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Book online «You And I by Alexa H (libby ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Alexa H

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I Woke up on Tuesday to find myself staring at a clock. My vision became more readable at the clock. It read. 8:20 am, minutes later It finally processed In my head 2nd day of school and I'm late again. " AHH! GONNA BE LATE!" I hoped into the shower and rushing to wash every Part of my body before stepping out to put on eyeliner and brush my hair. I grabbed my blue sweater top, black skinny jeans, and black boots before grabbing my bag to leave. " Bye Mom! Bye john! Bye Noah!" John was my Step-father, I'm not a fan of him and I don't think He has the right to come in all fancy and say " You can call me father" No way in death or life would I ever consider calling him father. I only have one, the one who helped birth me,He died while trying to stop a pack from taking my mother so they can have her for their personal use, but both teams ended up dying 1vs4 my father was the strongest one in our old pack. Noah is my sweet little baby brother. He's about 3 While I'm 17,That's 14 years apart. He was just born not too soon ago and He calls me Awic (Ahh-wick) I love him so much I wouldn't Sell him for the highest amount of money in the world,And last but not least my beautiful mother, when I mean she's pretty she is really pretty like a goddess,sad part Is I don't have all her quality's,They all go to Noah,He got her beautiful emerald eyes and her dimples the 2 best parts. While I only got the hair and the Dark brown eyes from my father,But that doesn't stop me from saying I look beautiful.When I was at the age of 5 I use to get bullied and called ugly,tramp, shank etc. those days I didn't even know hurtful words like those existed, I always thought this world was full of happiness and nothing was gonna hurt,after father died that's what I thought at least,Father always told me as long as I was born from him and mother I would never turn ugly or be ugly to begin with. I took those words seriously and I feel I'm confident today, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't perk up my style and makeup. I heard the honk of the bus and popped out of my thoughts. " Are ya getting in, or just gonna stand there like a pile of meat loaf!?" The bus driver honked once again. I blushed a bright red and hopped onto the bus finding Lena and Christy.They both waved eagerly at me to come sit in their 3 seater. " ah, Geez I'm so embarrassed" As I plopped down in the seat next to Christy I covered my face in my hands. " Don't be Alice, 2nd days always the Real beginning" Lena said slapping me on the back. " Huh?" I removed my hands from my face to stare at Lena in confusion." Yesterday was just a little greeting today you'll be ranked" " Ranked?" I turned to Christy to see if she could be a little more clear on the situation. " Well,uh here in Levong High we all got rankings. depending on how you treat today, 1st ranking is The Popular's 2nd. Normal's, and 3rd. Nerds, or the person no one wants to get near. Me and Christy are Normals but in the cheery section of it" I stared blankly at Christy, " So then who ranks us?" " Of course Jesslia, the girl you had the fight with, I don't think It was a really wise Idea to have a fight with her and win but let's see how It goes.." I sighed as we all got of the bus shoving and pushing, but I just stayed until everyone got off, to my surprise I was left with no one but other than the famous hottie Talen.He gave me a slight glare before exiting. Wait, was that a glare!? " Hey, Talen!" I caught his shoulder just in time to walk with him to 1st period. " U-uh about yesterda-" " Forget it, and don't bother me your such a pest" He flicked me on the head before trying to catch up with 3 of his friends. " Ah..Geez." I tried to find Lena or Christy but no where to be found. Instead I got lost in thought and bumped into another all which i'm assuming is a guy. " S-Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped Into you, really really really sorr-" My constant babbling went on and on until I caught myself when the voice turned around and spoke up. It was a guy with a child like face, and light brown hair. " Oh! You must be Alice the new girl! YOUR SO CUTE" He hands slid over my face to poke my cheeks."Aha, thank you? and you name is..?" I pulled my hand up to grab his off my face . " I'm Charles Please to meet you Madam Alice" His bright smile could of been just enough to get my day started, from that moment I think I made another friend. I smiled back with great effort " Pleasure Is all mine Sir Charles" I saluted.His eyes went shocked for a moment " Oh! wanna be friends I like you alot" I turned the other way so he wouldn't see my blush. " Sure I already consider you a friend first thought so you can't do that" I said sticking my tongue out at his foolish response. He gasped in anger before pouting " That's not fair at all. Oh whatever then, Talen's told me about you, He said your really horrible and annoying but I see you as a bright girl, your like a sister" " T-Talen said that I'm annoying..?" I tried my best to hold in emotions but Didn't work out as planned. " Ohh, Madam Alice your so Transparent!" He said once again poking my face. " I've heard.." I said ignoring the poking. The bell rang before Charles had another thing to say. " Your In my first period right? Let's walk together! I doubt Talen will mind." He pulled me running in wolf speed toward class. " W-wait! Charles your a wolf too? and could you slow down!" My mind began to get dizzy and papers flew by my face 1 by 1. " Nope! Come on don't be a party poop pooper Alice" When we reached the class It became quiet for some strange reason. Charles let go of my hand as he skipped next to the seat near Quiet Talen reading his book. " Oh well well well, Looks like new girl wants to be slut. I see you already got one boy in that miniature cage of yours" Her slut-like friends pitched in as all 5 laughed loudly and mockingly at me when I walked slowly to the seats behind Christy and Lena. Just by the time I peeked over as the incredibly handsome Talen He peeked up at his book to glance over at me and then over to Jessliah"Hey Blonde slut; keep your voice shut I'm tired Of hearing It everyday. usual". Her face suddenly steamed with anger and shock. " Shut up. Lonely boy I'm surprised you even have friends.Speaking of which your such a coward being afraid of girl and all It's ridiculous and hilarious at the same time!" Jessliah Laughed loudly as she looked down on her friends shaking her ass n every direction to be seen. Talen's Face became a steep red at his wonderful blue green eyes turned Black and his Canines slowly popping out. " O oh.." A soft murmur came from Lena Christy, and Charles. " Repeat that please If you want your face completely destroyed slut" Talen said holding his hands in fist. I watched in amazement at her legs shook in horror. " Y-You heard me coward, You seem disparately like a lone wolf" I couldn't think of anything else until my feet moved on It's own, Appearing in front of Talen as the first punch moved. The room Became pitch dark as vision slowly faded away from my eyes,and mind. The last words that escaped my mouth before Darkness had consumed me," Please, Stop this!"

