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Book online «The Chosen by Chalen D (books like beach read TXT) 📖». Author Chalen D

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at my tray.
"What's wrong Rocker, don't like prison food?" Tatum asked.
"better get used to the food here, hon," Robby said.
"it doesn't get much better than this." Evelon chimed in.
i don't hang out with people like them but here i am, friends with all of them. Tatum with her sarcastic ways, so she won't get hurt, Evelon with her overly bubbly self, and Robby, his sweet but protective manner. i smiled at all my new friends, as they talked about what crappy food was for lunch.
By the time lunch had come i still didn't figure out why i was bitten and had to be put into this fledgling of a mess. everyone stood outside, talking cause the teacher wasn't there yet. a boy with light hair, smiled and skipped over to me.
"i'm tie, and you look scared."
"i'm fine."
he smiled and held open his arms. the warmth of his smile made me fold myself into him.
"don't worry Deven you'll be okay." he said.
i pulled back.
"how'd you know my name?"
he took a note off my bag and gave it to me.
'hey, i'm Deven don't talk to me i'm lame.'
"Tatum," i said, crumpling the note.
"Maybe we could be friends." he said.
"i'd like that." i said, with a smile.
strange that i had to become a fledgling for people to actually notice me.
"sorry guys!" the teacher called, unlocking the door.
"what the hell?" a kid asked.
"i know i'm sorry guys, everyone in." she said.
when she stepped out of the way to let the kids in i saw it was Gianna. i sat next to tie.
"as i explained during last class there is a darkness that has come around again." she paused, ad picked up a big box with one hand. even though she was small she didn't buckle under the weight of the box. as she passed out the books, she continued.
"the coven is known as the caller coven. the man in charge his name is Benton. Does anyone know what a Pure Vanity vampire is?"
tie raised his hand and continued when picked, " a Pure Vanity vampire is the most powerful vampire, and cannot be harmed by normal vampire's gifts. She has a gift that leds to immediate death She skips being a fledgling and goes strait to a vampire.she is strangely beautiful, even more so than a normal vampire and there is only one at a time."
"very good." Gianna said, as another filled with pride.
"Benton is a powerful vampire as of late, because he has drained the Pure Vanity's power. now that she is gone, there has been another one changed. but this one is special cause, she is still a fledgling, which means if Benton can get his hands on her, and drains her power, he will have enough power to kill off the human race, and have all vampires as his little slaves." she stopped to make sure the calls was listening.
when she saw us basically on the edge of our seat she continued.
"that fledgling is here in this school as we speak. if we can keep her on the good side, we can over throw him and be free of him."
say what you want about me, but I've always been on the good side. that is if she's talking about me.
the bell rang and we all left. tie said, goodbye case he had to meet up with his boyfriend.
"well well."
"oh no." i said, as Tatum reached my side.
"is that anyway to treat a friend?" she asked, eyes wide.
"what do you what?"
"what? a friend can't walk a friend to dinner?"
as we walked i kept my eyes on her.
"Deven this is my boyfriend..."
"tie." i said, smiling.
we hugged.
"you've met?" Robby asked.
"yeah we have last class together." Tie said.
"really? so do you know your gift?" Evelon asked.
"no." i said, brows pulled together.
"a vampire with your power should know." Tatum said.
"Watch it Tatum." Robby said.
"what do you mean?" i asked.
"Tatum can see into people's future." Tie said.
"what's my power?" i asked.
she laughed without humor and got into line. after i told myself that when i did find out what my power was i was going to use it on her, i got in line too.
Tie can manipulate vampires and Robby can use the elements.
When i got back to the room i realized i was hugging the book Gianna gave me to my chest.
it was a fledglings guide. i remembered it was the book that Evelon was reading when we first met.
"goodnight!" Evelon called down the hall and then shut our door.
" you got you book eh? that's going to be your best friend. go get some pj's in the dresser, there's brand new underwear and bras in there to, the left top drawer is mine, i'll take you over to the showers." she said.
we met up with Tatum.
"hey, could you be cool and not open my shower curtain or take my clothes or towel?" i asked her.
"yeah sure dude, but don't tell anyone that i'm doping you a solid." she said.
"take it to the grave."
she smiled and took off her shirt.
so she did have a cool side, buried deep down, well if she liked you anyway. maybe she saw something in my future that she liked. we said, our goodbyes and went to bed.
the next morning i woke up early to read the book.
the necklace protected me from the sun and made me look human to humans.
it felt normal calling them humans and myself a fledgling, which freaked me out. vampires could drink other vampires blood, and sleep instead of hunt. fledglings could eat normal food but if a vampire did they would burst into flames? what kind of crap is that?
"Deven?" Evelon asked, sleepy, which scared me to no end.
"what?" i asked, slamming the book closed.
