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Book online «Unknown World by K. Lang (book club suggestions .TXT) 📖». Author K. Lang

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dress. It was beautiful! I put it on. It was a strapless dress that had a corset that formed my body.

I threw my hair up into a loose ponytail. I didn't know how it looked since there were no mirrors in my bedroom. I ran downstairs and to the ballroom and found my way to the balcony. Talvar wasn't there yet but it was still a little early, So i just watched the sunset while i waited for him.

Chapter 2: Unexpected

Talvar finally showed, with his raven hair flowing loosely along his back, shining in the moonlight. I never had realized how long it was, which was to the small of his back. He was wearing a white silken shirt underneath a black leather vest. I would have expected embroidery in the vest, but it was plain black leather that caught the moonlight as well, making his midnight blue eyes stand out more then ever.

He smiled and took my hand and kissed it softly.

"You look beautiful tonight Destiny, the dress looks splendid on you." he smiled "I had it special made for you. I do hope you like it."

I looked down at my dress, and shrugged.

"It's beautiful, it fits me perfectly. I never would have imagined ever owning a dress like this. My father was a blacksmith and I had always worn cloth clothing." I said.

Talvar walked over closer to me, and placed his hand gently on my cheek.

"Well, the dress fits you. It brings out your pale complexion. And a witch as beautiful as you, could be the most powerful witch of all... If..." Talar paused

I gulped, I didn't really like the sound of that.

"If what?"

"you become my mate, of course. You will be a hybrid." said Talvar.

I pulled back from his hand.

"Your mate? You're serious? I've only known you for a couple of days now, how can you be sure you want ME as your mate?" I asked, a little confused.

"I want you to become a hybrid and my mate. There is something about you that I cannot shake, ever since I found you in the woods, I can not get you from my mind. It's almost like... you cut my heart out yourself and hold it before my very eyes. I don't feel angry, or sad anymore. I feel peace of mind. you make me... happy." Talvar said, seriousness in those midnight blue eyes.

I was surprised at this, but strangely enough, I couldn't keep my heart from pounding inside my chest. I could hear the blood flowing in my ears and felt as if my heart was in my throat.

"Oh." was the only thing I could get to come out from my mouth. I pulled a sheepish smile, because I didn't know how else to react. "I didn't know vampires could fall in love."

Talvar pulled a half smile.

"I actually never thought it would happen to me of all people! or Vampires, I really should say." he said.

I looked into his eyes.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"I was human once, my family were rich nobles in this area. There used to be a town here where this mansion lies. I was a spoiled child, always showered with gifts. I had everything any man could ever want in life, beautiful women beckening at my feet, gold, jewels, and of course a very large mansion." he waved his hand around. "but I didn't want those things. I wanted adventure, I wanted a life outside of the constant attention from my so-called friends. I wanted to find someone who loved me for who I was rather then how much wealth I had. One day I was walking through the meadow outside of town where there was a cemetery. I was going to see my grandfather to let off some steam and talk to him. I was attacked by a shadow that was quick as lightning. I obviously didn't see it coming. I felt a sharp pain in my neck, and it felt like the very essence was being removed from my body. I knew then that I was going to die. The shadow that attacked me said that if I wanted to live, I had to join him, and I would find what I was looking for if I did, if I hadn't, he would leave me there to die."

Talvar closed his eyes.

"He made me drink his blood, I took it because I didn't want to die." Talvar opened his eyes "He taught me so much. We traveled everywhere, seen many things no other man of my time would dream of seeing, it was amazing. But that was only adventure. I thought I would never find love, but my master said it would only come with time, and I had to be patient. I believed him, so I pressed on. For years we wandered, meeting new people and beings and creatures. A whole new world to me. Unfortunately we trekked on wrong lands, and he was killed by vampire hunters. But before he was killed be brought me back here to my old home. The town was gone but the mansion still stood. I founded this place for lost witches, werewolves, shapeshifters, and vampires so they have a place to call home."

I was amazed what he has gone through. I didn't think I could ever be that strong to go through all that.

Talvar came closer to me again.

"Will you be the one I'm looking for and be my love?"

I gulped again, feeling that lump in my throat again. Then I nodded.


