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Book online «bleeding heart (on hold sos) by strabberyshortcake2 (first e reader txt) 📖». Author strabberyshortcake2

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in this room. I got under the white and black silk covers and melted into the mattress. It was like lying on a sheet of the softest feathers, and I soon fell asleep.
I light rapping on the door woke me in the morning. “Mmm,” I murmured. “Can I come in?” Joes slightly amused voice sounded from the other side of the door. “Yeah,” I barely whispered but I knew he had heard me.
He entered the room and took my breath away. He was wearing a white T-shirt that was so tight you could see his muscles rippling every time he breathed in. His light chuckle drew my eyes away from his chest to his face. I smiled weakly. “Morning beautiful,” he said with an answering smile “have a good sleep?” I looked at him for a second. Was he serious? I was many things but I wasn’t beautiful. Looking into his eyes I saw the depth of his comment. “I'm not beautiful,” I said climbing out of bed. "So stubborn!" i heard him say under his breath. I was sure i weren't meant to hear it so i ignored his little comment.
Walking towards the bathroom. I looked at Joe and stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed Joes eyes on me had widened a little. “What?” I asked puzzled. Then I looked down at myself and realized the nightdress I had on came half way up my thighs and was a bit to clingy. Going red I turned around so my back was facing him and started to walk to the bathroom so I could get changed into something more suitable, when I felt his warm arms snag around my waist and pull me closer to him. “If you’re not beautiful, I don’t know what is,” He whispered in my ear than let me go and walked over to my bed. “Go get changed and whatever then come here. Today’s your first day of training". He coughed
My first day of training wasn’t so bad, but I couldn’t say I enjoyed it. I had one on one lessons for six hours straight everyday with Joe. If I did well at the end of the lesson Joe would let me feed from his hand but if I didn’t do well I went hungry for the night which meant I was weaker the next day. It was hard. Joe trained me to push my abilities to my maximum so I was able to control my anger waves and instead of throwing things away from me painfully, I could pick them up and move them were ever I wanted them to go. I could control what people could say and do. I could even enter someone’s mind and talk to them or listen to what they were thinking. I learnt i had two more gifts at "a vamps house" as i liked to call it. The first was i was able to control the 5 elements. Set someone on fire by looking at them. Or make it rain in a drought. I could make a wind blow on a hot day, or create an earthquake when i was mad. I could even see, talk to, and hear spirits. And the second new power was i could take the shape of anyone or anything i wanted.
Joe showed me to improve my skills, but every day i was with him i grew closer to him and him closer to me. It was like that for 85 years. Then school started.

3. Mistake

On my last day of training with just Joe, training had started as normal in school. Joe woke me up at dusk and we went down to the training hall to start, well, training. He had told me that today would be different and that i wouldn't be allowed to use my powers. We were concentrating on armed combat. Apparently some vampires have the ability to turn your powers against you he said though he had never met one. I practised swordsmanship and archery that day. It wasn't until the end that it started to change.
He challenged me to a swords match to finish up with and i agreed - he usually won but that day i was feeling confident.
Drawing his sword he smiled at me. "Ready?" he asked. I bared my teeth at him and he let out a small chuckle. God he was so beautiful when he did that! He lunged at me and i quickly focused on his position. "Tired already?" he asked. He was asking a lot of questions. "You wish!"
Smiling he made a lung to my right but reading his mind i quickly dodged it and struck him in the chest. He yelped and collapse. "Joe!" i said my voice thick with worry. He was just lying there motionless. I quickly knelt beside him and flipped him over.
The next thing i knew i was on my back and Joe was sat on top of me. His face was just inches away from mine. "Never let emotions control you” he said. I kept my eyes away from lips and focused on his eyes. I followed them as they looked below my chin and realized he had a knife held at my throat. The next thing i realized was that the blade had pierced the skin on my neck and that Joe was watching the blood flow freely from the wound hungrily. I watched him warily as he removed the sword and moved his lips to my gash. My body jerked as his fangs pierced my skin but then the pain subsided and there was a growing pressure in my neck. I now understood why Joe moaned every time i fed from him. I gasped as Joe pulled me up and pinned me to the wall, pressing the left side of my face against the wall and feeding from the right side of my neck. Joe jumped back like he had just realized what he was doing and scrambled back. I collapsed on the floor and just lay there breathing heavily. "That shouldn't have happened!" Joe whispered. "Go to bed." i stared at him "W-" i started "Now!" Joe cut in. i ran to my room the fasted i ever had. "What had just happened?" was all i could think to myself.