"are you mad at me?" she asked, quickly.
"no, you scared me is all."
"i'm sorry."
"me too."
"what are you doing?"
"what do you like to do?"
"sing." i sad, wondering what brought all of these questions.
"will you sing for me?"
"i said, i like to do it, not that i was good."
she laughed.
sunlight broke into our room and we got ready for the day. i put on a long sleeved shirt and some jeans. i grabbed my bag and followed Evelon to the lunch room. Tatum joined us on our walk, and hit her arm against mine. when i looked she gave me a sly smile. i laughed once, smiling and shaking my head.
"Deven!" Robby said, cause i was first in his line of view.
when we hugged he picked me off the ground. they started to talk and i looked around for Tie who was holding our place in line. i walked to him and hit his arm with mine. he looked down and smiled.
"hey best friend." he said, hugging me.
"hi best friend. so anything about my power?"
"no why?"
"you seem close with Tatum, is all."
"I hear you talking shit." Tatum said, walking to us, and putting her elbow on my shoulder. "friends don't do that guys." she said, disappointed.
Tie reached over and poked her in the side, and that was it for her pretend anger. Robby and Evelon joined us in line and we got breakfast.
once we sat down, Tatum's eyes glowed and her hair flew about her face. kids looked.
"nothing to see." Robby said, tossing his jacket over her head.
she ripped the jacket off.
"Deven move NOW!" she yelled.
Tie grabbed me and yanked me from where i was sitting just before a ceiling fan fell and hit where i was sitting. everyone stood in silence.
"is everyone okay?" Gianna asked, standing on a table.
weather i liked it or not, Tatum just saved me. i looked at her and she nodded, when my mouth opened.
i looked back at the ceiling fan. i didn't realize i was clutched to Tie until he called my name worried. i let go and brushed myself off.
"these wires where cut," Robby said.
"you sure?" Evelon asked
"positive, see how it's jagged?" he said, as she nodded.
"who cut the wires?" Gianna called.
everyone looked around confused. of course who ever did it wasn't going to admit it. i thought she was smarter than that to ask.
"Deven, Tatum, meet me in my office girls, i'll be there shortly." she said, climbing down.
we grabbed our bags and walked to her office. someone tried to kill me. Tatum loosely took my hand. without looking at her i tightened our grip and held on like a life line.
maybe she just was hurt so much she forgot how to show emotion.
"Did you see anything else?" Gianna asked.
"nothing, but Robby said, the wires where cut which means..." Tatum stopped.
"someones trying to get me." i said.
" is it that one guy?" Tatum asked.
"no he'd want her alive."
"why?" i asked.
"so he can drain your powers." Gianna said.
so she was talking about me. i'm the Pure Vanity Vampire.
"so maybe it was an accident." Tatum said.
"we won't know until i have people look over it, if it was someone at this school, i can't imagine why they'd want to hurt their sister. you girls go ahead and head to class."
we bowed with her and left. for the rest of the day i was on the look out. during fifth class i was asked a question, that i knew, but i couldn't get the words out cause everyone was staring at me. the kid next to me his pen fell out of his mouth and his hand shot up.
"Ms. Marsh what happened if we take off our necklace?"
"good question, you lose all power, and make any attacker even a human easy to kill. now Deven."
"but what if you took it off at night?"
"just leave the necklace on Preston."
the bell rang and i bolted from the room.
i hurried to where i met Tatum.
"why'd you freeze? you knew the answer." he said, coming to my side.
i didn't need to tell a stranger of my people issues.
"thanks for saving my ass, Preston." i said, hurrying to Tatums side.
"you okay hun?" Robby asked.
"that's my girl," he said, hugging me and kissing my forehead.
me and Tatum fell behind.
"anything new?" she asked.
"same here."
Evelon, came up behind us and put her arms around us.
"i found out who did it." she said, proudly.
"who?" me, Tatum, Robby, and Tie all but yelled.
Evelon looked around.
"it was this guy that thought it would be funny to play a prank on the knew girl, he cut wires, so that when it would fall, it would stop inches above Deven's head, but when it fell, the wires he didn't cut snapped cause the fan was too heavy."
"do you know who did it?" Tie asked, pulling me to him.
his strong arms felt like they where keeping me together.
"nope, the person who did it typed a letter to Gianna, so she's still searching for the dude."
"thanks Evelon." i said, walking away.
"aren't you getting food?" she asked.
"i'm not hungry."
"i got it." Tie said.
"Deven, wait." Tie said, as we stepped out into the icy air.
he grabbed my wrist and i folded into him.
he kissed my forehead and stroked my hair.
"talk too me."
"everything is just falling apart, my old life might of not been perfect, but i want it back. i'm falling apart, i never thought i'd need my mom so much right
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