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Book online «The Ultimate by Cielo (reading like a writer TXT) 📖». Author Cielo

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to get out of the cafeteria.

Fang POV:

I smirked as I watched her leave. It was the same with everyone. They all just expected me to talk to them, but I never talked to anyone until I think they've proven I should talk to them, I mean, I don't want to waste my time.
I don't know what that freaky thing with our eyes meant, but she's just like everybody else. Well, except for how she turned down Jaquleen-that was cool. No, no, I'm getting off track. She's just like everybody else.

Max POV:

I walked into the library. I've never spent much time in libraries, not being much of a reader, but I was surprised by how many books there were. They covered the walls, shelves of them covered the floor. I had never seen anything like it in every school I've ever been in, bur I'm too bummed to really look at it.
I find a table in the back, and sit at it, and stare at the tabletop. This really sucks. Dylan had been my best friend for years, ever since we were five years old. Now all of a sudden he has the chance to be popular, and I'm old news? Who was the one who took that giant kid off of him in third grade? Whowas the one who comforted him when he found out his girlfriend was cheating on him about two years ago? Who was the one who called our parents when he fell out of that tree and broke his arm when we were eight? That's right, me. And what happens to me? I get ditched to the curb when something better comes along. Popularity. The 1...2...3...10 letter word that can make lives or break them. So sucky.
I hear the chair beside me move, and I couldn't help but look up. My eyes met eyes that were the color of the 'perfect' blue ocean you see in the movies. Who has eyes like that? I mean really, those are the kind of eyes that love sick girls describe in books. But this wasn't a book, it was real life, and this guy had really blue eyes. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen on a persons face.
Then I looked at the rest of him. He was pretty tall, with a lean muscular build, without being bulky, and had the palest blonde hair I had ever seen. After a while of akward silence, he smiled, "Hi, I'm Gazzy. Freshman."
"Why are you on this side of the school then?" I asked him.
"Oh, I had to give my brother back his ipod, he had lent it to me for gym, but I had to give it back to him right after." he replied.
I nodded. "Wait, Gazzy? What kind of name is Gazzy?" I asked him. Yeah, I don't worry about being rude, just getting answers.
"Well, if you hang around me long enough you will know. If you don't hang around me, then you really don't want to know. Although, what's your name?" he answered.
" Maximum Ride, but just call me Max." I answered. "Hey, do you know a guy named Iggy?" I asked him.
"Iggy?" he asked. "You mean the guy who looks like an icecream cone with a cherry on top? New kid?" he asked.
"Yeah, that's him, he's my brother." I answered.
"Oh, yeah, I've seen him." he had a guilty look in his eyes.
"What?" I asked cautiously.
"Nothing," he said way too quickly for me to believe him. Then, without another word, he stood, and quickly left the library. I had a bad feeling about this.

Chapter 4

So after lunch, I go to biology where my already not-so-good day gets worse. "Max?" the teacher said.
"Yes?" I answered with a growing sense of dread.
"You're wanted in the princpals office." she said.
As I got up, there were multiple Oooooos! "Aren't you guys supposed to be in high school? Not kindergaten!" I snapped before closing the door, and walking to the principals office.
You know what? Somtimes I wish I wasn't always right. As soon as I walked in, who do you think I saw? Mom? Nudge? No, Gazzy. And right next to him...Iggy.
"Please sit, Miss Ride." the principal said.
It took all my control not to simply lean over the desk and slapp him. I already didn't like him, because not only did he call me Miss Ride Ugh! He said it with such politeness it had to be fake. I hate fake people. "What is the problem, sir?" I asked sweetly. One of my best skills, malipulating teachers until they don't even know they're doing exactly what I want them to do, and they think they came up with the idea on their own.
"Well you see, we have cause to believe that Mr. Ride, and Mr. Tunneth have-" but he broke off as the door opened and in walked...Fang. Gosh, for someone who doesn't talk, he can be annoying.
"You needed me sir?" he said as he came in.
"Ah, yes, the elder Mr. Tunneth. As I was just telling Miss Ride here, I have reason to believe that Mr. Ride, and the younger Mr. Tunneth set off a bomb in the freshman cafeteria!" he said as he lost his control and his face started to turn red.
"Why, Mr...." I looked at the name plate on his desk, "Mr. Shunning, what happened?" I asked.
"Well, everyone was at lunch, and these two put a small bomb in the pot of pudding. Not only did it make a mess, but some students got pudding up their nose and had to go to the nurses office." Mr. Shunning said.
"What evidence do you have that they preformed said crime?" Fang asked in his quiet, yet not shy, voice.
" they were the last ones to be by the pot before it exploded!" he said as he well...exploded. It was fun to watch actually, his face turning all purple, and his eyes all but hanging out of the sockets.
"That's not good enough evidence, and you know it. Iggy, would you ever do something like this?" I asked him.
"Of course not! Our mom's a scientist, she taught us to respect other people's experiments." Iggy said.
"Pudding is not an experiment!" the principal shouted.
"Really, because when I saw it, it looked like an experiment gone bad." Iggy said innocetly.
The Principal looked like he was about ready to burst when he said, "Get. Out. Now." Well, you didn't have to tell us twice.
Once we were out of hearing range, I turned to Gazzy and Iggy, completely ignoring Fang.
"What the hell were you two thinking?!" I whisper shouted at them.
"Well," Iggy began, "I met Gaz in homeroom, and he told me he liked explosives, and I tole him 'Yeah? Me too.' but, he didn't believe me. So I tols him, 'It's true, I can make almost anything blow up.' and he said 'I bet you you can't make pudding blow up!' and I said 'I bet you I can!' and he said '$10 says you can't!' then I said, 'You're on!'. So at lunch, I rigged up a small bomb that I stuck in the pudding and it all went as planned, and Gazzy owes me $10." Iggy said happily.
"Iggy, you are so dead when we get home. Gazzy, I can't to anything to you, but if this happens again, that won't stop me from trying." I said angrily as I grabbed Iggy by his ear, and towed him all the way to his next class.

