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Book online «Chosen by Nikkie Youngblood (10 best books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Nikkie Youngblood

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confused as I am right now I thought to myself. "Know what?!" I yell. "What is there to know, you tell me. No one else will anyway." I shock myself at how loud I yelled at him and the truth in my words. He stepped hesatently closer, "You really don't know do you?" he asked sounding tierd. "If there was anything to know I wouldn't know what it is." i say almost to quiet for him to hear. He gazes at me for what seems like years but it was only minutes. "And why am i in a cell?" it almost sounds like a whimper, and i try to calm myself and steady my raged breathing. i say again a little louder for i had no answer, "Why am i here? in a cell?"  all the answer i get is silence then the sound of retreating footsteps. why can't i just get more answers? i kick the wall angrily trying to clear my mind and think of about the problem at hand. "he'll come for me" i wisper before i know what im even saying. "Luke will come for me" i don't know how i know i just do. It's like this instince i gues you would call it, but its a warm feeling that i happily welcome. I let my eyes drift clsed hoping for plesent dreams...

                I wake to footsteps coming i closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep so that i can listen. "Are you sure it's her?" the voice said. the sound of footsteps are coming closer, who's there i wonder to myself. "I'm possitive she's the one" this voice sounds vagly familier. "Where's your proof that she's the one? You better not be wasting my time!" the strange voice says her words almost dripping with anger. "i dont know how to proove it! But it's her she has the sent and her aura is the exact same" "You better hope your not wrong Calhoen. If you are you pay with your life." with that i heard leaving footsteps but i felt a pair of eyes still watching me.

"I know your awake Violet" the voice says that i now know as Calhoen. I opened my eyes and sat up, "How did you know?" i asked curiosly. He gazes at me a moment, "I can just tell" and with that he smiles and begins to walk away. "WAIT!" i yelled. "Please wait a second. Can you please tell me what's going on?" He stops walking and half turns aroud to look at me. I can't tell what it is that i see in his eyes love, hate, anger, pity? He smiles sadly at me, "You should know soon enough if it's really you." he turns and walks away leaving me to be alone in my cell.


                                                   *         *         *


I awake again to my cell being opened. "Who's there!"  I say with the lack of sight in the darkness. "Oh, its just me, Calhoen no need to worry Violet"  he says with a chuckle.  Ungracefully I stand to meet him head on. "What do you want?" i spit my word at him. He just smiles which ticks me off even more. "What the hell do you want!" i scream at him, to my saprise he looks shocked that i yelled at him. He recovers quickly though, back with his over confidant smile. "I want you." He says walking slowly to me. He walks with a caution that makes me curiose. "Why?" i whisper ignoring the fact that he's still inching closer to me. He smiles a crooked smile, "Because of what you are." He looks me in the eye, still walking toward me as if i were a danger to him. narrowing my eyes. "What am i?" i say with an edge of hope in my voice. His silence is like a sharp dagger in my heart, im staring at him waiting for an answer to at least one of all my questions. Finally he speaks. closing his eyes. "Your a werewolf." he says. Looking down at me, he's now right in front of me. "That's not possible." i say, my voice barely audible to even my own ears. he smiles slighty, "It's very possible actually." tilting his head, "Would you like to see my wolf?" he asks. Not trusting my voice to say word, hesitantly i nod my head. He grins "I was hoping you  would say that." Stepping back he removes his shirt to reveil a lean muscular body. *a nice body if i might add* His body starts to steam then before i know it a wolf is standing before me. Yelping a jump back.

In awh i step forward without thinking, I reatch out my hand to pet the beautiful white wolf that stands before me. the wolf tilts its head coming forwad to let my hand rest on its head. i smile to the wolf. "Your beautiful" i say to him still smiling like an idiot. The wolfs ears suddenly pop up, he turns his head as to listen for sounds i cant hear. Lowly growling he turns to stand with his back to me as if to protect me from something. "Whats wrong?" I whisper quietly to him, unwanted fear rising up inside me. angry i shake the fear away, stand straighter and walk in front of the wolf to see what's there. To my saprise there was nothing there, i turned to look at calhoen... 

