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Book online «GILROY by A Hudson (popular books of all time TXT) 📖». Author A Hudson

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EVERYONE is talking about it on Facebook.
Spill everything later.
P.S Josh went from 'in a relationship with Rachel Smith' to 'single' and now it's 'in a relationship'
ttfn xoxo

Woah. I looked up out the sleek window screen. His red jeep slowly pulling out of the curb and onto the street. I didn't even hear him turn on the ignition. I went to look at him and he was looking at my phone in my lap which I slammed shut and slipped it in under my thigh. Then his gaze went back to the road. I pulled my hair from my face. Did Josh already think we're in a relationship? I couldn't wait to check it out when I get home.

Josh pulled up in front of my house and got out without much fuss. I beat him to the door handle and I went to open it but he just shut it on me. All I could think was, what the fuck? And then he opened it again with a laugh which was aimed at me. I simply huffed and got out. Well, atleast he's a gentlemen. I slowly made my way up the driveway to the stairs on the side of my patio since dad decided to take out the path and put a bird bath there. I got up to the second step then the front light came on and dad came out the front door bellowing with a hand out for Josh to shake. Then it hit me. I left my phone in the car. I facepalmed myself. Stupid! I went to turn then Josh placed his hand on my shoulder. "Charlie?" he said with a frown as my dad neared with a big smile and mum following. "Just forgot my phone in the car." I smiled and he lowered his hand and smiled at me. His hand then meeting my dad's and then all I could hear was my dad say something and they all laughed. I reached the jeep and pulled the handle and placed my knee on the seat to get a better view. I heard a vibration. Ah, my phone! But all I got hold of was Josh's iPhone2. I didn't mean to be a sticky beak but I had to see just for abit of knowledge.

Oh wow. Okay. I just needed to breathe. Wait, how do I breathe? Oh crap it's a necessity that even babies know! I slid into the seat. I looked up at the front patio and my dad's still having a conversation with Josh about football. I press the lock and unlock button on top of the phone to see if he's got a password and I was shocked to see he didn't have one. I slid my finger across the message and guess who it's from? Rachel Smith. The message came up. I turned my back to the house so they light wouldn't shine and attract attention to the jeep.

Are you finally done with that loser?
When you're finished there, come to mine.
She's got a whole lot coming.
Also, photo's wont be needed, I got better plans.
And can you please bring my bra with you, I left it in your gym bag after this afternoon.
Love MY boy

Okay. Maybe she'd known I'd read the message. But my curiosity got the better of me and I turned to the back seat and his gym bag was there. I opened it and WALLAH, her 'D' cup bra confirmed the statement of the text. And it seems little miss D cup had 3 layers of padding for a bigger lift and a look of 3 sizes bigger. So technically, Little Miss SmithChips is a B cup. But it's not like guys care. Boobs are boobs to them. I turned around to check if they were on the patio and dad had them all captivated in one of his stories on the steps where they all sat. I turned around and scrolled up through the messages from today between them both.

I'm going to her place and then urs okay?
Oh and wear the red one, brings out ur boobs 
Be there hopefully after 9, depends on how long this will take.
Photo's needed?
Love u

Okay. I'm at the point of blowing off my own head from how cliche they are and secondly from him playing with me and snapping his phone but I just put it back on the console. I breathe slowly and realize I wasn't breathing for a fair while. I just take a deep breath and look down where my black phone was on the ground. It must have slid off the seat when I pulled myself out. I flipped it open and sent a quick text to Ashleigh.

Need to talk ASAP, will call after GB patrol leaves.

Very angry. About to go Carrie.

I closed it and stuffed it in my bra. I closed the car door and pulled my hair over my shoulder and fixed my gloss up. I slowly walked up the driveway and when I got to the steps, everyone was just laughing and then mum got up first. "Well, it's getting abit late. It's 8:30." Mum announced as she reached her hand out to shake Josh's hand. "Very lovely to meet you but I think you're parents will want you home don't you think?" She smiled and climbed the stairs and said her goodnight as she disappeared inside. Dad got up and put his hand out to help Josh up off the step and then he shook it. "Good to meet you buddy." And then dad was off up the steps and through the door and then I heard a shrieking mum run through the kitchen and then up stairs I presume.

