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Book online «Thy Kingdom Come by Colt Kuhlman (ebook reader for pc and android TXT) 📖». Author Colt Kuhlman

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reckoned with. the fight ensued as Hayden's men returned fire with there archers from the cover of there phalanx."lay fire to west, i say lay fire to the west.heaviest resistance from that direction!move defensive stance in that direction, head for the flames we will push through that way!"one of the higher ranked troops yelled from the center of all the confusion making the phalanx slowly move closer and closer to the fire and flurry of arrows. arrows from Stones men slip threw the openings of the phalanx taking down troops. the defensive blockade slowly grows less and less leaving larger openings.finally the arrows stop as the final soldier of Hayden's falls to his knees, taking his last breath before falling to the forest floor with the rest of his men.Stones men cautiously move threw the dying flames taking there swords and spear making final blows to the men lying in the dirt making sure none survived the attack.  Mathis and Wirthstrom mount there steeds, trotting up to the abandoned Heldonian camp."Stone thinks he as won this battle but he will see it was nothing more than a farce." Mathis un-slings a bow from his back. the bow long and black almost as if it were charred, covered in rune like markings. he strings a arrow from his quiver.pulling the nock to his check Mathis takes aim threw the trees in the direction of the smoke and dying light of the fires, mumbling under his breath purple sparks flicker to life from his finger tips, over the arrow down to the top giving it a eerie purple glow.controlling his breath he leads the bow upward ever so slight, releasing the arrow at the same time he releases his breath. the arrow flies from the bow with a loud whistling noise, leaving a purple trail of light in its wake as it disappears though the trees.slinging his bow over he back Mathis looks at Wirthstrom and says"lets see what they do in regards to this."  General Stone stand's with Elijah on the far side of the ravine over looking his men do a sweep of the corpses they have left. a slight smirk appears upon Stones face as he watches the few still breathing live's ending at the swords of his men."Elijah send word to the king and Leander that we have fended off Hayden's forces in the east and are now moving the troops west to Winser castle to assist Leander." Elijah gives Stone a salute then moves to the war room to send off the notes via pigeon. a cold winter breeze blows in from the nearby coast, stinging at General stones cheeks, his eyes now shine with a sense of triumph and a smile streaks across his face as he looks over what his planning, and his men's perseverance has done. A faint light catches his eye through the trees, a loud whistling sounds breaks the silence as the arrow pierces Stones Armour and splinters into his chest. stumbling back stone looks down grabbing the shaft of the arrow, as he touches it a purple spark strikes his hand making him release it. time seems to slow as Stone falls to his knees over looking his men just ask Mathis's elites appear from the shadows, one by one ending his men as if they were nothing more that caged game. Elijah turns to see Stone on his knees just after releasing the pigeons. a look of terror befalls his face as he races to his leaders side. seeing what remained of the electrified arrow in Stones chest, Elijah tries to pull it from his chest but stone pushes his hand away."no you will do more damage than good, Elijah there is nothing more you can do here.they knew it was a ambush and Mathis was ready for it. we have lost this one."stone tries to take a breath but is left with nothing but a exhausted attempt of wheezes and blood stained lips."what i need for you to do is ride out to Leander and warn him of our failure and Mathis comes from the east, then track down Artimus and assist her with her quest."gasping for breath stone takes one last deep breath and says,"you and that girl are this kingdoms last hope. the two of you are special, that's why i have watched over the both of you, now go before his men reach this side, it wont be long now."stone touches his shoulder and smiles just before his eyes become void of life and slumps over on to his knees. Elijah closes his companions eyes before rushing to grab his helm and gear, mounting his horse and galloping through the Forest in Leander's direction, leaving nothing but the destruction of his entire division behind him.... CHAPTER 2: THE SHEARCH-HUNTER