"There's nothing there" i say to him. "Turn back now." I cammanded him, to my saprise there he stood before me almost instantly. My guess is he was saprised too, by the look in his face. "It is you." he whispered with so much joy he might have well squeeled like a high school girl. i just look and him and smiled. Then it hit me, Why am i acting like there's nothing wrong?! I'm not even sapposed to be here, in his prison. I shake the smile from my face and with as much hate and venom as i could muster i say what's on my mind. "So Calhoen, why am i really here?" the hurt on his face almost throws me off...almost.

 With his head down he walks for the door as if reatreating from me. "STOP!" the instent I yell the words he's is no longer walking as if compelled to stop. But why? what am i that i have any power over anyone.  he turns to me with pure anger written all over his face. "what" he says with venom lacing his word. keeping my voice steady and strong, "Let me go" i say hiding the hope that he will have to listen to me. his eyes show that he doesn't want to but he opends the door anyway. "go" sadly he whispers as i walk past him to my awaiting freedom. I stop and turn to look at him. "I'm sorry. i really am but i don't belong in this cage like a wild animal i may be a were wolf but i can control myself." after its said i regret it. "Maybe we can meat again" i smile sadly.

 "On better turms." and with that i turn and leave.


            In the woods i walk, the wind browing my fur as i howl at the moon with my pack


I have been walking for days in the woods i know but dont really know. I dont know how but I feel as though i could walk these woods blind folded. i smile to the thought. "Dmn, i'm freezing." a shiver runs through me as if on que. "I wonder what it feels like to be in wolf form." in spit of being alone i talk aloud to myself. Thinking about turning sends a random jolt of exileration and joy through my whole body.

"okay violet!" i shout to myself. "Lets do this." as if just thinking about it would make me turn my body jolts with never before known pain,and joy. "aaaahhh!!" i screamed before i could even try to cover my mouth. the sound of bones reforming sends an unknown jolt of axileration threw me. i fall to the ground in pain, then its all gone. all the pain is gone and i feel bliss and a hell of a lot of adrinalion pumping threw my vains. i start to run relizing im not human anymore that i'm a wolf. i run at full speed, untill my lungs burn i howl with joy. thats when i see the moon.

I dont know why but i have an erge to call and see if anyone answers it. tilting my head back i inhale and let out a loud howl of calling. i wait and at no reply i do it once more. about to give up i hear a rely to  y call. with out think i dash forward towards the call. running as fast as my legs can carry me. as if on que the call comes agian much closer this time, i run for it with all my streangth. i come to an opening in the woods. the same clearing that i was kidnapped from. i see a wolf the color of dark chacolate standing in the middle waiting. i crouch low to watch the other wolf to see its reaction to no reply to his call. tilting his head slitly in my direction he listens. i stand and howl loud and furiose. he sees me and does the same. Curios and catiously I walk to him. he tilts his head, then he bows his head crouched low as to show respect. i stop, "why do you bow to me" i say. his head shot up when he heard my voice. "how did you do that?" he askes the same way. "only an alpha can speak threw the mind. i look at him for a moment, thinking what to say to that. "then what does that make you?" i say he stands talller and pround. "im an alpha" he says with confidence and proudness in his tone. "then why do you bow to me?" i say my question again. "because you are and alpha queen. next ruler of all and heir of the next high thrown." he says as  if the answer was abvios the whole time. 

dumbfounded at his answer i back paddle a few steps. "i dont know what your talking about, or what any of that stuff is. but i want nothing to do with it." after loosing my cool i crouch low to the groung hidden in the tall grass and my black fur. "why do you hide yourself so" he says trying to find me in the darkness. "who are you" i suddenly ask him. he stops and tilts his head toward the moon. "my name is Luke" he says slowly. "wha is your name, if i may ask?" "why do you speak to me as if i am higher than you. stop and talk to ma as if

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