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Book online «Jinx by Casiana 'Autumn' Hernandez (read book TXT) 📖». Author Casiana 'Autumn' Hernandez

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I thought for sure I would’ve seen him walking to the car to, but I can’t remember getting any visual.
“Okay, well have a safe ride home.” He smiles and walk to the driver side. Our shoulders brush as he climbs in. “Hey,” I say as he climbs in. He turns and looks at me, waiting expectantly. “Nothing, never mind.” I say turning on my heels and walking to my car. I climb in and push my bags onto the seat next to. I think hard. I remember what Mara had told me. “There are those like us, those who have special abilities that they cloak. You will know what they are because they can block all of your psychic senses.” I turn to look at Hunter but the car is gone and once again, I’m alone.
Chapter 2
Yang’s is running fast today. It’s Friday and all the families are in ordering takeout. I wait for about 20 minutes before getting my rice, chicken, and egg rolls. The ride home, my phone won’t stop buzzing. When I pull into the drive I finally give in and answer. “Hello?” I say not hiding my irritation. “Aribelle?” My Dad’s familiar voice comes in from the other line. “Dad, I just got home, sorry I didn’t answer before when you kept calling. I was driving.” Silence. “What are you talking about kiddo? I just called to see how things were going with you Mom. This is the 1st time I’ve called you all day.” And that’s when I realize I hadn’t even seen him calling. I make up an excuse to hang up then go into the house.
As soon as I’m in the house I run to my room and change into sweats and a tank top. I figure I might as well be comfortable when I make the call. I plop down on the couch with a box of takeout in one hand and my cell phone in the other. I dial in her number. She picks up on the first ring. “Nice to hear from you, Aribelle. What’s wrong?” Mara was my psychic mentor back in San Antonio. She was born with the natural abilities when she had a near death experience at birth. “Mara, I have something interesting to tell you.” I say. I fill her in on this kid Hunter and then fill her in on Fawn.
“Well, you were bound to meet another psychic, I mean it’s a completely different state with people with completely different abilities.” I hear her sigh on the other line. “Be careful though. Do you know his abilities?” I try to think. “No I don’t.” A sudden visual comes to my head. I see her rummaging through her books, finding a specific one, and flipping to a page. “You think the answer is in a book?” I ask. Mara laughs, “Of course you would see that.” I hear rummaging then dropping something heavy on her coffee table. The sound of flipping pages and silent reading come from the other line. “All psychics are drawn to the souls of the dead. Have you gone to any graves yet?” Mara asks. I remember when I was around the age of 13; going to bed then waking up in a graveyard or near a morgue. “Nope. Like I said there’s only one ghost that’s tried calling to me.”
“Well, my only advice is to go and check out some cemeteries. See if your friend is in one of them.” Then silence. “Aribelle?” She asks. “Yeah?” I hate when she gets like this. She knows something is going to happen she knows it but won’t tell me. “Not all psychics are good, so be careful, okay?” I hang up and then go back to eating. A loud hiss comes from behind me. Then the lights go out in a bright blast as they all explode. The doors fly open and close, wind appears from every angle whipping my hair in my face. I stand up knocking the takeout out of my hands. I turn. In the door way there’s a shadow. It’s shaped like a girl with long hair. Her heads whips up. Fawn. Her eyes are covered in a milky white film and she’s turned an unhealthy gray color. A hiss escapes from her lips. Her eyes snap to me and in a breath I’m face to face with an entity.
After I helped Mrs. Finch I had sworn off helping all other ghosts. It was not only terrifying to relive their stories but to deal with the psychos behind their murders. So yes, I had dealt with my fair share of angry ones, but it didn’t mean it was any less terrifying to see them. I stumbled back against the wind and fell onto the couch. She was in my face her eyes looking into mine. “I couldn’t find it.” She whispered. “I couldn’t find my way!” She shrieked. I close my eyes willing her away and when I open them, things are back to normal.
Mom never came home, and if she did, it was only to shower. It’s Saturday and I have nothing to do. I clean the kitchen, the bathroom, my bedroom, and then the living room. After all that I shower and spend extra time on my hair and makeup. Now I’m all dolled up, bored and with no place to go. I fumble with the remote and then give up. I change and then I dart out the door going to go and find some trouble to get into.
