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Book online «Choose - A Werewolf Story by Hailey Archer (the unexpected everything txt) 📖». Author Hailey Archer

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night she had laid before her. Blue had gotten a new outfit at the mall two weekends ago, and she still hadn't worn it anywhere.

        The stairs creaked as a ran up them, her heart racing from the overdose of adrenaline her wolf-side always gave her during excercise. She opened her closet doors and pulled a grey tank top and a white sweater off their hangers. She slipped those on and put on some jeans and her favorite pair of sandals. Blue's nails weren't painted - who knows what chemicals nail polish has - so if Jace didn't like it, he would have to get over it.

        She went into the garage and pushed the button that raised the door. Her bike squeeked as Blue rolled it onto the driveway. The garage door shut behind her as her mother's voice carried outside of the house, "Thanks, Mom." She thought.

        She pedaled to the Alpha's house on the outskirts of town. The contemporary mansion was right by the woods. Blue rode along a path that slowly turned into a gravel street.

        As Blue came up to the house, she heard the music from inside. She went to the side of the house and hid her bike in the bush where hopefully nobody would find it. Her shoes left footprints in the dirt and she smiled in excitment. The door opened and a couple stumbled out, all over eachother.

        She left the sounds of their sloppy kisses behind her as she stepped through the door, the place was overloaded with people. Her senses were bombarded, so many sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and feels. Through the back door she could see that there were even more people outside. She let my wolf guide her deeper into the house, finding her mate. When she came into the living room, her eyes searched for her one and only.

        Blue saw him leaning up against a doorframe, making out with a blonde. Hot fury and jealousy whipped through her and she pushed through the crowd. Blue yanked the girl's hair and she stumbled away from Jace. He turned to Blue, angry, but then guilt washed over his face when he saw who it was. He reached for Blue and she pulled away, storming out of the house.

        When Blue had gotten outside, she turned around to see if he had followed her. No, of course he didn't. She ran to the side of the house to look for her bike. It wasn't in the bush She had left it in. She got frusterated, she had just found the guy she was meant to spend the rest of her life with kissing a whore, and now her only ride home was missing.

        "Hey, honey!" Someone called out from behind her. "Looking for this?" Blue spun around, and came face to face with a guy more than five inches taller than her.

        His friends had Blue's bike behind him, they were holding it upside down over the... "Oh, no." They were dangling her bike over the water. If they dropped it, five-hundred dollars would sink to the bottom of the lake. Why had she left it back there? "That was so dumb!" She had been so focused on seeing Jace, that Blue had forgotten how much time it took her to save up enough money to buy that bike.


        At the memory of him, new anger flew through her, straight to her fists. She wanted to hit this guy so bad... But, if she hit him, no doubt his friends would drop the bike. She slowly allowed her lupine side to take over, still saving enough power to control it in case her wolf wanted drunk teenager for dinner.

        She blinked slowly, and then her feet tore at the ground as she rammed herself into the two guys. The boy who had mocked her turned around, confused at how she had gotten past him. She heard the crashing of metal as her bike hit the wall of the house, and punched the living daylights out of the boys under her.

        Blue lost herself in the fight, though, and the guys' friend came up behind her and grabbed her under the armpits. He lifted me up and she could smell the beer on him. He sniffed her shoulder and she shivered, "You smell good." He growled into her ear. "I wonder how you taste." At that, he swung her around and crushed his lips to hers.

        Blue struggled under him, trying to push him off of her. He let her collapse to the ground, and then he caught her waist and tried to take of her shoes. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" An angered voice called from somewhere behind her attacker. Both him and Blue ignored him. He tried undressing me and she tried nailing him in the balls with her knee.

        When she had finlly gotten a clear shot, the guy who smelled of alcohol was yanked off of her from behind. Blue put her sweater on. The scent of wood and pine engulfed me as she was picked up and lifted to my feet. "Are you okay?" The man asked me.

        Blue looked down at his face and let out a breath that she hadn't known she was holding. The guy who held me has somewhat of a stubble along his chin - his perfect, structured chin - his hair was messy, in a way that made you think that he'd just run his fingers through it.

