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Book online «Troy: The Demon Knight S2: by Nick Venom (distant reading .txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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sore vein?” He chuckled louder as Troy glared at him. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to kill you, just to warn you.” His smile disappeared as he intertwined his fingers, staring at Troy. “Merlin Hell was attracted to you. There’s some kind of secret plan they’re working on and it includes you. They’ve caught wind of you ever since that day. You’ve been slowly leaking your demonic energy, that’s how they’ve been able to catch up to you.”

“That day?” Troy questioned.

“The day your parents died in the car crash. They were consumed by the fire before being killed by the explosion. Unfortunately, they couldn’t be saved. They were buried in the neighborhood cemetery, just in case you want to meet them. I understand if you don’t since you might have regrets surrounding them.”

Troy nodded. “Do you think they want me to return?”

“Honestly?” Frost asked. Troy nodded. “No. No, they don’t. Your parents weren’t exactly keen on having a mixed baby. However, you do have friends that still live there. Visit them at least once. Rebecca’s been waiting for you. She and everybody else in our gang want you back. They miss you as our leader.”

“I’m no leader, but… I’ll visit them after I can get this curse broken. I miss them as well.” Troy responded.

Frost nodded. “Then I’ll do what I can. Give me a few days and I think I can get somebody to help you break this curse. I have an acquaintance named Jessica Cannon who owes me a favor. She specializes in curses, hexes, and potions. She should be able to make something that can, at the very least, temporarily cancel out the curse until we can kill the caster. Was it Merlin or Reid who cursed you?”


“Oh!” Frost exclaimed. “Then that’ll be stealing candy from a baby. If it was Merlin Hell, then we would’ve had a problem. Merlin Hell is a being that we cannot kill by ourselves.” He stood up from the stool. “Does your stepsister know how her parents were killed?”

Troy shook his head.

Frost scowled at him. “You need to tell her, Troy. She deserves to know what truly happened to her. It wasn’t a normal fire, was it? It was the same fire that consumed your parents and everyone else who had ever loved you. Tell her before your fire consumes her and the two girls in the kitchen. She deserves to know how she died, at least.”

“I will. I promise.” Troy muttered.

Frost nodded, smiling. He had a foolish smile on his face again, shedding his straight face. “I hold you to that promise. Let me take you back downstairs. I need to leave and-” A loud roar interrupted him. It was the sound of an orc roaring its lungs out. Frost dashed to the window, looking out of it. He couldn’t see what was happening, but he heard the grunts and efforts of the girls downstairs. They were fighting the orc by themselves.

Frost turned around, grabbing Troy and racing down to help. “We’re going to need your help if it’s an Orc Lord. Anything under it, I can take care of it.” Frost told Troy.

Troy nodded. “I understand. I’ll do what I can.” His fur slowly engaged in a war between its white fur and black fur. His demonic energy was leaking out of him. The black fur threatened to take over, but couldn’t hold its threat. It slowed to a standstill as his demonic energy was plugged up. I can’t let my sister die. I can’t let Amanda and Kelly die. Break this curse and release me, my demonic energy! It was the first time he tried to talk to his demonic energy.

It wasn’t working.


Episode Three "Orc General"

“You need to take a break,” Amanda told Victoria. “You’ve been running around for the past month. You need to take care of yourself.”

Victoria nodded. “I know… I will after I get Troy’s curse broken. I’ll take the first two days off school.” She said. Kelly and Manda glanced at each other as if to say, two days is not enough. You need weeks.

“How about going on a solo adventure? There are some hot springs in the capital or nearby it.” Kelly suggested. “It would give you some kind of relief, right?”

Victoria nodded. “I’ll take you up on your suggestion. When Troy is healed, I’ll head to the springs. Thanks for the idea.” She said with a small smile. The others nodded.

“What about Casper? Do you know where he is yet?” Amanda asked. 

Victoria shook her head.“My energy’s been focused on Troy. Casper is older than me, so he’ll be fine on his own. He’ll return when he wants to.” She said before a loud slam erupted from outside, alerting her. She shot out of her chair and darted to the nearby window. She looked outside, seeing a large figure wielding a longsword and dressed in a half-cloak waiting outside. The figure slammed the sword on the ground, making the sound that spooked them. 

“Girls, we got company,” Victoria said as she brandished Cometcutter. Amanda and Kelly stood up, brandishing their weapons. They glared at the figure through the window.

Victoria threw the door open, stepping outside. “State your business?”

The figure didn’t respond, picking its head up to glare at Victoria with its coal-black eyes. It shuffled closer to her. 

Victoria pointed Cometcutter at the figure, waiting for an answer. 

The figure, however, ignored her as it threw the half-cloak off its body, revealing to Victoria and the others that it was an orc; an Orc General, right under Orc Lord. 