4. School

I went straight to bed when i got to my room. I needed to think but i couldn't do that until i was well rested. Falling asleep was easy. I just turned off all my senses and let unconsciousness overtake me. It was keeping the dreams away that were hard. I dreamt of Joe and him biting me again and again and of how much i wanted him to kiss me.
I woke up suddenly when i heard an explosion outside my window. That stupid science club! Joe told me once that once i reached 100 i would be allowed to join regular classes and learn all about the sciences and laws of vampire-ism, and, if you wanted to, you could join a club and do experiments after lessons. Unfortunately for me, that day they were blowing up small bombs outside my window. I looked around my room and panicked when my eyes rested on the alarm. I was half an hour late to my first lesson! Joe was going to kill me.
Jumping up i rushed to my closet and pulled out the first set of cloths i could find and chucked them on. Just as i was about to leave i noticed a piece of paper struck on my door:

Dear Charlie,
I knocked earlier but you were asleep. I just wanted to let you know that you will have no more lessons for the next six weeks. Something came up i have to deal with and i need to attend to it.
Training will presume on the 30th of September.

NO TRAINING FOR SIX WEEKS!! ! What was going on? Joe never cancelled training. Not even when Jane and Ben wanted to talk to him. He always said my well-being was more important. Out of curiosity i decided i would go and spy on him from a distance. I reached for the door handle and tried to turn it. It wouldn't open. I tried again and again but it was locked shut. Why would Joe lock me in? This was so unfair. I walked over and sat on my bed. What could i do? I have never spent the whole day on my own. In my i couldn't go back to sleep- it was too late, and i didn't have any books. In fact thinking about it, i hadn't even see a book since i got here. I would have to ask Joe about it.
I walked over to the computer and turned it on. I had never been one for computers but if i was locked in my room then i would have to occupy myself somehow. i logged on and typed in the name of a game sight i had played on when i was younger

(Arcade Yes)

i loaded the home page up then was stumped. What could i play? Most of the games where strategy games that i could solve in less than half a second. No this wasn't working. The next thing i tried was an old book site i had been of before


. I spent the rest of the day on the computer reading books on there. It was a bit weird as my age came up as 97 but i looked like i was 15/16. It probably looked like i was a pedo or something!
I went to be at about 6am, which was early for me, as i was bored reading and hoped the quicker morning came the quicker i would be aloud out of my room.

I woke up to a soft knock on my door and a burning sensation in my throat. “Who is it?” I asked tiredly. I wasn’t in the mood for talking to anyone. Not even Joe. I heard the door open and close “rude much?” I stopped talking when I sensed who was in the room. “That’s not very nice,” Bens familiar voice came from behind me “I’m a guest. You are meant to be nice to guests. Isn’t that right. I hear Joes a guest in this room quite often.” There was that evil smile. “Ben gets out of my room!” He walked over to me then grabbed a chunk of my hair. “Maybe I don’t want to,” he snarled “such lovely hair,” he said kissing it. “Shame.” He pulled me up so I was dangling in the air by my hair. It didn’t hurt but it was very uncomfortable. “Get. Off. Of. Me.” I said calmly. When I only got a smile in return I kicked him in the stomach called fire to me. But it was too late.
I felt his teeth pierce my skin then pain erupted down my neck and back. That bite wasn’t feeding it was injecting venom into me. I screamed and thrashed out but Ben had me on the floor. I cried out and he bit me again. The pain was too much. I could feel myself fading slowly. That was when I was sucked into nothing.

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