Fang POV:

After Max had left, I turned to Gazzy. "You. Are. In. So. Much. Trouble." I said.
Gazyy looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "Why? I thought you though it was cool when we make things blow up." he said. He had a really good point.
"I do. Mostly. But not when you do it with Max's brother! Then we both end up in the office together, with you guys being in trouble because-" Gazzy suddeny broke me off.
"Oh, I see," he said. "You like Max, and you don't want me to ruin it for you by getting her brother in trouble, am I right?"
"No, you are not right. I don't like Max, and I do not want to end up having to do this again. I do not want to have to come in there, and help popular Max get her bro out of trouble, because it's the only way to get you out of trouble." I said.
"Max is popular? Seriously?" he asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, they asked her to join, and she turned Them down, but on the inside, I think she's just like the rest of them." I said. 'Them' was what we called the popular people.
"I think you're wrong there." Gazzy said.
"Oh, and what do you know about it?" I asked, putting a thi veil of sarcasm in my voice.
"Talked to her at lunch. We didn't say much, but from what I did hear from her told me she's not like Them." Gazzy said.
I thought about it as I walked Gazzy back to his class. Maybe I had Max all wrong. Then again, what if I didn't?

Chapter 5

Max POV:

After I took Iggy to his class, him cursing my name under his breath the whole time-the jerk, I went back to biology. And guess which seat was the only one open? If you guessed 'next to someone awesome that I totally love' then you're wrong. It was next to Fang. I tell you, sometimes I think the system's out to get me.
I reluctantly sat next to him and get this: he didn't even turn! I mean, come on! How could someone so completely ignore someone else?! I mean, I know I didn't talk to him much-not that it's my fault by the way-but am I that ignoreabe? Gosh, just met the dude this morning, and I already hate him. I just talked to that jerk Jaquleen once, and I already hate her. I've met with the principal one time, and I hate him. Man, I am on a roll.
I took out my notebook and was determined not to pay attention to him, since he obviously wasn't paying me any attention. I don't even know why I found that so annoying! It just was.

Fang POV:

I saw Max enter the room, and you know what? The chair next to me was the only one empty! So she had to sit next to me. I'm the luckiest guy in the world! Yeah, right. So she sat down, and I purposely ignored her. Why?, I don't know, just seemed like the thing to do. So, that's how the rest of biology went. Max and I ignoring each other. I could tell this was going to be the start of a great friendship.

Max POV:

After biology, nothing else bad happened in school. I know, I was shocked too. This whole freakin' day was a train wreck, but now, it seemed almost...ok. The of course, because I'm me, and aparently the Fates simply love me, something strange happened that ruined my day beyond repair.
I was walking to my car, Iggy and Nudge following me (luckliy Nudge managed to stay out of trouble, unlike Iggy) and I dropped my keys. No big deal, right? So I bend down to pick them up when I see something out of the corner of my eye. As I straighten up again, I looked to my left, by the shadows of the school.

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