Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Serial Killer (Chapter 1) by Adnan Essam (pocket ebook reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Serial Killer (Chapter 1) by Adnan Essam (pocket ebook reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Adnan Essam

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him sitting alone on a table by the cafeteria's corner.

She smiled and headed to the table, and without asking she took a seat beside him. Leo noticed her and felt a bit nervous. Why? Kira was one of the most beautiful girls in school, she was popular, smart and usually gets high marks. Leo, on the other hand, was smart but not popular ... at all.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here" - She asked with a stunning smile.

Leo just grinned and raised his right hand, giving a thumbs up. He was mute after all. 

The duo was having lunch together But there was someone who was so so so displeased by this and that was Max. He was deeply in love with Kira, he couldn't dare to ask her out or to sit with her on the same table in the cafeteria and now she's sitting with ...  Leo? That raised his hatred level towards Leo even more.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did this morning. And I'm sorry about your leg. It looks bad, I'll call my dad and after school, we'll take you to a hospital, ok?" - Said Kira with sympathy.

Leo shook his head and wrote on his notebook then showed it to her - "Thanks but I'll just tell my parents and they will afford the hospital expenses, don't worry". He grinned.

She didn't want to push it to not make him feel discomfort - "Well, ok. I'm Kira by the way, it's nice to meet you" - she offered a handshake.

Leo held a note with his left hand that he usually uses to introduce himself which said - "Leo, nice to meet you too" - he held Kira's hand firmly and shook it.

Max's rage levels reached the danger zone as he saw them smiling to each other, now, hatred and grudge were eating his heart out.


In the meantime, Marcus went to the hospital to check on Sarah, his daughter who's got a late stage cancer.

He knocked on the door twice before walking in.

"Daddy!!!" - the little girl yelled in excitement with a bright smile on her face, she seemed so cheerful upon seeing her father, she spread her arms waiting for him to approach her bed to hug him.

He smiled and hugged her tightly.

"How are you feeling?" - Marcus asked, trying to keep his smile for as long as he could.

"Had a little headache this morning but now I'm feeling better. Hey did you know Nyxx visited me this morning?" 

"Oh . . . she did?" - He was surprised.

"Yes, she also said once I get better she'll take me to the amusement park and spend a whole day there" 

Upon hearing that Marcus couldn't help it. Tears poured down his cheeks, knowing his daughter won't live long to live that day.

"Dad? What's wrong?"

"Nothing sweetie, I'm just happy and excited about the day you recover" - Marcus forced a smile.

He spent some time with her before taking his leave. He went outside to speak to the Doctor responsible for his daughter's condition. The doctor shook his head and told him the following - "She has a maximum of  two months. I'm sorry" - said as he patted Marcus's shoulder twice before walking away.

Marcus walked off feeling like he's drowning inside. He arrived at home and sat on his desk. He looked down at his research documents then swept them off his desk, all sorts of feelings were conflicting inside him, anger, rage, sadness, and sorrow.

"What am I supposed to do? My poor baby. . . oh God please help me!" - Marcus broke down, crying.


In the meantime, Kira was taking notes in the class. As the class was over she packed her stuff and was about to talk to Leo but, as soon as she looked at his desk he was gone.

She went out to the yard, looking for him but no luck. And of course, she missed the school bus once again, quite the bad luck she had.

She sighed and decided to walk back home until she saw Leo walking into an alleyway.

"Oh, there he is" - she mumbled in excitement.

She got curious and decided to head there as well to see what he's doing in that alley.

**In her mind 'is he trying to take a leak there? 0.0'**

He then sat down and opened his book to read it. Kira was watching by the wall without exposing her presence.

**Kira's thoughts - 'Wait, don't tell me he lives here'**

Leo reached for the garbage and searched through it until he pulled out a dog food can, he then used his index and middle finger to eat from it. A rat approached Leo's feet. Leo took a piece out of the can and placed it on the ground for the rat to eat from it.

A few minutes later it started to rain. Leo grabbed a plastic bag from the garbage and moved it above his head to protect himself from the rain.

A male placed an umbrella above Kira's head - "Young lady? What're you doing here?" he glanced towards Leo then back at her.

Kira gasped and looked back - "I was just...."

"Leo, huh?" - said the male - "Look young lady. I don't know you and I don't know what your connection to him is, but better keep it outside that alley. You're probably sympathizing with him but let me tell you this, he doesn't like it when people help him out of sympathy, and he never tells anyone about where he lives for his own reasons, so whatever happens make sure he doesn't figure out you know where he lives, if you really care about him then at least respect his secret, have a good day" - And with that the male walked off .

She went back on her way thinking about Leo and how tough his life must be.

She went into her house, thoughtful, biting her thumb's nail, not paying attention to her surroundings.

