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Book online «What Shall It Be? by K.B. Torres (interesting novels to read .txt) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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a vampire?" I cried.
"After you passed out, those guys kidnapped you, driving off with you. They reached a desert, and only you and the leader stayed in the van. The rest guarded, until I hurt them. I opened the van door, and the guy had not only attacked you more, he was in the middle of raping you. If I hadn't done what I did, you would have died. You were broken, bleeding, and raped within a few minutes. Your lip was swollen, turning purple from the cold van. Your thighs were bruised from the rapist, and bleeding. Your neck, also bleeding. Your face was bruised, your nose broken. What could I do? If I called a ambulance, you would have bled out before it could arrive. If I ran you to a hospital, not only will it give me away, but you'd die. I couldn't leave you, you'd die then. There was only one more option: Change you. So, I did." Zachary said, looking away.
Change me? How? What did he even MEAN?
"What do you mean, change me?" I asked.
"I had to change you, into...A vampire. It was the only way you wouldn't have died." He answered, his needle point vampire teeth showing.
He changed me...INTO A VAMPIRE?! What, was I forced to be his consort now, or something?
"That's impossible. Vampires plus real equals a big hells to the no." I stated.
He laughed, the noise attractive and light.
"That's some interesting math, Aliette." He said, laughing.
"Don't. I'm pretty. I'm not required to be smart. I just am at a few things, math, not one of them." I answered, pouting.
"Can we go back to the part where you were on top of me, drinking my blood, it felt good to have your breasts on me." Zachary said, sounding utterly annoying.
I turned and glared, stopping my pouting session.
"Shut up." I said. "Besides, you have no proof I'm a vampire."
Zachary snatched a mirror, handing it to me. I gasped. The person in the mirror wasn't me. It was some other girl.
Her pale blonde hair was down, COMPLETELY straight, falling at her breasts. Her pale blue eyes bore little makeup, with only eyeliner and mascara. Her lips were stained a bright eye-catching red, the color of blood. Her face was perfect. Her chin was pointed, but not too pointed, with no sign of a cleft. Her cheekbones high, but not too high, her eyes a cat shape, thin and mysterious. Her eyebrows were a high, but not too high, and the same color as her hair. She was tan compared to a vampire, like Zachary. Her skin was actually a mocha color, now that she had changed. Her nose was no longer pointed up, her face slimmer. Her lips were actually thinner, but not too thin. Her hair wasn't one strand out of place.
"That's not me!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, it is. Also, your voice changed. I'm sure this sounds different." He played my voice mail. My voice sounded nasally, and sing-song, compared to my voice now. My voice was now like ambrosia, and sweet like honey.
"You weren't kidding." I said. "Okay, fine, I need more blood. It helps." I said.
I leaned in to lick Zachary's neck. He shuddered, pulling me on top of him. Surprised, I bit his neck, blood gushing into my mouth. It wasn't salty, but tasted more like...chocolate chip cookies and wine. I sucked at his neck, forcing more blood into my mouth. Zachary moaned, forcing my head harder against his neck.
"You're making me think some things I shouldn't, Aliette. Finish soon." Zachary said.
I licked his wound closed, before kissing his neck. It tasted SO good!
"Come on, sleep." Zachary said, laying in the bed next to me.

I awoke in a new room. Or, more accurately, a cave. My bed was a sheet filled with hay, and tied with a string. I was covered in animal skins, and Zachary. Zachary was curled up against me, shivering. I, on the other hand, was blazing with fever. I gave most of the hides to Zach, before dozing off.
"Aliette." Zachary's voice penetrated my dreams. "Aliette."
I opened my eyes, to see Zach inches from my face.
"What?" I asked.
"I never got to explain something to you." Zachary said.
"What?" I asked, pushing him off of me.
"You need a mentor. A full-fledged vamp to make sure you don't murder people for the next year or so. I was the only vampire in this area, so I'm stuck with the role." Zachary said.
"Oh. Okay, I'm tired, and you're the only other heat source for miles, so lay down." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him next to me.
"Tomorrow I may not be as nice." Zachary said, before I was again, lost to sleep.

