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Book online «Nea - Daughter of the Entity by Mrs. Volpe (classic novels txt) 📖». Author Mrs. Volpe

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killers. Now sit back down or the next trial will start sooner than you'd like," Meg grumbled at me. This again. All right! I'll just play along with her intoxication game! "Murderer? You mean to tell me there really are murderers right next to us and you're just sitting comfortably around the campfire?", I called out to her in horror. Meg answered me only with a cold look. Now that was some intense razzle-dazzle.

Back at the campfire, I couldn't sit around here quietly anymore. I had to get out of here. Without thinking of a plan, I got up and started running. I ran and ran and then I felt a horrible pain in my foot. A bear trap. I had stepped into a bear trap. I tried to free myself, but I could not. After about five attempts to escape, I felt a blow to the back of my head, which knocked me out. All I felt was a strong arm lifting me up and a shoulder carrying me back to the campfire. And again, all black.

There I was back at the campfire and again everyone was staring at me. "I told you so!", I heard Meg's spiteful voice. She really didn't like me, but I didn't like her either. Again, my head hurt. Was this becoming a habit now? Dwight looked at me with a pitying look and I wished he didn't. I hated getting pity. He'd better worry about himself when there were murderers dwelling here in the woods with us. No, stop it Nea! I couldn't start believing her stories, too. However, it had been someone else who had stopped me. He was much taller than Jake or Dwight and I think he even wore a mask. Even though I didn't want to believe Dwight's story, I thought it was wiser to stay on guard and not go into the woods anymore. I only hoped that something worse would not happen.

I couldn't believe that I was already feeling paranoid. That was actually exactly my thing. Creepy places, strange people and things that couldn't be easily explained. All this was actually totally exciting! A smile had formed on my face and I quickly let it disappear before anyone saw it. Who knew how the bangers here would react when they found out that I found all this totally great, while the four of them here could fill adult diapers with fear. The thought of them sitting here in diapers like babies only exhilarated me more. Claudette sat down with me. "You, tell me something," she began. "Is there anything you're good at? Anything that might help you in the trials?" I looked at her, confused. Something I was good at. Was there anything? Other than spraying. Unfortunately, I had probably lost my spray cans on the way over. Shit. I pondered. "So Meg can run pretty fast and be super quiet. She also seems to get an extra charge of adrenaline when the trial is about to end. She always runs incredibly fast to the exit gates then." I tried to follow along, saving questions for later. "Jake can sabotage killer hooks and is really tough. He never makes the slightest sound, even when he gets hurt or hung up." Uh-huh. Yes. Interesting. I think. "There's something about Dwight. When we're around him, it gives us strength to handle things faster, and somehow he always knows exactly where we are. As a leader, he does a pretty good job, but don't tell him that." She whispered the last sentence so Dwight wouldn't hear her. "And what can you do?", I asked still looking in Dwight's direction. "You should know," she laughed. I looked to my shoulder again. Oh yes, "When I bandage wounds, it's usually faster than with others. Probably my experience. Besides, I'm skilled enough to bandage myself, but that takes longer, of course. It's just not that easy to do it myself. Especially not in the stress of a trial. Everything has to be done as fast as possible. If you ever get hurt in a trial, feel free to look for me, I'll help you then," she made her offer. "So now for you, beanie girl. What can you do?" asked Meg pushily, who had sat down right next to us without me noticing. She was really quiet! I thought hard again. "I think I'm good at sneaking. I'm also pretty good at parkour, especially jumping from heights. And I guess I'm thrifty too, not really sure if that's a strength though," I told her. "Absolutely! The more frugal you are the more you can use the things we have on hand," Meg said enthusiastically. "Maybe you'll be a help to us after all. After all, Jake is pretty wasteful with everything. I also think you can keep the killer quite busy by luring him through difficult places and then sneaking away quickly. Then he'll look for you for a while and we can use that," she continued. "You're going to have Nea employ the killer right in her first trial? That's cruel!", Jake now interfered as well. "I'm just going to try it," I announced. Shut up, Nea! Shit, had I really said that? "You're tough. I think you can do it," Dwight now encouraged me as well. Meg grinned at me. "I like it a lot better like this!" she said happily, putting her arm around my neck on my shoulder. "I think we could be friends," she laughed. Yes, of course.


Publication Date: 07-13-2021

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Just translating this for bib_almighty. my favorite english speaking dbd streamer

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