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Book online «Complicated by Bianca Gray (white hot kiss TXT) 📖». Author Bianca Gray

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was doing. He was trying to steer the attention away from me. My mom brought in the food and then everyone started talking at once. Most of the mothers were talking about how good the food was. The boys, oops, the men, were talking about sports. I just sat there, nodding my head from time to time. I was also staring at Drew eat. His sapphire eyes seemed like it was laughing. I put my head onto my arm and just stared. When our eyes met, I sat up straight. Then we both blushed. This guy, Steve was trying to talk to me, but I was barely listening. I was too busy staring at Drew. Steve was cute, (not that I really looked at him much) but he wasn’t Drew.
“I hear you already chose who you wanted,” said Steve defeated, after watching me staring at Drew.
“What?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”
“You don’t know? Everyone is here to be your mate or husband. To become king to be exact,” said Steve.
“You mean they don’t really like me?” I asked, my voice cracking. I thought about Drew. He must be a good actor, I thought angrily.
“Well, they do. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be here. Actually, only the mothers knew about this. None of us knew where we were going,” said Steve. I wasn’t listening to what he was saying. Only what he did say.
“To be king,” I whispered. He stared at me like I was mad.
“Yes, I guess, to become king,” he said questioning with his eyes. I closed mine for a moment.
“What do you mean by that? I’m no princess,” I said. Again, he looked at me like I was mad.
“Your father was a king. When he died-“ He begun to say.
“HE DIED??!!” I screamed. Everyone stared at me. I turned to my mother.
“You told me he was kidnapped but he died??!” I screamed at her.
“And on top of that, I’m a princess? When were you going to tell me? When someone became my husband or, maybe even, I don’t know, KING??” I yelled. My mother just stared at me with wide eyes.
“You weren’t going to tell me were you?” I said accusingly.
“It’s not like that, Samanthia. Who told you this anyway?” my mother said with authority, searching everyone’s faces.
“It doesn’t matter WHO told me. It matters that YOU didn’t tell me. How could you?” I said turning to go up the stairs. I usually didn’t throw a temper tantrum but my dad was important to me. When he disappeared when I was 10, I was heartbroken. She said my name a couple of times. I didn’t listen to her. I ran up to my room and stayed there. But part of my mind noticed something. I was angry, yes, but when I was running up the stairs everything was burnt like it was in a horrible explosion. I faced my room. It was the same way. Great, I thought. I angrily walked out of my room.
“I’m going to stay in one of the guests rooms. Something happened to my room,” I said. I stomped my way there but I wasn’t angry. I slammed the door so my mother could see how angry I was. After that, my mother just started talking to everyone like she didn’t care. Whatever, I thought.

Chapter 2
I’m a witch, right? Am I missing anything?

