you right now pig.” I said with a hint of a smirk on my face, but then he burst out laughing

“Oh really and with what blade.” He said with spit spluttering out of his mouth as he laughed like a mad man. I looked at him confused till I saw what he was talking about, the blades had no, well blade.

“How the hell am I supposed to fight with no blade?” I screeched at him “I may not be a blade master, but I at least need blades with goddamned blades!” his laughter stopped and his face went cold.

“You have tested my patients you better shut your mouth before I knock it out tammy.”

I gave him the most deadly look I could muster, but before I could talk he talked first.

“Ah our favorite swordsman is here, Ril it’s my pleasure to introduce you to our best swordsmen, Nightmare.”

As the man walked down to me he had chains covering his body and his face had a metal muzzle, but the thing was he was the same age as me, now I know I should never judge a book by its cover, but this man seemed harmless from afar.

As he closed in I gripped the blades to settle my running heart, the next thing I knew was that he was right in front of me hit eyes were pure black with golden flecks his eyes carried which seemed to me the weight of the world.

“Release him.” Said the pig the men who held his chains began to unlock them the sound the chains made when they fell to the ground seemed like my impending doom ‘attack now while I still have a chance’ I thought to myself, but this man who carried the weight of the world, maybe he wouldn’t attack maybe he might join me and help me out of here, but those thoughts all dissipated when I saw all of the scars I knew that he was most likely raised to fight. Now my fear began to settle in my stomach I’m not going to live.

“That’s not an option, I must survive, and I will survive.” I muttered to myself after I said those words I heard the sound of metal sliding comfortably against metal almost like someone waking up from a pleasant dream. I look down at the knives and there are blades that seem to sparkle like diamonds ‘what in the world’ I thought to myself.

“Well it seems that they approve of you, just like I thought they would with someone like a will to survive like yours would most definitely draw it out to bad they are wasted one a dead man.” He then started to walk away while dragging my brother along with him.

“Clear the way, the fight is going to start.” Yelled some hunters who started to push the crowed back

“You should go inside the tent old man, after all this is not going to be pretty.” I said to the chief, he look down at me and then started to wrap the scarf around my neck.

“They won’t let us go you know?” he said with a sad look in his eyes

“I know.” He then went back into the tent and sat in the door way to watch the fight, more or less my own death but I will not let that happen I will get us all out of here even if it costs my own life

“Are you sure of that.” Said a voice that seemed to come out of no ware

“Must be my imagination.” I muttered to myself as I walked forward. The scarred warrior held his hand out as if to shake my hand I stretched my hand out only to feel a piercing pain in my stomach as I looked down I saw a knife plunged deeply in me.

‘Is that all you have last warrior and here I thought that you of all people would last longer against him, I mean come on are all of my soon to be owners doomed to die before they achieve.’ Said a voice that seemed to come from my mind ‘I am not just a voice you stupid barbarian, I am a girl well at least to you I am, who or what I am is not of importance what I want to know is if you want to survive.’

‘Of course I want to survive! Bu-. ‘Before I could finish what I was saying she made a zipping motion and my lips just wouldn’t seem to open.

‘That’s all I need to know for now. Listen closely barbarian I am willing to cut you a deal, I will give you a boost that will heal your wounds and make you stronger than 100 men, but there’s a catch depending on your personality you will have a handy cap between two senses or even both, so will you accept this deal?’ asked the voice girl

I need to survive I must survive

‘I will accept your terms what senses will I lose?’ I asked, she giggled and said

‘That’s for me to know and you to find out.’

I opened my eyes and gasped everything seemed to be painted in red, people’s faces seemed to melt off their body’s leaving a ghostly shape behind all I can hear are people chanting survival over and over again till all I can think is survival all are enemies they must die, they must die, they must die and then everything went black.

As my brother pulled me through the soot and flames of our burning home I heard the cries of my brethren being murdered, raped and rounded up for slavery. "We have to hurry Tamuríl we have no time for anyone, besides mother and father are waiting in the woods we must hurry now!" he shouted with urgency that snapped me back to my senses "I'm sorry brother but, I can't leave Enelya please can we at least save her?" I cried out, but instead of saying yes he threw me over his shoulder and then the roof caved in.

3 years later

As my brown hair fell in front of my face I felt the stabbing pain ricochet through my body, I held my ground as the blond elf made another move to hit me "STOP!" yelled my brother in a loud booming voice that gave me enough time to spit out the blood on my mouth onto Blondie’s face, which earned me another hit in the face “Is that all you got Blondie, if so you are never going to be able to protect your family with such weak strength like that.” I spat out more blood welling up in my mouth onto the ground when he spewed out the normal curses, but then he said something that made me attack he said “Well at least I didn’t abandon my own clan.”

 I screeched and then punched him hard enough to make him fall flat on his bum “I will kill you for saying that you bastard.” I yelled as I tackled him and started wailing punches to his face, but fortunately for Blondie my brother made it in time to stop me from making any permanent damages. As my brother pulled me off of the poor man he yelled for me to calm down, saying that I proved my point, I had finally calmed down enough to see he was right I felt immediately felt pity for the poor bastard, he became a punching bag.

 I sighed to my brother “Let’s take this poor guy home, I’m guessing he’s had enough of beating on me for today.” As he helped me up he said “Ril I don’t know why you let them all think that it’s your fault that the clans were attacked because of you, in fact it’s insane so please stop letting them think these things as your older brother it is killing me to stop these people every day, to see you beaten, bruised and bleeding, so I’m begging you please stop this.”

As we dragged him home I told Elros the truth “they need it to survive to keep themselves together till they come back to sanity and most of the towns people have realized what I have been doing and they are grateful and very guilty for what they’ve done, and brother as lenient as I am, I’m no saint, I have done horrible things let’s just say I’m repenting.” After that we ended the conversation got Blondie back to his home and then we went home, only to discover it crawling with hunters.

I felt an arrow fly past my head and hit the tree behind me, and then I knew that they had seen us “RUN!” I screamed at my brother, I grabbed him to make him move faster, but he just stood still and gave me a chuckle, I gave him a confused look and said “Elros what are you doing, we need to get moving before they kill us!” Instead of moving he grabbed me and said “we’re not going any ware Ril.”  His face seemed to change, in fact it became a

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