"MY SWEET KIRA!!!!!!" - Her father yelled in excitement as he dashed to her with his arms spread for a hug.

"Hi, Dad" - said Kira as she walked up the stairs without even hugging him, thinking to herself.

"Eh?" - Her dad froze in his place like a statue after being ignored like that in a hugging pose. He looked like an idiot with his lips shivering and the only thing that paid attention to him was the door.

"How humiliating" - Said Mia, his wife, teasing him.


Kira spent the night in her room, unable to sleep after seeing Leo in that alley.


In the meantime Marcus was still sitting on his desk, staring at his research, he decided to pick it up and read through it all over again until a word attracted his attention in the research.

"That's it! OF COURSE!!" - He yelled in excitement, he thought to himself, maybe there's still hope.

He started writing notes and decided to head to the Corporation's labs at night and did some experiments on some lab rats.


On the next day, Kira prepared for school and got on the bus in time. She arrived at the class but this time Leo wasn't there.

Max and his buddies arrived late but other than that things seemed normal. But not to Kira, it was unusual for Leo to be absent.

She spent her day as usual until break time. As she headed to get her food she heard one of Max's buddies saying the following.

"But damn, Max went full Rocky mode on that Leo guy, it was hilarious he kept smiling like a retard"

She decided to check on him even though school wasn't over yet. She ran outside and went to where Leo lives.

She stood by the wall, peeking at him and that's what she saw.

Leo was sitting there, leaning against the wall while holding a picture and staring at it, all bruised up and seems like he took quite the beating. Not just that, his books were torn off as well.

**Leo was staring at the picture that had him, his mum and his father on it, however, his father's face had an "X" mark on it. He was having flashbacks of the last time he saw them while staring at the picture.

- 8 years ago -

His father came back drunk and went to the kitchen. He yelled at his mum and called her a whore. He found out that Leo wasn't his biological son which means Leo's mum cheated on him. He was too upset as he thought Leo was his kid and wanted to pass his legacy to him but that's not the case anymore. He grabbed Leo's mum by her hair and started slapping and punching her. Leo was still eight years old, he tried to push him off his mother but his father was obviously stronger. His father grabbed a knife and tried to stab his mother to the throat, Leo intercepted it and took the knife to his right eye which explains why he uses an eyepatch on his right eye. Leo started bleeding and his vision went completely blur. His father pushed him aside. Leo fell on his right side unaware of his surroundings.

His mum screamed and tried to wrap her arms around him to shield him from his brutal father. His father started stabbing her with the knife while yelling "You BITCH, HOW DARE YOU, FUCKING WHORE!"


A few minutes later Leo's vision slightly came back to normal. His father wasn't there anymore and his mum was surrounded by a blood pool, taking her last breaths. Tears poured from his left eye while blood drops were pouring down his right.

"You . . . have to . . run" - she was barely smiling with her left palm over his right cheek.

"Don't lose your necklace"  she touched the necklace around his neck.

"Live, my little boy. Never lose hope. Keep your head high and no matter how tough life will be . . . Always . . . smile" 

"S-.... smile for me, Leonardo. Please" 

Leo nodded and tried to force a smile with his hands shivering, bloody tears were pouring down from his right eye and more tears were pouring down from his left one. And then his mother's hand finally fell down to the floor, she was gone **



Leo forced a smile while looking at the picture and a tear poured down from his left eye on his left cheek.

Kira couldn't bear to watch, she went off back to school. She felt her heart torn for Leo being beaten up like that by Max.

Kira managed to reach the school one minute before the break was over. She went back to class and as soon as her eyes were laid on Max she felt furious.

She waited patiently to confront him after school. And so the bell rang.

She waited outside for Max and his buddies to pass by. And they did. She tapped his shoulder twice to get his attention.

Max turned around - "Oh, hi Kir-..." said Max but got interrupted by a sudden bitch slap on his left cheek.

"Woah woah woah" - one of Max's buddies yelled, trying to keep Kira away from Max.

"What in the hell is your problem? Why do you hate him so much?" - Kira was furious.

Max smirked - "You must be talking about Leo. Oh well, what're you gonna do about it?" 

"I'll report you to the director and the police"

"And then what? You don't have a proof. And even if I got arrested. I'm a minor. A couple of days and I'll get out And then my dad will pretty much expel both you and that piece of trash?...You don't want him expelled, do you?" - He responded.

"You're out of your mind" 

"Am I? Well, do whatever you want but trust me, it won't end well for you ... or HIM" - Max then attempted to take his leave, chuckling.

But then, he felt a sudden blow to the right side of his head. Kira smashed her school bag which was heavy into Max's head. He fell down to his left side. Both of Max's buddies tried to grab her.

She smirked and let them hold her.

"Now I have both your fingerprints, I wonder

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