Some trouble, I end up at the library. The library. Yeah look at me, I’m a real badass. I pick out an interesting looking book and plop onto the couch they have in the young adults section. I hadn’t realized it but I had drifted off. I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder. “Hello? Earth to Aribelle?” Hunter leans over hovering, his long hair scraping my forehead. I snap up on reflex and smash my face into his head. “Ow.” I mumble. “Are you okay?” I look up. I see a large red mark forming in the shape of my face on his forehead. “Sorry.” I say springing up from the couch and scrambling for my jacket and bag. He hands me my belongings. “Any reason in particular you were sleeping in the library?” I feel myself blush. “I had an unexpected visitor over last night. It scared me awake.”
He nods. Are you okay? Are you seriously telling him what happened with the ghost? I turn on my heels and bullet out of the library. But apparently, Hunter walks fast. “Are you hungry? Want to get something to eat with me?” He asks. I stop short. “I’m guessing you’re a nice guy and all Hunter but space for me right now is what I needed.” I walk away and hop into my car driving out of the parking lot in a haste to escape. When I get home, I find Mara sitting on my steps.
“Hi.” I say storming past her. “This boy, is he harassing you?” She asks following me into the house. I drop my bag and go to my room and change into flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. “Something about him isn’t right. He really sets me on edge.” I say as I crash onto the couch. Mara takes the seat in the love seat opposite me, he short hair is pulled back and she‘s wearing her glasses, completely ready for work. “Have you told your Mom?” I laugh. “As if. She’s never home enough for me to get more the 3 words out.” I mumble. I cover my face with the afghan sitting on the back of the couch. “Should we try and see if he’s really a threat to you?” Mara asks. She brings her feet up into a pretzel style and looks at me expectantly. “Sure.” I say, “Why not?”
Chapter 3
Mara pulls out a red, black, and silver candle and places them on the table. I lift one. “You got scented this time?” I ask. “It doesn’t matter as long as we have candles. It has to be a calming environment.” Mara lights each one and then turns the light off in the corner. “Ready?” She ask holding her palms out to me. I place mine hands in hers. “Close your eyes.” I do as she says. She brings us back to our place of peace. Where it’s quiet. Mom’s not there to ruin everything. Dad still wanted me around. And I have the ability to hide my powers and feel normal. We walk towards our place in the circle. I look down. It’s like hovering over an ocean of lights. “Ask your question, Ari.” She wills me down into the light. I look around an I’m enveloped in the luminous aura. I imagine the question in my mind. “Is he a threat to me?” I ask. The aura get cloudy and clear. I pulls me back to the surface. I find that Mara has brought a door back to reality.
“What was the answer?” She asks. I shrug. “It got really cloudy and then it got really clear. What does that mean?” I ask. But before she can answer I hear another voice. “What the hell is she doing in my house?!” I turn to see Mom in the doorway her coat still on and bag of takeout in her hand. “Mom, wait-” But before I can continue, Mara is up and facing Mom. “I came to visit Aribelle, Karen.” I shake my head. Mara has put a hex on my mouth leaving me speechless and unable to defend her. “What makes you think you’re aloud in this house is beyond me, but to even assort with Ari is unthinkable.” I try to stand but my hands are held down with an undeniable force. Pinning my arms at my sides and my ass to the couch. “Don’t worry, Karen. I was just leaving.” Mom snorts. “Damn right you are. Stay away from my kid!” I break the hex with such and force and stand. “Shut, just shut up okay? She was helping me when you couldn’t. Shut up!” I feel the blood rush to my face. “I called her. Leave her alone. She understands!” I scream at her.
I storm up the stairs, to my room, and slam the door. 30 seconds later a hear a car pull out of the driveway. Mara’s voice enters my head. “You’ll be okay. She’s just worried is all. You’re not alone Ari. I’ll be back later to help you.” I laid down on my bed to cry. I hated my Mother, but mostly, I hated myself for letting our lives slip like this.
I was 7 when my Mom made me start seeing Mara. Mara was my therapist once I told my Mother I could see the dead and the future, she said it was time I see someone. At first I hated Mara. I didn’t like how she could trick me into telling her everything with her damn reverse psychology. But one day a ghost named Danny had followed me into the offices. I sat down at the chair like always and pouted. I was mad at my Mom for making me come to see Mara again. Mara smiled. Danny hid behind my hair and waved. It shocked me when she waved back. “Mara, do you see him?” I asked as Danny came out. “What’s your name?” Mara asked. “Danny.” He whispered. Mara talked to Danny about how he found me and how he had died.
“I couldn’t figure out where to go.” Danny had said sniffling. Mara smiled. “Danny, You should say good bye to you parents.” Mara said. “They won’t see me.” Mara shrugged. “Maybe they don’t need to in order to know you’re there.” Danny sniffled again, waved bye
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