Talvar leaned in close to me. His breath cold. And touched his lips to mine, then his lips moved down my jawline, to my neck, and kissed my neck softly, sending a shiver down my spine. He kept his face at my neck, kissing it over and over.

Then, he whispered something in my ear but I didnt hear it over the sound of my heart beating and the blood rushing through my ears.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my neck where Talvar had kissed it. The pain eased to warmth as I passed slowly into darkness. I heard his voice, beckoning me to drink. I felt a warm liquid touch my lips, which i knew was his blood.

It felt like a liquid form of fire, parching the dryness in my mouth.


I awoke in my bed. It was night time. Talvar was lying beside me. He was awake.

"Good evening Destiny, welcome to a new world of being a Vampire. How do you feel?" Talvar asked.

My eyes hurt. I could see everything clearer, and I could hear everything, which was giving me a headache. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"your sense are stronger, it takes some time to get used to." said Talvar kissing my forehead.

"How long does it last? This is ridiculous." I mumbled as I put my arm over my face. I almost hit Talvar in the face."Oh, I'm sorry."

Talvar just smiled.

"It's quite alright."

I then knew my life from now on was going to be crazy. And I also had alot of training ahead of me.

Chapter 3: Difference

I had to get up and move around, I was tired of laying in my bed for so long. It was dark outside so I knew it would be safe for me to get up. As I stood, I felt a sense of vertigo, like my head was spinning or a sense of headrush when you stand up too fast. It was probably from laying down so long and just hopping up.

I decided to go find and talk to Faith. I hopes she was still awake at least, because I needed to talk to her so badly. I passed alot of people in the halls and everyone just stared blankly at me like they have never seen me before, which some of them I didnt recognize anyway, so they probably didn't know who I was. But some of the people I knew just stared. I must look different or something I haven't looked in a mirror.

I found Faith in the garden, thank goodness she was still awake.

"Faith!" I shouted as I walked towards her to get her attention.

She jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Whoa! Destiny is that you?" Faith asked with a strange tone in her voice, like she didn't know who I was.

Did i really look that different?

"I didn't recognize you." she said.

"Okay... Do I really look different or something because everyone is staring at me." I said with a huff.

Faith chuckled a little bit and grabbed my hand to lead me to the fountain.

I peered into the water and nearly jumped out of my skin from the reflection I saw. The green of my eyes was rimmed in dark violet. My pale complexion was even more pale then normal, my lips were a faded red, and my skin also seemed smoother and more defined. My hair fell in loose dark red curls around me. I took a step back.

"Wow. I really do look different." I sighed.

"Destiny what happened to you?" Faith asked.

I sighed and looked at her.

"Last night at the dinner party... Talvar turned me into this. I'm a hybrid now. I.. really don't know what made me agree to this." I said.

"I can't believe Talvar did this to you. He has never believed in turning people. He says he never wants someone else to suffer the same fate as he has becoming a vampire." said Faith with a grim look on her face. "But why you?"

I shrugged because I didn't know how to really answer that. So I came up with the best excuse I could.

"He said he loved me, and he wanted me to be his mate. ME of all people! a simple girl." I said. "And I thought knowing I was a witch was a surprise enough. I... I guess I felt sorry for him, or maybe I'm in love with him. To be honest, I don't know which one."

Faith shook her head.

"As many people as he could of had, or those who wanted him, he chose you." she said. "Wow, never actually thought I would see Talvar so taken by someone."

"I am freaked out but there is no going back on this.." I sighed.

"Are you sure you love him?" Faith asked.

"I said i don't know! I have so much going on at once. I'm not sure how to handle this!" I stomped. And as my foot hit the ground, the ground shook and rumbled.

"Looks like your powers have grown as well." said Faith.

I took a deep breath. I heard footsteps behind us. It was Talvar, and I turned around quickly.

"There you are Destiny, I went back to your room and you weren't there. I was looking everywhere for you." he said in that soft voice of his.

He held his hand out to me.

"You really should be resting." said Talvar.

I shook my head.

"I had to get up, just laying there was driving me crazy. I had to get up and move around and stretch my legs." I said.

"Well I am glad you are doing better. I actually had something to show you." said Talvar pulling me away.

I turned
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