        "Are you okay?" He asked again, smirking, and she realized that she had been caught staring.

        "Oh, yeah. Yup. I'm fine. Thank you." Blue answered, trying to stand up.

        He held her firmly in his arms, not letting her go. "You're sure?" He asked her once more, his tone serious again.

        "Oh, totally, look." Blue wiggled around in his arms, twisted,and turned. "Perfectly movable." He laughed, and she felt a certain pride in making him smile.

        He placed me on my feet and took my hands in his, steadying me, "My name's August."

        Blue looked up at him, and into his red eyes. - It wasn't unusual for Werewolves to have interesting colors in their irises. - "Blue." His deep chuckled resonated through her, and she grinned.

        "Your eyes are so, purple."

        "I know, my parents said that when I was a baby my irises were the darkest blue, so they named me after them." Why was Blue telling this stranger about her parents. She pulled her hands away and looked at the grass. "I should probably get home." She looked to see his reaction.

        "Oh, yes. That sounds about right." August agreed, his bright eyes dimming with disappointment at... what? They lit up when he looked at her again. "Can I walk you home?"

        Walk me home? Blue internally screamed. This hot guy was asking to walk her home... wait. She barely knew him, and here she was grinning like the Cheshire Cat at whatever he said. But, wasn't that exactly what she did with her mate?

        "Mate." Blue's wolf groaned, making her stomach churn.

        "Um, sure." It would be safest, considering the amount of loose, drunk teenage Werewolves wondering around. And, hadn't she just been about to be... No. Blue could have taken him.

        She walked over and picked up her bike, she wheeled to where he was standing and smiled.

        "Onward." August said.

        "Onward." Blue repeated.


        So, Jace is a jerk? Who is August really? His character is going to be so much fun to include... Ugh. I love you for reading this! I hope that you liked it, please vote and follow, if you didn't, comment why! I want to improve and I hope that you guys will help me do that. More votes, comments, follows etc. just, well, they give me more motivation to write. If I know that people are waiting to read my work, I want to update more often. I'm not bribing, I'm just sayin'.

Chapter Three - She's Mine

        Jace tried to push his way through the crowd, but the dancing bodies shoved him away. His anger easily flared, like usual, and he yelled out, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!"

        The werewolves stopped what they were doing and looked over at him. Slowly, their wolves registered through the alcohol just exactly who he was. Beta. A couple of people moved out of his way, and others ignored him. His temper rose more, and then someone said, "You know, I'd have some more respect for you if I knew who you were, and not just my Lupine."

        Jace charged forward, following the voice. He came upon a guy who eyed him curiously. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Jace warned, not at all kindly.

        The man just laughed and so did his buddy who was standing next to him. Jace looked over to see his nineteen year old brother, the Alpha by a few months and their father's death. But, interupting their almost-fight, was a yell from outside. It sounded feminine, but it was not in distress, more like... anger. Mate. His wolf said, and he flew. By the time Jace had shoved everybody out of the way and got outside, the screaming had stopped.

        His nostrils flared when he saw Blue standing hand in hand with a man who he didn't recognize. They were walking away, the guy was saying something that made Blue laugh as she pulled a bike alongside her.

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        August looked to his side, still suprised to see her smiling and not pulling away from his grip. Woah, when did her start doubting himself? He was the Alpha of a rogue pack and could get any girl he wanted. Why was he walking with her again?

       Blue's violet eyes flicked up to his silver ones. She was beautiful, her lips were perfectly shaped and her smile was wide. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Huh?" August said.

        She giggled and said, "You're staring at me." Blue blushed and looked down. August reached out and tilted her face back up and grinned.

        Blue looked at him, wide-eyed with suprise that parted her lips, "I wonder why." August pondered aloud. "You want to go running with me tomorrow?"

        She turned sideways, pulling away from him, "Um, I have a, uh. I should probably," She turned back to him and shrugged. "Sure."

        Blue's sudden confidence made August laugh and they continued walking. "Tomorrow morning, at the border."

        "See you then, August." Blue suddenly stopped and hopped on her bike. Only

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