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his vision, Mikael took out the pistol and slowly raised it, but lowered it after Blyke glanced over at her. She put on a big fake smile as Blyke did the same. Emily didn’t pick up, leaving the sound of ringing up into the air. Mikael watched him as he attempted to call her again, but to no avail. While trying a third time, Mikael decided to slowly pull the pistol out. Blyke, still watching her every movement, threw the phone at her. The phone missed her, hitting the ground behind her. Mikael turned towards the phone, with the pistol remaining in her left hand, before turning back towards Blyke. Mikael didn’t notice but, with the one second that she turned her back on him, he was able to close the distance between the two of them and knocked the pistol out of her hand. Mikael’s jaw fell open before being pummelled in by a fury of punches directed at her face. Blyke threw an unimaginable amount of punches at her face until a puddle of blood formed. Blyke stood up over Mikael’s face. He wiped off sweat that collected on his brows. He then walked over to the pistol, which was a few feet away from them, and grabbed it. He then turned around and pointed the pistol at her face, hesitating to pull the trigger. 

    “Chaos entered my house three days ago. Today… I’ll extinguish it.” He whispered before pulling the trigger three times and letting out three single bullets to Mikael’s dome. The puddle became a pond.

Final Moments VI

Day Six


    Most of my supplies are GONE. I’ve gotten rid of her BODY, but the stench still lives. How do I get RID of it? There has… TO BE A WAY! The stench has been following me from the living room to EVERY other room in the apartment. Why do I DESERVE this? Wait, I forgot to say that I’ve KILLED Mikael. Before you PAINT me as a CRIMINAL, she tried to KILL me! She STOLE one of my guns and almost shot me! Wait! Is she DEAD? I think I can HEAR her! Her VOICE is calling me! I’ll be BACK…


    Blyke ran to the living room where he believed Mikael’s voice was coming from, but nobody was there. He scratched his head before looking around. While looking for the origin of the voice, he noticed a hotdog lying on the ground. He looked over at the cupboards and noticed no supplies hiding within it before picking up the hotdog, shivering at the cold feeling that the hotdog gave off. It almost resembled a metallic feeling, like the one that made up his M1911. He put the hotdog in his mouth and bit down, cracking his teeth on a solid surface. He took the hotdog out of the mouth and inspected it. He noticed a small lever within the hotdog with the words “Press for hotdog after in mouth” printed on it. “I wonder what this does… “ He whispered before putting the hotdog in his mouth and pressing back the lever. 

    A loud bang went off, signaling the end. 

Final Moments VII

Emily arrived outside the apartment’s door, hovering her hand over the door handle. She worried that Blyke changed again. She noticed a decrease in his heath during her last visit. The girl also seemed suspicious to her. Her eyes were cloudy, almost full of distrust and disloyalty. Emily took one more deep breath before turning the handle. She pushed the door open and walked in, immediately, being bombarded by a deadly stench. The smell of decaying skin filled the air, leaving no fresh air alive. Emily took a step back as she put her shirt over her nose to prevent the smell from getting in. “It smells like someone died in here.” She said aloud with an almost jokingly tone. She walked into the apartment and ventured farther in, noticing that every door was open except for Blyke’s bedroom. She walked up to his door and knocked on it. She waited for a few moments for a response, but she received nothing. She knocked again but received the same response. She scratched her head as she looked around the living room. She then pressed her hand on the handle and turned in, pushing her way inside. A stronger stench hit her in the face hard. She looked around, noticing Blyke was sitting in the corner with his head down. She scanned the room, noticing a notebook laying on his desk. She walked over to Blyke and asked him questions, which received no answers. “Blyke? Are you okay?” She asked as she got closer to Blyke. She then picked up his head, noticing that blood covered his upper clothes. She shrieked as she backed away, letting Blyke’s head drop and return to its original state. Emily let out a blood-curdling scream as she scanned his body. She walked over to his body and touched his body, feeling no warmth. She then took her hand off him and backed away. Her eyes darted from Blyke to his journal, deciding to read his journal for clues. She picked up his journal and scanned each page until his last page, which looked unfinished and creepy. She then dropped the journal and went to wipe the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes. “I noticed that something was off with him, but I didn’t do anything to prevent this. I could’ve stopped him! He could still be alive right now if I did something!” She ranted before a bell went off. The bell signaled the last five minutes of humanity’s life. In five minutes, the world will be over. Emily wiped her tears before walking out of his room. “5 minutes,” she whispered as she walked through the living room. She then picked up his pace, running towards the door and out of the apartment building, reaching the ground within a minute. She ran into the parking lot and looked up at the moon as it shinned overhead. 

    “The bombs have hit the ground!” A female shrieked from her apartment. Emily nodded as she watched the moon as it watched back. A minute passed then two. Another minute passed then the final minute. The final minute passed slowly as a dust storm rapidly made its descent onto the town, taking it over. The dust killed all of the inhabitants of the world, giving them swift deaths. The world was taken out with nobody surviving. The world was no longer ours. Now it belongs to a new era. These moments were only the fleeting moments that humanity had. The final moments of humanity. 


Publication Date: 12-28-2019

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