I woke up to be surrounded by blurred like people. " H-Huh?" " She's awake!" My vision shot clear giving my brain a slight rush of headache. " Take It easy there Alice." The familiar voice unclouded my mind as I turned to see who had spoken. It was Christy, I was 2% glad to hear her loud yet perky voice wake me up from a sudden head rush." Brave stuff you did out there Al" I turned to see Lina giving my a thumbs up. Al? Was this a new nickname..? really liked it If so. " Madam Alice don't do stuff like that, It's pointless!" I turned to see Charles talk, my mind started to processes what just happened, Talen Had gotten mad and went all wolf out on Jessliah.The bell rang which I believe was suppose to indicate lunch, and I was pretty hungry." Go get dressed out of that gown and hurry up and meet us at the lunch table, C ya there!" I watched as Christy pulled Lena out to the door as Charles followed behind."I walked to the bathroom and locked it as I began to hurry and change. I was feeling better by every second that passed by. I brushed my hair before Running human speed to the lunch room. I spotted Christy and Lena as I slowly walked over to them. Suddenly the tug from the back of my blue sweater surprised me as I was being pulled back by who know's what Might be a man eating bear, or even a rapist, or maybe worst! " Ugh! Let go! rapist!!" I back kicked and made a quick swerve to meet my opponent. I took a fighting stance and took one step back, but quickly relaxed to see who It actually was. Talen. " Ow.." " A-Ah! I'm really really really sorry Talen. does it still hurt?" " Uh no no... That's not the point. I wanted to say uh.. S-Sorry... I never had any intention of hurting you I swear!" I gave him a soft smile before lightly punching his right arm. " NO WORRIES! Past is past. future is future. am I right?" " Yea.. but still Sorry I'd want to repay the favor. " No, It's okay,All I wanted is an apology" I gave him a goofy smile. For some reason, at a moment like this his strawberry mint like scent made me want to do unlike things at the moment. I tried my best as I bit my lip taking a few steps back from this wonderful scent. " Well still Can I repay you?" " With what exactly? there isn't anything special I want really don't worry about it." " Well I have a small offer." He stepped closer pulling me in as our lips collided with the sweet taste of strawberry mint over flooding me in every way. It was soft yet desirable. We fought for light dominance as our lips went slowly in rhythm. I decided I was the one to lead, I pushed my lips roughly onto his as he cupped my ass, letting out deep groans. Wow I felt really like I was slowly turning into a slut by every touch. I broke taking fast deep breaths before colliding with lips once again. He slid his hands up and blue sweater towards my bra playfully tickling the

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