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Book online «Achalon by Rebekah Brewer (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖». Author Rebekah Brewer

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'little' lord, which made Aiven twitch. How he hated it and only just because she has known him since he was born.

"Peculiar. She was calm, took in whatever I said, and quick to recover as well as understand," Aiven said, recomposing his emotions. Sai Chi remained silent for a moment.

"That is...peculiar. She is

on of the sheltered Jane girls, is she not?"

"Of course."

Another pause followed suit.

"I'd like to examine her. You must find a child soon anyways to keep her longer. This calmness she has I doubt will last long now that she is out here in the real world."

Aiven silently agreed. How could a sheltered girl be strong out here? It's live and die here. Amy's face came to mind. Calm and confident, she seemed prepared and willing to face anything and everything. Possibly even death. No, she would survive through it. She had that power.

"That could work," Aiven mused, not entirely listening, picturing Amy awake. Fully

awake. Wanting only for her to be comfortable, Aiven made a decision. "Tomorrow, I'll bring her to Mel here. While she's with you, I'll go looking for a pup."

"Deal," Sai Chi replied readily. Aiven knew the only reason she wanted to see Amy was for her oddity. Still, Aiven handed over the phone to Melissa. She had her avian grin again as moments later she shut the phone.

"Mom says nine," she said, lifting herself onto the railing behind her, balancing herself as she watched Aiven.

"Great," Aiven said distractedly. He sensed Amy beginning to wake and instantly wished to be by her side at that very moment. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."

Melissa chuckled as he left.

"Lord Aiven, you best be careful. Many would rather kill her than let you regain power," she whispered, scanning the crowd for the more malicious Achalons that bore ill-will for Aiven. The tigress Hailey glowered at her with wavering uncertainty. Melissa knew her to hate her and her flock but she absolutely adored Aiven and would never betray him. The flash of orange eyes sent a chill down her spine. Dialing her mother's number again, Melissa met the orange gaze of Elric with fear. Now he

would destroy him.

X ~ X ~ X ~ X ~ X

I woke warm and comfortable. Like the last time I wakened from a dreamless state, my mind was clear. The Achalon sat in a chair once again, staring at me. Shadowy bags hung under his eyes, but his gray-green orbs were lit energetically.

"You look tired," I said, sitting up. The movement lifted the blanket, allowing an opening in which cold air sieged through, sending a freezing chill through me. His gaze surveyed my body, but not in an immoral way, like I have seen from the balcony and on TV. Finally, the met with mine, a smirk on his face.

"Looks can lie," he said. "So out of caution, I will ask: how are you feeling?"

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, not surprised as my feet touched the ground that the frozen air had instilled itself into the floor. It didn't even surprise me that my shoes had been taken off and I now tested my ability to stand in my socks. No dizzy spell came to knock me down. I smiled softly, a sudden joy feeling me with light energy as I spun myself quickly. I stopped before him, a grin now replacing that smile. I felt wild and powerful especially

while standing there with him in front of me. "Does that answer your question?"

He smiled, standing up now. Our chests had a few inches in distance from each other. His arm slipped around my waist, closing that distance. To my surprise, I felt at ease, a sense of safety flooding me with him this close. This man could protect me. In fact, he would


"You know, you never gave me your name," I said, my hands laying on his chest naturally, though uncharacteristic for me. Power soared through my hands, making me feel lightheaded with its strength. Daemon

, a voice whispered inside my head. Though I have never had experienced voices in my head, I had no reaction, just knowing it was that of an older woman. "But I think I know your soul name."

"Oh really?" he mused, an underlying challenge making me smile.

"Oh yes, Daemon, I think I do," I said, the importance of the name sent a pleasurable shiver. His lips met mine instantly, filled with a passionate demanding pressure. His powerful aura now overwhelmed me, throwing me off guard. My head spun with the combination, only allowing me, remarkably, to kiss him back. Soon, I was breathless and his kiss trailed to my cheek.

"I am known as Aiven here," he whispered, his hot breath sending an intense shiver throughout my body.

"Then Aiven I will call you," I whispered back, kissing his cheek then added. "In public."

Aiven laughed, pulling back so the loudness didn't hurt my ears. I liked his laugh. It sounded as if it is seldom used and I loved it more since I had been the one to bring it out.

"Right then, Hazel

," he said, nipping my neck, adding to the pleasure pooling within my body. "You must change. I have asked Sai Chi's daughter to help you accustom to the life out here. While you two are going about with whatever she has planned, I'll be going about town."

