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Book online «The Student(A short, semi-sweet,semi-bitter, Harry Potter love story) by Diana LeRoy (large ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Diana LeRoy

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The two of them used to live close to each other, both of them came from prosperous family and by some coincidence, their parents both managed to have their respective estates built within a few miles of each other so it was no wonder that the two were friends as children, that is until she moved away to France to attend Beauxbatons Academy, her parents’ choice of course, so in a way it surprised Malfoy that she transferred to Hogwarts and in a way it didn't, he knew her personality very well, even as a child he could read her personality. She was a beauty growing up, she possessed the beauty of porcelain doll except she was never fake and she also possessed a sense of boldness.

He remembered that when they were little she liked to go on risky playtime adventures with Malfoy like climbing more than 10 ft up a great tree which was quite a feat at the age of 8, the age she attempted it and even encouraged Malfoy to climb too high, but because they were kids they eventually got scared or Malfoy did at least and Lucius had to use magic to get them both down safely from the tallest tree in the woods, that were just beyond the backyard of their estates. Another thing, when her parents tried to hire her a personal magic tutor at the age of 10, one of the best in Europe they hired, she was a bold firecracker and often tried to skip magic lessons with her stoic instructor in the sneakiest ways possible. She did invisibility spells; she pranked him and the such eventually the instructor left having been outwitted and therefore embarrassed by the childhood heiress. "I want to be yours" is another thing Draco recalled, she had said it to him before she left for France. She may have been 11 when she said it but everyone including Draco knew she had always been beyond her years and gifted. She had potions and knew certain spells that certain wizards and witches alike only dreamed of knowing and her abilities she inherited were something else.

Those aspects on top of the wealth she had inherited from her parents after they had died in an accident two years ago certainly made her stand out, they were a few of the reasons why Draco's father was encouraging his son to court and eventually engage himself to the young heiress for she would inherit even more wealth when she turned eighteen in two consecutive years. However when Draco saw her again all grown up with a lady's body, grace and lively personality he truly felt that if he could court or even marry her he could grow to love her like she had loved him as a child, as silly as it was Draco wondered if she would still feel that way about him, her childhood crush and closest friend. That was the difference between Draco and his father; Draco wanted to court and possibly marry Celestia for love, while Lucius his father wanted his son to eventually marry her to increase his own family's wealth and amp up their reputation as a noble family. Little did he know that someone else might get to her first...

Chapter Three: First day, First flash-back

On the first day of classes, Celestia had gotten to class on time and managed to make a handful of friends before class even began. She sat down next to Cesare for her first class of the day, potions, should be easy enough she told herself. She had always loved potions, they were one of her favorite things to experiment with in magic for it never ceased to amaze her the wondrous possibilities one could achieve just from potion making. She lightly tapped her quill pen against her notebook, with her other hand beneath her chin, feeling a little bored. Here she was on time for her first class and her teacher was late. Truth be told she honestly felt a little nervous because Severus or should she say professor Snape was teaching this class, she felt butterflies in her stomach because of the fact that in her past life she was his lover, she shivered at the thought.

 She knew this because one of the abilities she had inherited from the Flamel line was the unique ability to travel through time whether it be in the past or in the future she could travel through time and she could even see her past lives, everyone that had lived in the Flamel clan had, had a past life, that was a well-known fact about the Flamel line. If she remembered correctly, she had opened up an time portal through an old Latin spell for time travel which had taken her back to mid-1970s, the era when her mother and aunt Prudence had once attended Hogwarts themselves before transferring to Beauxbatons to pursue more "feminine" magic, for she had always remembered that both her mother and aunt Prudence or Prue for short as she often called her, both always had a taste for the more feminine things in life like sewing, attending high society events, hosting balls and parties of sorts while Celestia had always been the most adventurous female of the Flamel clan or so she liked to think. Course she cared about clothes, hair and accessories but she never really cared much for makeup, garden parties and the sorts she found them rather boring yes she who was born into high society found classical activities that people born of high society just boring plain and simple.

Back to her train of thought, Celestia remembered that when she had went through that portal it brought her to aunt Prudence in the past, (who surprisingly used to look just like Celestia but had since then traded her strawberry blonde locks for deep mahogany instead) and to her not so great delight she had witnessed a scene of the past where her aunt was being made to love to by a young Severius Snape who she found out later on only slept with her aunt because he was trying to forget a past love and thought that sex with her aunt could help him forget her even though it was only temporary.

 Her aunt hadn't seen her because of the spell but Severus did.....he saw right through her spell and noticed her and his mouth went agape and his eyes started to widen just as she was closing the portal to go back to present time. She would never forget this as it was her first time experimenting with time travel and neither would Severus who had noticed the striking resemblance between Prudence and her niece who was now in his class. That was another thing she later found out that the other reason he had decided to sleep with her aunt was because she almost resembled his first love except with lighter hair and a softer accent just like....Celestia and now Severus feared that he was about to fall for another Flamel all over again....

Chapter Four: Duty To The Family

One week prior to Celestia's arrival at Hogwarts: Lucius Malfoy was usually a patient man but today as he was sitting in the Slytherin common room waiting for his son who he had told to promptly meet him at 3:30 not 4, he felt himself get a hint of worry, it was not like his son to be late for anything really, growing up he had taught to be on time for EVERYTHING for it was proper and he had passed it on to his son or so he thought. Finally at 4:08 his son walked in with a grin on his face "Father what a brilliant day it is to be at Hogwarts we are hosting the Triwizard tournament and Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy....... he didn't get to finish as his father barked "Sit, we have important matters to discuss and your late" Lucius said with a bit of impatience in his voice. "Someone is coming to Hogwarts son, someone who could be very beneficial to you, me, your mother and the entire Malfoy clan for that matter, her name is Celestia Flamel".

The girl whose supposed to be the last member of the Flamel line and heiress to the Flamel fortune and title?. "Precisely my son, you see she possess something that could be very beneficial to our clan indeed something that you could easily obtain with your charm". Draco just shook his head "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, explain". That girl, my dear Draco possesses something that could bring us even more fortune than we already have and...immortality". You don't mean......."Oh but I do Draco, Harry Potter may have destroyed that one philosopher's stone that Nicholas Flamel made but its a very well-kept secret that Nicholas Flamel actually created 2 in his lifetime and thanks to my good sources, I found out that the last Flamel heiress just happens to possess it, think of what this could mean for us Malfoy, I know you had a crush on her as a child so it would be beneficial to you, me, your mother and everyone else in our clan. Draco looked at his father than down at his feet...immortality huh....I'd be able to get Celestia whom he wouldn't admit he'd never stopped thinking about even know he had dreams about her and wondered what she looked like with a more womanly body and.... "I will not fail you father" he said as he stood up.

"Good then, enjoy the triwizard cup Draco, I shall see you later on". Immortality and the girl of his dreams, it couldn't get any better Draco thought, even though he's have to betray her she'd forgive him later on and who knew perhaps they would marry one do or so he could hope if only in his dreams, but for now Draco was going to have his girl.

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