Read books online » Fantasy » The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals by Forest Ostrander (little bear else holmelund minarik TXT) 📖

Book online «The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals by Forest Ostrander (little bear else holmelund minarik TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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it behind me, as if it should slam, it would fall because Forest wasn't here to hold it up with her cheerfulness, it almost felt like the house was weeping and mourning as well for the loss of Forest. As I began to walk to my bike, I climbed on,
"You're welcome Forest! Now you don't have to be sad!" I shouted to the sky, hoping that Forest would hear me, and when I looked at the clouds closely, I seen a cloud in the shape of a smilling face, and I knew, right then and there, that it was a sign that she heard me, and I peddled down the driveway and went home.

Chapter 5
As I watched Crystal leave my old house, I seen her sitting on her bike looking up at the sky, and when I heard her tell me that now I don't have to be sad, I made a smilly face for her to tell her that I heard and that I thank her for what she has done. As my animals and I were watching her bike back home, I just couldn't wait to hear from the others and my grandma, it's been so long sence I heard from them, I wonder how they changed? Are they taller? Are they stronger? Crystal sure has grown tall, and yet here I am, staying my hight forever, staying as a teenager for all of eternity while my friends and family continue to age and live lives that I will never be part of again, and I wondered what everyone will say. We eventually became bored, and other kid angels and teenage angels and animal angels came to play, and we jumped into the games of tag, hide-and-go seek, leap frog, hopscotch, and all sort of fun games that we used to play when we were alive, and when we would finish a game, we would tell stories of our lives and end with how we died, and the animals just ran around endlessley chasing each other and tossing around toys and rolling in the soft, lush green grass, and swimming in the streams, and the wind would blow gently and I would feel happy and free. As the hours passed from morning to noon, from noon to night, I waited and prayed for them to call my name, and after what seemd like an eternity, we all stopped playing hide-and-go-seek and listened closley as we heard my name being called, and as I listend to the voice, it sounded familier, then I rememberes who the voice is to, it was my grandma! My grandma is finally talking to me! And as I listend, I felt happy, I was able to hear my grandma's voice once again after so many years of not hearing it, I even almost forgot about how good it sounds completely, and as my animals who also stopped what they were doeing and I listened,
"Hello Forest, I'm so sorry I havn't talked to you, I had to try to forget you Forest, your death was too painful for me, I needed a release from it for a while, but now I know you can't forget about someone you love, no matter what you do, and I'm sorry for neglecting you, I never really meant it, I just couldn't get a hold on myself, everything fell apart at your funeral, everyone stopped talking to each other, no one want's to do anything, and most of them have hidden your pictures so they wouldn't have to see them anymore, your cousins are fighting even more and getting into all sorts of trouble, your brothers and sister are destroying everything and not listening, everything just went down the drain, then we all knew that you were the glue to holding us together, you kept us together all these years, and now that you are gone, everything is falling apart, you left a huge hole here that no one can fill up, without you here, there just dosen't seem to be any life in anyone close to you, everyone down here are like mindless zombies on autopilot doing their normal routine, only without any life and spunk, there's no more humor or jokes, there's no nothing, but I shouldn't burden my worries and troubles on you, you should have fun and be free, you are a sweet young lady with so many charecteristics about you that no one can truly own, you are one of a kind Forest, and a very special one at that to. Well, I better be going to bed, sweet dreams Forest, and sweet freedom, wait for me," she said, and I began crying, everyone began crying, it was the most beautiful prayer anyone has ever said, and it was full with so much heart and emotion that it really touched me like no other prayer that I heard could, and I couldn't hold the tears back, so I just let them fall, which sent a nice drizzel to earth and made all the plants grow greener and longer and taller, and I sent a luner rainbow down that will blaze all night and day over grandma's house so she can see the beauty and joy once again, and to cheer her and anyone else who comes over to,
"There you go guys, a present from me, from my love to you all," I whispered,
"I'm going down tonight, I have to, this is my chance to talk with her one on one, I need to take this," I said to my friends, and they nodded and my animals and I went down into my grandmas dream, and in her dream, I seen her gardening with a recent picture of me before I died, when I was getting ready for a beauty pageant, and I felt happiness,