For a pup

, I thought suddenly. I chided myself. I could be going psychic now. His gaze met mine and I followed an urge to kiss him fully on the lips. As I pulled away, I noticed a pile of clean clothes set out on a chair.

"I'll be quick," I said, pulling away to pick up the set of clothes and ran into the bathroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With a slice of toast, I ran after Aiven. He had a playful smirk as he walked briskly ahead in the crisp morning air. I giggled as I finally caught up with him. Aiven slipped his arm around me as we walked at the same pace. The streets looked dead with the clutter of homeless and people walking about with a strong sense of wariness. The same scene from my balcony but now it seemed much worse.

"Are you startled?" Aiven asked, glancing at me with analyzing look. I shook my head.

"I suspected it would be like this. It's more intense than from that I am use to but I kind of knew already. I just wish my family could see this and understand," I said, meeting his gaze. I came close to saying 'we could help this' but I knew the impossibility of that. Once my family found me, they would rather lock me up in my room but would never look out at what they are too ignorant to see. Ali's scream came back to me, freezing my heart as well as my body in its steps. Aiven stopped at the same time as me, not missing a beat of my own movements.

"What's wrong?" he asked, as I tried shaking away the cold feeling that Ali had placed in me.

"Ali," I whispered, her pale face looming in my mind though I met his mesmerizing gaze. "The one who screamed. My sister. I haven't thougt of her since I was last at the house."

"Your sister?" he asked, puzzlement in his tone. Or surprise. I wasn’t entirely sure.

"She's the only one that I truly care about in my family. Well, besides my grandpa, but he's dead."
Aiven studied me for a moment, choosing his words carefully I think.

"She will live for now. Sorry, but I absolutely refuse to give you back. I would kidnap her but I need to have complete the Claim with you so you're safe. Sadly, that might take a while," Aiven said, standing before me with a serious look and his hands grasping my upper arms. He wanted me to understand, almost to a point of desperation. I gave him a small smile.

"I understand. She will just have to put up with our crazy family till then. She fits more in the family than I do. Now, I believe we have an agreed time and place to meet someone at?" I asked, poking him teasingly. I pulled out of his grasp before he could get me back and ran, ran for the park that laid ahead of me. Aiven passed me up, only slowing to stand beside a beautiful girl that appeared around the same age as my brother, Jason. As I neared, I noticed she had an avian look about her. My blood has never pumped so much through my body in a long while. It felt amazing to run now. My face had a definite fluch as I smiled at the avian woman.

"Melissa, this is Amy. I trust she will be safe with you and Sai Chi," Aiven said. Melissa gave him a bright, malicious looking grin.

"Don't leave my dear little brothers and sisters out, M'Lord. Word has spread amongst them that you have chosen someone. They all came home today to meet her," Melissa said. I laughed.

"How old are they?" I asked.

"Ranging from six to twenty. I'm the eldest with twelve others. We've been one large flock for so long; we scare the others of our kind."

Melissa turned to Aiven, a grin on her face, "I like her."

"Me too," Aiven chuckled. Melissa hooked her arm around mine and waved to Aiven.

"I shall steal her now."

I barely gave Aiven a kiss as she began pulling me along before Aiven can comment.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Amy's kiss had been chaste, but it still sent a tremor through Aiven. He smiled, already seeing how Amy has changed him and still changing him. With that wonderful feeling she gave him, Aiven shifted into his wolf form; a silver wolf, the last of his clan. In this form, most mistook him for a stray dog. That made it easier to enter the Acropolis of Saliente.

In this part of Acailen, families were better off. The ones strong enough to move migrated farther up north, closer behind the Saliente Manor for protection. More humans lived here though. Families would only go out in protective packs, though their young had no clue why. People have given up explain this Hell hole that the rebellious Achalons created.

Mothers shopped with their children, holding tightly to their hands as if that alone would prevent them from going missing. Still, a lot of children go missing here, but not as many as back in the lower areas. These people, though, knew how Achalons steal away children. Like demons or faeries, just the adults didn't realize it relies more on choosing

the right child.

After shifting in an alley, Aiven stood outside one of the few parks to watch the children. Up here, they believed with the fewer parks and places where the children might be taken, the easier it will become to find the child. This process, though seemingly simple, could take months which wouldn't surprise Aiven.

A small girl skipped up to him, her gray eyes shining in the mesmerized way that is caused by an Achalons presence, especially those with the intent of finding a pup, bringing possible pups to him. Aiven looked at her, calculating what to do with this scrawny child.

"Mister, have you seen my mommy?" she asked, the usual question a child

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