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Book online «Return by Erin Neylon (carter reed .txt) 📖». Author Erin Neylon

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“No Mrs.” we muttered. The rest of the class went by very slowly.

As the bell rang; signalling break. I got up from my desk and walked out the door. Of course everyone stared at me. I walked through the school and found a tree that was near no one and sat down underneath it, rammed my headphone and turned my iPod on full blast a few minutes later much to my dismay, someone approached me and tapped me on the shoulder, I looked up.

“Yes?” I asked

“Hi, I’m Kade. Mind if I sit with you?” he asked shyly,

“DON’T LET HIM SIT WITH YOU! HE’S A FREAK” someone yelled out. I looked to who had said it. It was one of Zach’s friends. Lucas.

“Sure, you can sit here. I’m Isabelle.” I said pushing my brown hair out of my face. He sat down next to me looking sad.

“What’s wrong? If it’s what Lucas said ignore him he’s a complete prick, trust me, I know, I dated him for a while” I said with a laugh.

Kade laughed with me. “So, you’re the girl whose sister died a few years back?”

‘Why must he bring that up?’ I thought “Yeah, I’m that girl.” I said quietly.

We sat in an awkward silence for a while. “Sorry I understand if you don’t want to talk about it” he said awkwardly

‘No it’s okay” I replied.

Looking up I surveyed the courtyard/oval that was the schools outside area. In my search I noticed someone was staring at me.

He was sexy as all hell. He had dark brown hair that fell almost to his chin and from where I sat it looked like he had dark brown almost black eyes. Those eyes stared at me and I stared back. When I finally realised that I was staring I quickly looked away and leant over to Kade.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“Who’s who?” Kade said glancing around.

“Dark hair, dark eyes about 10 o’clock” of course Kade wasn’t being at all discreet in his search, he looked back to me with a smug smile

“That my friend is Nicholas, leader of Zach and Lucas’s group.”

“You’re kidding me! Why would someone who looks like that want to hang around with dickheads like them?” I asked in shock, I looked back up to see that Nicholas was still looking at me with a surprised look in his eyes, like he was trying to figure something out.

“HEADS” someone yelled as a ball flew towards us.
Chapter 4

I watched in horror as a soccer ball was heading towards Kade’s head. Without thinking I shoved Kade out of the way making him fall. I spun around to glare at Lucas who was laughing with Zach and some of their other friends.

“What the fuck Lucas?” I yelled in anger as I started marching up to him. He looked at me in surprise; obviously no one had spoken to him like that in a while.

“Excuse me?” he said, he was pissed. “Don’t I even get a ‘hi’ from you anymore?”

“No you lost that right years ago.” I spat.

“When I dumped you?” he said with a laugh

“No if I remember correctly I dumped you because you tried to force yourself onto my sister” I said with a smug grin. That had shut him up.
Zach glared at him “What is she talking about?”

“Dude she’s lying!” Lucas said trying to calm Zach down.

“I doubt that she could come up with something like that.” Zach said shaking with rage
“Thanks, but I’m not stupid” I said jokingly

“Shut up Bitch!” Lucas yelled. He started raising his hand to hit me but I said casually
“If you touch me or Kade ever again I will go to your house and slit that pretty little throat of yours while you sleep. Are we clear?” And with that I walked away leaving them all stunned.

I reached Kade who was staring at me with a mix of admiration and shock
“I-I-I can’t believe you just did that” Kade gasped

“Someone needed to put him into place.” I said with a shrug “And anyway; Zach will probably beat him senseless by the end of the day. Let’s go, too many people are staring”.

We had almost reached the door leading into the building when a deep seductive voice spoke behind me

“That was a brave but incredibly stupid thing to do”

I turned around to face the person who spoke. It was Nicholas.

From up close his eyes were almost as black as I thought and his hair was close to the same colour, he was taller than my 5 foot 6 inch frame so I guess him to be around 6 foot 3 inch and he looked like he had a decent amount of muscle. He was gorgeous. When I realised I was staring I quickly looked at the ground then looked back into his eyes I replied

“It may have been but it had to be done, I’m sick of Lucas and all his shit, I thought he might have changed but obviously not” he laughed; it was a rumble that came from deep in his chest.

“You’re Zach’s last girlfriend’s sister Belle or something?”

“It’s Isabelle; just Isabelle. And yeah she was my sister. I-I got to go” I said turning around and walking up to Kade who was gaping at us

“He never speaks to any whose not pack” he rushed

“Pack?” I said confused

“You know, the group of kids sitting around them? What did he say?” he questioned me
“He just said that it was a stupid thing to confront Lucas like I did. That’s all”

“Oh so nothing interesting?” he asked I just laughed at him.

Chapter 5

It turned out that Kade and I had a few classes together. PE was one of them. As we sat waiting for the teacher to finish explaining how to play a game when I noticed Kade staring at one of the other guys in our class, I had found out that the guys name was Connor and he was part of ‘The Pack’ as Kade put it. It took me a minute to figure it out but when I did I leaned over to Kade and whispered

“Why don’t you tell him you like him?”

that got his attention pretty quick he looked at me shocked as though I had figured out his deepest secret

“H-How do you know…” he trailed off

“I can see it in your eyes. It’s okay, I really couldn’t care if your gay. He’s cute, good choice”

he sent me a look that could have killed if I couldn’t see the relief in his eyes
“Calm down” I said with a laugh “He’s all yours, and I won’t tell anyone; your secret’s safe with me”

“I just wished he would notice me” Kade said with a sad smile

“How do you know he doesn’t? Why don’t you talk to him?” I asked

“I can’t. I don’t know what I’d say”

“Mr. Donaldson and Miss Selkirk why don’t you share you conversation to the class?” our PE teacher Mr Keeton said

“We were just discussing how you don’t need to explain how to play Capture The Flag seeing we all know how to play it” Kade replied politely

“If you don’t stop being a smart-ass Kade, you will be in detention for the next week” Mr Keeton said

“Hey, he just meant it as a joke there’s no need to give him a detention” said a new voice.

It was Connor; that had surprised me but probably not as much as Kade.

“That’s it, Connor and Kade you’re both in detention this afternoon and if I hear another word from either of you it will be for a week” Mr Keeton said angrily. I sent a glance that said ‘poor you’ he just shrugged.

Behind the school there was a big hill with a clearing about halfway up which was where we set up the game. Kade and I stayed together for a little while but then I lost him in the trees that were surrounding the clearing.

So instead of looking for him I got into the game, it had been a while since I let go of all my worried and just enjoyed a run. I ran into the other teams’ territory without being detected and started looking for the flag. The area for the game was very large so both teams had decent sized territories

. A noise behind me made me freeze

“That’s right bitch, you better freeze” it was Lucas

‘Shit, how had he found me?’ I thought. Then without thinking I ran.

I had been on the track team before the accident and had joined the one at my school in Russia so I was fast and knew how to run cross-country but Lucas was very was as well and kept close behind me. I scrambled up a rock face, my breathing heavy.
He was gaining on me and I pushed myself forward not wanting him to get me as I had some idea what he’d do if he got me. I had to get back to my side before he got me. I ran as hard and fast as I could when suddenly I fell over a fallen tree and I had tried to jump over but had missed judged how far back to jump.

As soon as my body hit the ground I felt Lucas approach, at that moment I knew I was screwed. Once he had a hold of me I was a goner.


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