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Book online «shh...dont tell by louise stephenson (short books to read TXT) 📖». Author louise stephenson

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get rid of me
ok?" he answered " yes but .." me interumputing again "third and finally i DO wanna be in your life..
i mean i would understand if you didnt want me but wanting you is inevitable so do you.. do you want me?"
he looked angry then i must have looked confused because he took my hands and began to explain.
"i love you i am not angry at you but at my self. because i love you and im to selfish to give you up...
although you may want to give me up after you find out what i am if you run i will understand....
but i ask you this even though you will no what i am please do not tell any 1 no 1 cause then mybrother..
he will i dont even want to speak the words... he will want to me"
still looking confused i nodded and asked him to show me ...
thats exactly what he did ... he whispered in my ear " i love you "
then his voice kinda changed for a second there then returned to normal... he held up my chin showing me....
his teeth no his... fangs...i jamp back in shock... he took that as a realy bad thing like i didnt want him.
but i do just cause he is different does not mean i would love him any less .. no i love him more now...
for he told me his utmost secret that he would never tell any one
well no one except one of his kind... he was about to run of in to the night...
when i grabbed his arm.. his turn to look confused. I just smiled at him and kissed him sweetly and gently on the lips opening our mouths.
trying hard not to get my tounge ripped of i kept it in my mouth.i laughed...i thought this was funny.
not the vampire part but the toungue part..
i recoiled my thoughts as he lookes astounded by my reaction.
so i explained "just because you are different does not mean i want you any less...
im thankful that you trust me with your secret very thankful but im not going any where...
but what will you say to your brother... i want you to tell him i no... i want to convince him i will keep your secret because i love you."

after that we just sat in the park chatting and laughing till midnight, i found out things like :

he was born in 1850 so he is 160 years old in vampire years, 16 is his cover age.cause he stopped ageing when he was 16 so he will always look 16.
He told me his brother is older than him by 1 year.Lucky.
His mum died when he was officially 2 his dad got steaked when he was 5. So he lived with his brother for 11 years.
and i found out alot,alot of details about his life before he met me.
i told him its getting late now, and ill see him tommorrw at school kised him on the cheek at walked away...
only getting about 7 steps before he sped up to me telling me he will pick me up before school
then we can ride together in his black mercedes.
i swear if i had blinked i would have mist the fast Movement of his body coming towards and,after a peck on the cheek,away from me ...
God hese dreamy..i thought to myself as i ran home ...
as i opened the door i saw my step dad steve crashed out on the sofa hese bald, short and annoying
i dont no why my mum puts up with him all he does is drink work and 'sleep around' she tries not to believe,
but she knows its mum was in the kitchen tidying the cutlary away. my mum is beautiful , long blond curls,tall,slender,pretty face.
sadly i got my dads looks.. ugly...long, untaimed black hair, tall ,kinda slender - proud of the last two , and every one knows me for my big green eyes.
i tried to sneek in without trying to have a converrsation with my mum but as usual she very observantthis is how the conversation went :

mum- hi hunny back lait arn't we.. did you have fun?
(the real question she wanted to ask me was who where you with and what were you doing)
me- hi mum yeah just lost track of time sorry,i ate out so i didnt come in for dinner & yeah i had fun.
(i didnt realy eat out i just didnt feal like eating i felt like sleeping,& fun was an understaitment i was ecstatic and beaming like a light bulb.)
mum-so what where you up to realy then and whats his name ? can i meet him?mabye this week?
me-i didnt say there was a guy and i was having a chat and mucking about at the park?
(lie there was a guy tehe, but i was a rubish liar when it came to my mum)
mum-oh come of it you no i no you inside and out, so just tell me his name for peet sakes...
me- fine, his names seth , mabye you could meet him i will ask when hese free next then youll be the first to know. ok? does that make you happy?
mum- good and yes it makes me very happy (smile)dont worry i wont interigate him , just... are you being.. you know ... safe?
me-mum seriously its not like that and you no what im like i would make sure i loved him before anything happened..
mum- fine, i know i should trust you, but i cant help it im your mother and guys these days dont just want to chat if you get my drift...
me- i know but hese not just any guy hese amazing, gorgous, sweet,smart,charming,safe...
( i stopped she was giving me a funny look like none shed given me before , plus i was blabbering on)
mum-sweety,i umm... think your in love with this we'll have dinner with him soon and then we will see im hese good anough, better make sure your fathers not home for that...