"Up, Now, Aliette." Zachary's voice was a growl.
"Hmm...Yeah, Zachary?" I asked, stretching like a cat.
"It's Master Zachary. MASTER Zachary. Or Master. See the difference?" Zachary snapped.
"Oh, so nice Master is gone. Oh well, I should have...Never mind." I said, sitting up.
"Are you hungry, Aliette?" Zachary asked.
I nodded.
"Well, that's your first task," Zachary pulled me up. "You're going a week without ANY FOOD, BLOOD, OR WATER."
My stomach growled at the mention of food, blood, and water. I ignored it, nodding.
"If you don't go insane and kill yourself by then, you will get your next instructions." Zachary said.
Zachary stalked over to a crate, grabbing a bottle of water, taking a swig.
I frowned at his teasing.
"Is there any string around here, Master?" I asked.
In response, a ball of yarn hit me in the side of the head.
"If you try to kill or strangle yourself, you'll regret it." Zachary said.
I nodded.
I sat on the bed for a while, attempting to crochet with my fingers. Eventually, I had a long rope of crochet string. I cut the black string with my teeth, before gathering the rope. I folded it so it would be the width of a scarf, before tying it with string. I wrapped it around my neck, happy with my new scarf.
"That's cool." I jumped at Zachary's voice.
I clutched my chest, were my heart should be. I wasn't used to no heartbeat.
"Did I surprise you?" Zachary asked.
"Yes." I mumbled.
"I can't decide if I've been too strict, or not strict enough. You didn't put up a fight over not eating for a week."
"I'm used to not eating. I'm pretty, but not when I'm fat." I said.
"Ah. I guess I'm being too strict."
There was a silence. I turned to Zachary, as he stared at the crochet scarf I made. I took it off my neck, wrapping it around him. He didn't flinch away from my approach, but he didn't seem to like it either. Am I revolting? Am I unattractive? I can't be. I saw myself in the mirror. I'm hot. Sexy even. He must not be attracted to me, like how he is with every OTHER girl.
"For you." I said, going back to my string.
An hour later, I stared down at a crochet blanket. It was similar to the scarf I made, but tightly tied, and looped. I thought of how Zachary shivers at night. I handed him the blanket, smiling timidly.
"For you, you shiver at night." I said to Zachary.
"You seem string-happy," Zachary said. "But, thank you."
I nodded, not without hesitating. Zachary caught this.
"Why are you acting like I'm going to beat you?" He asked.
"I don't know." I said.
Why AM I acting as if he might beat me? There was an awkward silence. Zachary seemed to look off into space, before he jumped up so suddenly, I didn't know what to expect. I flinched.
"Oh! I grabbed something for you!" He said.
My heart rate slowed down. What was I thinking? He wouldn't hurt me. He is mentoring me. Zachary ran out, and what seemed after forever, he came back with with pure, white roses. He handed one to me, then another, and another. They smelled beautiful, and pure. Their petals were soft and at that moment, my life seemed okay. Until Zachary's blood splattered the roses.
I Would Say I Sorry For Attackin Ya, But I Be Lyin Then


Zachary crumbled down to reveal the attacker. It was a boy, about our age. He seemed feral, angry, causing me to flinch. His copper-gold hair was splattered with red blood, his turquoise eyes glaring at Zachary's crumpled body in disgust. His eyes focused on me, softening, before turning back feral. He went to attack me, but I squeaked,sounding like a confused child.
"Stop!" I squeaked, when he had me pinned down.
"What the hell do ya think ya and him are doing in my territory!?" The boy hissed.
"I don't know! I just woke up here! I swear!" I squeaked.
The boy's gaze softened, though he still kept me pinned down. His face went towards my neck, almost as if he was going to bite me. I flinched, but he pulled back. He looked different, less feral.
"Ya're a newborn fledgeling, aren't ya?" He asked.
I nodded, not understanding what he meant. He got off of me, brushing himself off. He looked at me as a friend would look at another, not like prey.
"I'm so sorry. Territories these days. For all I knew, ya were like Zaphora. Get up child." He commanded, pulling me up after him.
"Zachary..." I trailed off, pointing at Zachary.
"He'll be fine. Just make sure he doesn't attack ya." The boy said.
"Can I get your name?" I asked.
"...Ragnor." He replied. "You?"
Ragnor noticed the bloodstained white roses I dropped.
"He got them for ya?" He asked.
I nodded.
"I'm sorry." Ragnor apologized.
"I'm sorry." I repeated. "If only I hadn't have taken that shortcut through that alley..."
I trailed off.
"Uuuuh..." Zachary moaned.
I snapped my head to him. I dropped down to my knees at him, putting him on my lap. He had claw marks on the back of his head, blood pouring out of the wounds. The smell hit me, sweet and intoxicating, causing my mouth to water. My fangs slid out, burying themselves in my lip. Pain wracked through my mouth, as blood flooded from my lip wound into my mouth. Zachary's eyes fluttered open.
"What happened. I feel like an idiot for passing out-" Zachary noticed Ragnor.
Zachary staggered to his feet, attempting a weak hiss.
"Zach, no." I warned.
"You can't tell me what to do." Zachary hissed.
"Ya know, I would say I sorry for attackin ya, but I be lyin then." Ragnor said.
"Get away, now. I claimed this cave." Zachary hissed.
"Actually, this cave is in ma territory. So therefore, I claimed THIS cave. Though, I didn't kill both of ya cause been a while since I had a pretty thing around me." He nodded his head in my direction. "So, ya can live, as long as I get her."
Ragnor grinned a pleasant smile. I felt sick. Ragnor? Wanting to KEEP ME? I don't even

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