“Orc!” Victoria shouted at the girls. Amanda raised her wand Sage while Kelly prepared her katana Divinetrinity for battle. They nodded at Victoria, who nodded back at them. She charged forward, going for the first strike. She extended the rapier in front of her, stabbing at the Orc General in front of her. Her sword didn’t pierce through the orc’s thick skin, bouncing off it. She retreated a few jumps backward, glaring at the Orc General.

Amanda and Kelly arrived at her side, all with raised weapons. “Amanda goes left, Kelly goes right. I’ll move forward.” Victoria ordered. The girls nodded, splitting to flank the Orc General, who didn’t budge a muscle. The Orc General stayed headstrong, smugly grinning at Victoria.

She charged forward as Amanda and Kelly attacked from the sides. Amanda chanted her strongest magic spell, Explosion, and threw it at the Orc General while Victoria and Kelly attacked with their swords, enchanted by a hint of magic.

All of the attacks, which hit the Orc General simultaneously, bounced off him. Amanda’s spell flew off into space, being dispelled by the wind. Kelly and Victoria’s attacks failed and faced a similar fate to Amanda’s attack. 

“... Hungry. Devastated. Draggack.” The Orc General grumbled. “Hungry. Devastated. Draggack.” It repeated before it pointed its head at the sky. It opened its mouth and let out a roar that shook the ground and alerted Frost and Troy. 

The roar froze all three girls in position. The roar, a skill the Orc General used, known as the Roar of God, froze everybody near the user with intense fear. 

The Orc General laughed at Victoria as she fought against the fear, but was still stuck in position. Her mind screamed to charge forward, but her body wanted to retreat. It was a conflicting mess. 

Move! Move before he attacks Troy! He’ll kill Troy if he gets past us! She shouted internally. Move your damn body! Why are you afraid? You’ve gone through worse than this! She glared at the Orc General, her limbs slowly submitting to her mind. Soon she’ll have full control, but it would be too late. The Orc General slowly approached Victoria, taking his time to play with her mind. As he got closer, she began to panic harder and harder.

Frost erupted out of the house with his bamboo-metal shield in hand. Troy was behind him, trotting towards the action. “Stay here Troy, I’ll deal with him. It’s only an Orc General, not an Orc Lod.” Frost said as took a step towards the Orc General. 

“Hungry. Devastated. Draggack.” The Orc General grumbled before charging forward. Frost responded by pointing his shield in front of him, standing behind it.

“Spartan Shield, activate 300!” He exclaimed, crouching behind the shield. The Orc General slammed into the shield, but, instead of Frost being thrown away by the Orc General’s strength, the Orc General flew back. He bounced off the shield with the same momentum he had gathered, flying over the grass and landing in the middle of the gravel road. He landed with a large ‘thud’ sound.

Frost charged forward. “Spartan Shield, activate Mirage Attack!” He called out, running with his shield attached to his arm like Captain America. Above him appeared several tens of exact copies of his Spartan Shield, the front side of the shields facing the Orc General. They lingered over him, following him as he ran towards the Orc General. As soon as he was a few feet from the Orc General, he brought the shield to cover part of his face. The shields overhead immediately acted, being directed like a soldier was pointing a dazzler, a military-grade laser pointer, at the Orc General. They were propelled forward, slamming into the Orc General, being enhanced 300 times over, nearly crushing him to death.

Before the weight of the shields could crush him to death, he lowered his shield and approached the Orc General. The shields that were crushing the Orc General disappeared as soon as the true shield was lowered. 

Frost grabbed the Orc General’s bloody face and picked it up to meet his eye. He felt the jaw dislocate as he did, forced to throw the Orc General’s face back into place. “Answer me, why did you attack us?”

The Orc General looked up at Frost, grinning. “Raise to the sixth class! The birth of a Demon Knight.” The voice wasn’t the grumbles of the Orc General, but the clear intimidating voice of Merlin Hell. 

Before Frost could ask any more questions, the Orc General brought the stumps of its arms to its heads and dislocated the neck from the rest of the body. The Orc General was dead.

“What happened?” Victoria asked, unfrozen the moment the Orc General was thrown back by Frost. “Why was Merlin talking?”

“That wasn’t Merlin. It was an evil duplicate known as Merlin Hell.”

“Why are there duplicates of Merlin?” She asked, approaching him. “What do you know?”

Frost shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t mind telling you, it's not like its uncommon knowledge. Merlin, the true good version, was fighting a beast known as The One Above All. Who this person is or what they look like is unknown. However, what we know is that the fight severely wounded Merlin and somehow he split into several versions of himself. The Merlin you fought in your class is the evil version, Merlin Hell. He isn’t the real Merlin and shouldn’t be treated as such.”

“How do you know this? I’ve never heard about it before?” Kelly chimed in.

“Yeah, where did you get this information from?” Victoria asked.

Frost shook his head. “It’s because I have a connection with the true Merlin, so I know about it. Plus, it’s well-known in my community.”

“Where do you live?” Troy asked, standing on Amanda’s palms. She carried him from

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