I looked at Josh and he stepped closer. I was hoping that Ashleigh would just hurry up and text or even better call. Her timing is usually good. I stepped sideways up the step and found myself just a little short of his 6'1 height. I was only 5'9. I went to take another step up to get closer to the front door and then he put his hand on the side of my neck as he leaned in. I took the best of this opportunity as I thought of the text messages and then my phone went off and I headbutted him as if I was really clumsy and automatically went for my phone. The Big Ben tune was playing. THERE IS A GOD! Ashleigh's name came up on the screen with the caller ID background as catwoman from last Halloween.

"I'm sorry! I've gotta take it, my friend is really sick and I forgot to call her. Don't you just hate pneumonia." Said with the best sad face I could muster up. He looked at me and for a second I thought he saw straight through it and he just rubbed my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "Tell her I said get well. Better answer that. Goodnight Charlie." He then slipped down the side of the path from the stairs and down the driveway to his jeep. I answered the phone.

"Are you absolutely crazy! I've been calling and calling!"
"I'm sorry Ash but I have some news. Josh just left."
The phone went quiet. Then, a sigh suppressed on the other side of the phone.
"Okay. So the biggest news you couldn't even answer me for was because.."
And then Ash pulled out her russian accent.
"Just because Mr Joshua Kemington left the building?"
I just chuckled and ran my finger a few times on the edge of my nose to cure the itch.
"No, it's actually because someone attempted to have sex with my face twice! And he's still with Rachel."
I was expecting Ashleigh to laugh or say her famous, 'I TOLD YOU SO!'
But there was nothing.
"Ashleigh? You still there, Ash?" I pressed abit more.
Just silent.
I sighed and took a breath in and forced it out.
"Did you just write a status?"
I thought about it but I haven't been on Facebook all day.
"No, why?"
I could hear an 'uh-oh' and an 'oh shit' from her sister who must have been in the room with Ashleigh.
"Tell me!" I basically yelled into the phone.
"Well, you're status says something along the lines of... I'm a virgin and it's funny because I steal other peoples bfs. Sometimes I just love following them home and watching them just-"
Then Ashleigh trailed off.
Everything at that moment crashed down. I was done for.
Finally, I swallowed the bile. "I was hacked."
Ashleigh breathed into the phone, "And I know who by."

I sat in my room with only my laptop on. I looked at the screen and saw the 159 likes on the status that Rachel wrote. Josh's relationship request still sitting in the corner like the Eiffel tower begging for attention. What an asshole.

I merely clicked on the likes and scrolled down until I saw her face and clicked on it. I started typing on the 'post a wallpost' and I was on a roll. My finger hovered over the post button until it was yanked from under my hand. My jaw dropped and I looked up from my spin seat. My brother stood looming over me with the mouse cord in one hand and the other leaning on my wall. He stood about 6' and was really lean but was toned. His hair is thin like mine thanks to our mum. He had stubble growing and was wearing a baggy white shirt and bugs bunny boxers. I looked back at the screen.

"What do you want Braedon?" I asked with as much annoyance I could use.
"Don't do that." He said and I could still feel his eyes burning into the top of my head.
I sprung from my chair and waved my arms around.
"Why the HELL not!? You saw what she wrote on my status! She HACKED it, Braedon! She HACKED it! And 159-" The screen popped up with a notification and it just notified me that ANOTHER person liked it. "Woops, make that 160 people LIKED it!" My eyes burned but I never cry in front of people so I just stopped and breathed. The burning faded slowly and I could finally breathe right.

"Leave it to me, okay?" He said and then a smiled grew on his face.
"Don't worry about it. Johns at his mates place and Rove is at his girlfriends place. Leave it to us. We are your big brothers remember." And with that he walked over and gave me a kiss on the hair line.
"Night sister cub." He said as he walked out into the dark hallway.
I was alone again as the door clicked closed.
I went over to the computer and decided on the post button but I moved the mouse up to the corner and clicked on settings and before I knew what I was doing, I placed the mouse over the 'deactivate' button and pressed.
It then came up with, 'Are you sure you want to deactivate your account?'
And I click yes.
No use staying up late now.

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