(i gave her an evil look, and shouted)
(i loved my mum but she had realy bad taste in men ! ! !)
mum-go and have a bath then go to bed its getting late... you have school tomorrow...ok go...
me-i dont no why you put up with his bullshit but i no for a fact you are 10 times better than him and you no it. (i hated steve the smelly old toe rag.
and with that the conversation ended and i stomped upstairs then ran my self a nice ice cold let the stress out and got in.
i ran the memory of today over and over in my head ,for round about half an hour.
my brain is saying your scared petrefied even,your boyfriends a bloody vampire for gods sake.
but i didnt listen to my brain, its got to much shit goin on up there,
i listen to my heart that says you love him to much to run away now and you should be afraid but your not.
and with that note i got out the bath dried myself of with a towel and got my silky smouth pjs on, jamp in bed.
and fell strait to sleep...


shhh... dont tell (chapter 4)

i woke up thought about seth,washed thought about seth,got dressed-make up on-breakfast-ready to go-thought about seth....bout to walk out saying by to mum, and guess what angel apeared at my door step my boyfriend (loving the word boy friend at the moment) SETH:)

there he was just like he promised. picking me up to
go to school.he was wearing jeans, long sleeved top
trying to blend in with every one else and failing
miserabley.He was to stunning to fit in.

our morning conversation on the way to school in his:

"hello gorgous hows your morning been?" he said

"todays the day boy friend we have to tell the devil our little secret..." i said egnoring his question completely.and adding a bit of humor

"do we have to he'll kill me and no pun intended... and i will not let him touch you ever !"
he said trying to be serious.

so i said seriously just like him "we have to please,please, tonight we can tell him together.. to be honest you dont have a choice...i either tell him with you or without you but i can tell you now he'll find out tonight"

he sighed softly saying "fine i guess hese bound to find out were dating for real, and not so i can just know feed ...of you at times.

I replied "fine tonight" we reached maths room B1.... my lesson.

he said to meet him in the cafeteria at break so we can sit together and chat maybe we could tell the devil at lunch then he cant rip our throats out in front of every one, (can he ?),(gave me a quick peck on the cheek at walked to English for his first lesson)

i passed maths then science quick, i met Seth for break most of it we spent chatting about how we were going to tell his brother , then he waved me of to P.E...I waved him of to ...maths...

We met in the hallway when the third lesson finished we were got of at the back of the sports hall.he was non violently nibbling on my neck..without the fangs out.when i arrived at drama I was ten minutes late and snook in .Without every one noticing I quickly slipt to the back row and ducked my head.

Apparently we had to make a dramatic scene with a partner. guess who picked me ... Luke (I was thinking why?)

He already had a scene made and past me the script. (My jaw fell open when i found out it was about a horrible vampire boy killing a normal teenage girl)... we were meant to act it out...! :(

it went a little like this:

the girl was running through the woods trying to get away from him when he surprise attacked her from the front.
he punched her in the stomach wounding her making her stop completely showing fangs,he dug his fangs into every piece of flesh he could see making her beg for death but it didn't come...until all the blood in her body was drained. then she died.

I refused to do the script with him , when he done mind control on me ... darn it was a vampire thing I am going to have to find a way of stopping that mind control thing they do...

after class Luke complemented me on my acting and laughed when I said that i thought it to be quite revolting him making me do that script with him... after laughter came confusion...he was suddenly in front of me gripping my arm so tight that i new it would make a bruise. he said " what do you mean by make you do the script..!"he said it harshly to.

I replied "find out at lunch... now hurting me..." i struggled for a while then he let go . After that i new i had to run to Seth and keep out of dark places until i see him Luke could be anywhere by now .

when i finally got to Seth it had been 10 minutes into lunch. at the cafeteria
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