I woke up the next morning. The first thing I saw was Drew. He was staring down at me. I woke up with a start. I quickly sat up. He was just sitting there on the side of my bed.
“I’m sorry. Did I scare you?” asked Drew.
“Yes! But I’m okay,” I said. He looked at me and smiled.
“You slept all day and all night,” said Drew.
“I DID!!?? Oh I probably missed all my lectures and I’ll need to finish my research paper because it is due tomorrow. I only got one PARAGRAPH done!! What am I going to do?” I put my head into my hands. He looked disappointed.
“What?” I asked.
“I thought you were going to scream at me. But you didn’t. Oh, what a waste,” said Drew still disappointed. I looked at him like he was crazy. I didn’t understand why he said that. He smiled at me. I laughed at him. He frowned again.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I was wondering, last night, about what else your mom lied to you about. I asked my mom and she spilled. She told me everything,” said Drew.
“What else did she lie about?” I said suspiciously. Drew looked nervous.
“Let’s hope you know about this,” said Drew. He smiled at me. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Okay, well, I already knew she lied to you about the princess thing and about your dad. What else? That was the main question. My mom said that there was a will. Your father wrote it. The will said, ‘My daughter, Samanthia, will rule in my place.’ The problem was that you were only ten, so your mother was trying to rule. There was a twist to it too. Your mother claimed that the will was not what your father would write and it was handwritten but it wasn’t your father’s handwriting. It also didn’t say ‘Will’ at the top. It looked like it was just quickly written. Besides he knew how old you were and he was only 25 so… Wait, do you know about magic?” he asked. I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Apparently not,” mumbled Drew.
“There’s no such thing as magic, right?” I whispered. I felt like the world I once knew was turned upside down, burnt side up. Drew looked at me warily.
“Well, your mom is a witch and your dad was some kind of half warlock,” said Drew. I looked at him.
“What was the other part?” I asked but suddenly didn’t want to know the answer. He looked at me.
“Do you want me to tell you?” he asked.
“No, I’ll figure it out,” I said. He stared at me again. Why does he keep staring at me? I asked myself. Do I have something on my face? My hand immediately flew to my face. He laughed.
“Do you know what you are?” he asked, seriousness filled his face.
“I guess, by what you told me, I’m a witch,” I said, not believing any of it.
“Yes,” said Drew staring deep into my eyes. I looked away.
“What are you?” I asked looking back up at him.
“I’m a warlock. That’s a boy witch,” said Drew smiling at me.
“I know that!” I said throwing a pillow at him. He laughed like there was nothing wrong with the world. There was something wrong with the world. At least, it wasn’t how I knew it anymore.
“Do you only like me because you’ll become king?” I asked regretting the words once they left my mouth. He looked shocked and angry.
“I would never do that to anyone. I didn’t know about meeting you,” said Drew with such force it almost scared me. He wasn’t staring at me but into space. Then he looked back at me.
“What about the others?” I asked hesitantly. Drew looked like he was thinking.
“I don’t know. I guess you’ll have to ask them,” said Drew smiling as wide as day. I stared at him like he was crazy. He laughed again. He was a very laughable person. I laughed along with him. I suddenly became aware of the quiet footsteps that entered my room. I looked up at the doorway and there stood my mother. I became still and glared at her. Drew turned to look at my mother and then me.
“Well, I guess I should be going,” he said quietly. He collected himself and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
“What is it?” I asked my mom angrily. She looked at me.
“I was just making sure you were alive after I lied to you,” my mother spat back. Then I suddenly couldn’t take it. I could take the anger but not everything. I started to cry. I was heaving in my mother’s arms.
“I know everything,” I cried.
“I know, I know,” said my mother patting my back like I was a little girl.
“I’m a witch, a princess, and my father died. I’m even something else besides a witch and I don’t even know what it is!” I cried. My mother just kept patting my back. She started singing a lullaby in some alien language. I recognized the lullaby from when I was a little girl and I fell asleep almost immediately. In my dream, I saw my father. His face was flushed with red. He wasn’t my father. He couldn’t be. What was he? He sat on top of a mountain. It was covered in snow. He was suddenly covered in snow. He was frozen in time. His skin was pale white and ice cold. His eyelids were a deep purple-blue. I touched him and I knew he was dead. I didn’t feel sad. Strangely enough, I was kind of glad. I was glad to be rid of him. I looked at myself in a river. My lips were bloody red. My eyes were a crazy blue. My hair was tousled. I looked scary. I looked dangerous. I looked at my father and realized I did this. I didn’t cry. I felt nothing. Then I ran. I woke up with a start. It was the evening. No one was at the side of my bed. I grabbed my journal and a pen. I wrote down all I knew and my dream. It had to be all connected, right? I looked at my eyes. It was still a brown color. It was not the crazy blue. I sighed. I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. My mother came running up the stairs.
“Sam? Sam, are you okay?” asked my mom. She ran into the bathroom and helped me get up.
“Mom, I don’t feel well,” I said. My mom touched my forehead. There wasn’t a fever. She quickly took me to my bedroom.
“Oh, sweetie,” said my mom. I looked up at her. She took my journal, skimmed through that one page and put it down. She took a wet cloth and put it on my forehead. Then she closed the door behind her. A few minutes later, she was back. My mom was carrying soup on a tray. Drew came in behind her. He picked up my journal, skimmed through that one page as well. He looked really worried. My mother helped me sit up. She fed me some soup and then she left. Drew left reluctantly. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep. When I woke up, I felt much better. It was morning and the sun was trying to seep through my blinds. I got out of bed and opened the blinds. I looked out over the horizon. I sighed. I wouldn’t mind if I died right now, I thought closing my eyes for a brief second. Suddenly, Drew came in. I looked at him.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing. Your mother wanted me to tell you that she dropped you out of college,” he said not meeting my eyes. I was shocked but it slowly turned to anger.
“She can’t just say whether or whether not I drop out of college! This is MY life not HERS!!” I said angrily.
“She said that school cannot bother you when you’re training. Your college said that if you change your mind in the next year, their
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