"Here you go Forest, a garden just for you, you can add anything you want to it," she kept saying to the picture, and she placed my picture in the middle of the garden and just sat there, and I slowly and quietly walked up to her and sat right next to her, and she didn't see me yet, at least, not until I said
"Hi grandma, the garden is beautiful, thank you," and she jumped and faced me, then when she seen us, she had tears comeing to her eyes,
"Don't cry grandma, we're here, there's no need to cry anymore," I reassured her,
"Oh Forest, I'm so sorry, I never meant to make you sad for not talking to you, I'm such a bad grandmother," she said weepily,
"No your not," said Bullet #2,
"Yah, you took excelent care of mommy and of us as well," Buttons my appaloosa said,
"There's no need to apologize," Corkey, my palamino pony answered,
"They are all right, we forgive you, we have always forgiven you," I told her, after all, why wouldn't we have forgiven her? She never did anything bad to us,
"You did? You really did?" she asked eagerly in a sad voice, and we all nodded, and she started balling her eyes out,
"Oh thank you guys, that means so much to me," she kept saying, and we just smiled and went to hug her. As we were hugging her,
"I almost forgot what this felt like," she said,
"Well, now we can hug once more, like the good 'ol times," Cuddles answered, and once we pulled apart,
"How are you doing up in heaven?" she asked us,
"We are doing wonderfuly, it's so warm and free, and we made loads of friends," I told her, and she smiled,
"That's good, you always had the skill to make all sorts of friends," she told me. I smiled of course at that,
"Well, that's one of our charms," I told her, then laughed after, after all, we had so many charms in us it was almost unbelieavable,
"It feels good to laugh again," she told us,
"Mommy, it's time for us to go," Shaddy said to me, I nodded,
"Goodbye grandma, and remember, always keep smiling, many good things will happen to someone who can keep smiling through all sorts of heart ackes, and tell that to the others to, tell them that I want them to smile and laugh and go back to their normal selves once more," I told her, and she nodded with a smile on her face and wet cheeks,
"I will do that Forest, I will do that," she answered, and we left, leaving grandma behind to do her gardening once more. Once back up in heaven, we imediatly recieved a call from my friend Christine, and as we listened, she said
"Hello Forest, how is it going up there? How are your animals? Is everything fine? I sure hope so, oh, and I was wondering, how far can you see up there? And is it georgeous? Well, I have to go to bed, see you in my dreams Forest, goodnight," and I looked at my animals,
"How 'bout it guys? Ready for another dream adenture?" I asked them, and they all nodded and we went down into Christine's dream, and once there, we seen her running around and playing with her dead animals that I see everyday and play with when it's day time, and I now figured out where they go at night time, they come here, to their mother, and I felt joy for them. As I walked up closer,
"I see we arn't the only ones visiting?" I said, and Christine jumped so high, I thought she would have touched a cloud,
"OMG! Is that really you!? OMG! You heard! I'm so happy!" she said excitedly, and I smiled and held my hands up,
"Hey now, calm down, it's good to see you to," I told her, just as happy,
"I'm terribly sorry I haven't talked to you, but everyday, I have been asking my animals about you," she told me,
"And what do they say?" I asked, and I looked at the animals in questioning,
"The same 'ol answers," she told me, and I motioned for her to continue,
"They say you are doing fine, and are happy with whatever you are doing, they also told me that you helped with Crystal's grandma, and not to mention she also told me to," she said, and I smiled with contempment,
"Yup, we sure did, Crystal specificaly asked us to deliver her grandma to God, and we did, she is now happy in heaven, as well as me,"I told her,
"Oh how I wish I could join you, then we can be together forever, like when you were alive," she said longingly,
"I wish you were there to, but I also wish for you to stay alive the best you can, because even though I want you to join me, I also don't want your life cut short like mine was, now because I'm dead, I lost my future thanks to that slim bag who hit me," I told her, and she looked at me as if remembering how I died,
"What was it like before you got hit? What did you think when the car was comming?" she asked,
"The night was a cold night, and very quiet, but I coudln't think of anything because by then, it was too late, everything happend so fast, and it was painless, it was over in less then a second, an instent death, no pain, no feeling, just a hit, then there was forever darkness, and I soon found myself walking in this big bright light, and for a second, I was blinded, but it felt so warm, it felt safe, and I kept hearing voices all around, voices from my family, from strangers, from my friends on the bus, from my bus driver and monitor, and I wanted to return
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