                                      ****6 DAYS LATER****
    The sound of thunder echoes through the night sky as streaks of lightning dance around leaving a cascade of purple and blue light through the heavy rain now sweeping across the country side.old worn boots splash through the mud as a cloaked figure walks up to a weathered well traveled building, he looks up at the sign which reads, "rothgars tavern."the sound of men and women alike ranting, raving, and laughter fill the musty room as the cloaked figure opens the door and steps, elbows deep in ale swing there steins around singing merry tunes as the cloaked man walks past them to the bar, grabs a stool and sits. the bar-tender, a slender elvish women glances over at him, grabbing a stein filling it till the froth from the ale spills from the lip and slides it down the bar top."harsh weather out there tonight, first ones on the house."she states nodding her head in his direction.removing the hood, reveals a man with short charcoal hair.a pale complexion, lake that of a sheep's wool.his eyes a lush violet significantly standing out from the rest of him.looking back at her, he nods in respect  taking a sip of his ale. scanning the bar watching all the patrons as they partake in there drinks and stories, a few hassling the maidens for attention as they pass out round after round of drink. he looks over at one of the patrons who was being the most vulgar to the maidens then turns to the bartender and asks,"so whose that one there, the one with the sticky fingers?"she looks up from the stein she was cleaning, meeting his eyes then looking over to the table with man being the most vulgar. looking back down at the stein she mutters with a sigh"that would be vargrum, he is the owner of the ore refinery on the other side of the village, he comes in here every night to harass the maidens." with slight agitation in his voice he asks."so why do you let him get away with that?why not just throw him out to the streets?"putting the stein on the shelf before grabbing another to clean she moves a little closer the the cloaked man and responds,"almost every person in this village works at that refinery, it is the only source of income for though who do not  have a fine skill set like blacksmiths or Armour repair for haydens men, if anyone was to stand up to him like me per say he could take this bar from me without any repercussions on him what so ever because he has the power to do so."the cloaked man scoffs at the statement while he twirls his drink in his hand think to himself.

      after a few minutes or so of continued laughter and banter vargrum  stops as he catches the cloaked stranger out of the corner of his eye rising from his stool. approaching the pale man sitting at the bar and shoves at his shoulder,"hey, your kind aren't welcome here ya understand!"with that statement the whole tavern falls silent, dozens of eye's all focused on the two men at the front.swirling his drink in his hand he looks up at the uneasy bartender nodding his head in a motion to tell her to step aside and starts to take a sip of his ale. with a agitated  grunt the drunk patron shoves his shoulder again spatting,"didn't ya hear me, i said yer kind aint welcome here!" and what "kind" would you be referring too?"he askes slowly reaching into his cloak un-clipping a button concealing a small gold dagger."you know exactly what kind and would be the filthy fucking likes you, ya druid beast!"attempting to grabbing him by the collar the druid grabs him by the sleeve pulling forward, wrapping one arm around the drunks neck holding the dagger while the throws him face down into the bar top. dagger pressed against his throat he starts to panic, struggling to get free."get your filthy fucking hands off me you monster!"leaning close into vargrum and whispers into his ear,"this filthy druid you speak of has a name...AND THAT NAME IS ALABASTER!"alabaster shouts announcing himself to the entire tavern." i have been sent here by hayden himself for your lack of paying your debts to keep that refinery of yours. he says your debt must be paid for with your head!"as that name echoes over the tavern, one elves ears twitch and pick up catching her attention.artimus's eyes dart to the front of the tavern where now alabaster has vargrum the drunken fool penned down and begging for his life. her glances down at paper with names and agendas she had been studying for the last few days. skimming over it till she finally comes across his name. "alabaster...druid...cleric...bounty hunter..that must be him." she mutters to herself as she fold the paper and puts it back into her satchel.focusing her attention back to the scene in the front, awaiting to see the out come of the hunter and his drunken pray.

 Absolute fear falls over vargrums face as the color leaves his skin and his trousers become wet."whats the matter vargrum not so high and mighty when you cant control your subjects?are you that afraid? what about all your little mates why wont they help you?" alabaster takes his other hand and points it at the table vargrum was sitting at, all the patrons sitting there jerk and gasp in fear. not a single one willing to move in his defense."see, not a single one even raise there voice in protest, scared they are and no friends of yours. men like you are disgusting. throwing there weight around make people beg at your feet all because they have no other choice. if it was up to me...."alabaster presses the dagger against his throat, a fine line of crimson blood slips down the blade.vargrum gasps, whimpering in fear, tears rolling down his rose colored cheeks."..i would slit your throat right here right now but...."Alabaster slams vargrums head down into the bar knocking him out cold."but i your worth more alive to i think ill finish my drink, do any more of you have a issue with me being a druid huh?"throwing his hands into the

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