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Book online «My life as a cat by Forest Ostrander (romantic love story reading TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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felt another purr erupt from my throat once more. I was back outside and the feeling was so comforting that I truly felt at ease now. Looking around the parking lot with the cars parked in all sorts of areas, I wondered if the brunet was here yet. I could just picture her face when she sees me being carried away by a boy and the look I would give her as we passed by but there was no sign of the brunet which made me feel somewhat ok. A slight jostle brought me back to reality. I looked up once more at the boy who had saved me from a life behind bars and seen him smiling down on me.

"I have to figure out a name for you," he said. Oh great. I had been given practically every name in the book and if I was named Fifi once more, I was going to scratch him.

"How about Snowflake?" I let out a sneeze of dissaproval.

"All right, not Snowflake." He was silent as he thought and I wished I could speak to him, to tell him what my real name was but the vocal cords of a cat were not meant for speech.

"How about Belinda?" I growled. "Sofia?" I snorted. I heard the boy sigh as he thought of more names.

"Frost?" I looked at him, he was so close, and maybe giving him a boost in the right direction won't hurt. Looking around I spotted the woods and leaped out of his hand, ignoring his calls of shock and trying to bring me back I heard his footsteps running behind me. That's it, follow the pretty kitty I thought jokingly. My paws carried my across the field with ease, I even reached a point where I had to slow down for him to keep up. When I had finally stopped at the edge of the woods I sat down and looked back at the boy who had reached me panting.

"What...Is..It." The boy asked trying to catch his breath. I looked back at the woods then back at him letting out a mew before looking back at the woods once more.

"What are you trying to say?" I sighed inwardly. Was he being an idiot on purpose?

"Come on, we have to get back. We'll worry about a name later," the boy said reaching down to pick me up but I jumped away from his hands and once more looked back at the woods.

"What is it now?" He asked and I could hear the frustration in his voice. I padded up to a tree and put a paw on it, looking back I meowed at him. Finally a look of recognition came to his face as he said.

"Oh! I get it now! You want your name to be Forest!" Yes! Finally! I walked up to him and only then did I let him pick me up again.

"Well Forest. My name is Mason Waters." And with that, we headed to his home.

Chapter 2

I sat Forest down on the living room floor and watched as she explored the house. Taking off my shows and setting them on the mat by the door, I followed her and noticed the intense look she was giving my chicken.

"I don't think so girl," I said quickly snatching her up in her leap for the meat. Carrying her protesting form I sat her in front of two dishes and filled them out with Meow Mix and pointed to the dish.

"This is your food. You can't have human food. It's not good for animals," I smiled but I could swear she was glaring at me through those turquoise eyes. Do normal cats even have those colored eyes? Must be if she has them. Turning around to confront my chicken, I heard the sound of a clatter and turned around to see she had flipped the bowl over and turned her nose up at the food.

"What's wrong? That's expensive stuff there." What’s wrong with her? I never had a cat turn up Meow Mix before. Locking her eyes with me I swear I saw a human expression appear on her face. I know it may sound weird but I swear on my life it was there.

"You honestly expect me to eat that crap?" I stared in shock, instantly dropping the piece of chicken in my hand. Without hesitation she picked up the fallen piece with a thank you and began to eat it. Licking her lips she said.

"You can stop staring now. And breath for Christ sake." WHAT THE HELL! MY CAT JUST TALKED! I couldn't believe this was happening. It all had to be some sort of dream.

" talked," I mumbled out.

"No shit. What were you expecting? A voice recording with robotic lips?"

"But cats can’t talk!" I said. I couldn't fully grasp the idea that I was really talking to a cat.

"Ya? Well looks like your wrong." I watched as she leaped up on the table and sat once more facing me.

"Besides, I'm not really a cat per say."

"Then what are you? Are you a witch?" I didn't move from my spot but I started to reach for a knife.

"I wouldn't do that if you want to keep your hand. You saved me from that shelter so I really don't want to end up hurting you."

"Did...did you do this to your other house folk?" I asked.

"Hell no! They'd be like you are right now, freaking out and looking like they are about to sign them self up for a mental institution."

"All right. If you say you are not a cat or a witch. Then what are you?" I asked deciding to humor this talking dream cat.

"I'm a girl. Well, I WAS a girl until that stupid fur ball Luther changed me to this." She spat the last words out as if they were poison.

"Luther? Who's that? Some Warlock?"

"I guess you could say something like that," she said cocking her head. "But I prefer the term prick."

"How long have you been a cat?" I asked.

"Over a hundred years now so before you ask, no I cannot die...well, not by getting run over or anything but what that shelter had would have surely done the trick and ended it for me." I watched as she shrugged.

"So, how did he turn you into a cat? Can you turn into a human?"

"He bit me one day when I was trying to help him out of a snare. I was a freshman in college, fresh out of high school. I was only 19 at the time. I found a black cat in the middle of the field wailing his head off because he was snared in a trap. I took pity on the bastard and right there was my mistake, but how would a girl who loved animals so much know he was just faking it? I fell into his trap and his bite turned me into this. I don't hate cats, I love them in fact but I never wanted to live my life as one. I've spent my years watching friends and family members die off while I remained a cat unaffected by time. And as far as I know, I cannot turn back into a human." I watched as her eyes darken and her fur rose.

"When I get my claws on the bastard I'm going to kill him for what he put me through, but first I have to find him and make him break this damn curse," she hissed.

"So you're 119 years old?" I asked, I heard my voice crack as I tried to hold my fear in.

"Give or take a few years yes." Holy fuck. I watched as her eyes eyed the chicken again.

"Could I perhaps have a bit more? I've spent my years of a cat eating dry, tasteless food with nothing but bitter tasting water to wash it down." Without thinking, I handed her the two legs and watched as she stripped them down to the bone.

"Oh yes," she said, a look of content on her face. "That defiantly hit the spot." Watching her jump down from the table and padded off to the living room. Almost like a robot on auto mode I followed. I stared at her for a while, studying her turquoise blue eyes before asking.

"What is it like being a cat?" She locked her eyes with mine and smirked.

"Boring. All we do is eat, sleep, and use the bathroom all day. The only exercise you will see most of us do is grooming ourselves. I for one prefer running in the outdoors. I love being outside."

"What was it like when you first became a cat?" I asked. I was now not frightened anymore, in fact, I was more interested than frightened.

"Well, it was painful for the most part. Imagine a teenage girl morphing into a small body of a cat. Not the most pleasant feeling in the world," she said shivering.

"What did your family think?" I asked.

"They didn't know what happened to me." She lowered her head and I glimpsed the sadness in her eyes. "I tried to get their attention when I first became a cat but they chased me off thinking I was a stray begging for food. I couldn't speak to them, I couldn't speak to a lot of people. It hurt when they pushed me away without giving me another thought. After a day of me not 'coming home' they called the cops to search for me. After months, they called the search off and claimed me dead. I tried day after day trying to get them to look at me but they ignored me even more. I was alone." Before I knew what I was doing, I was picking her up in my arms and holding her close, gently stroking her soft white fur.

"It's ok," I whispered in her ear. "You're not alone now." When I sat her down, I asked.

"How is it you are able to talk?"

"I don't know. Before I couldn't but when you brought me here, for some reason, I was able to fully talk."

Chapter 3

I laid down in my bed Manson had bought me last week. It was nearly a month since I came to live with him and he had been pacing the house to the point where I was sure he could wear a ditch into his floor. Lifting up my head, I watched his movements.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked. I was amazed at how well he had grown accustomed to me talking to him. In

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