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Book online «The Truth by Megan Armstrong (best e reader for academics txt) 📖». Author Megan Armstrong

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I ran into the bathroom, which I have in my room. How freaking cool is that! And, I have a closet in the bathroom. Awesome. I took a nice, hot shower and dressed into a sweater and jeans. The sweater was one of my brothers, all black and came down to my thighs. The jeans are dark blue and look skin tight. I brushed my hair and teeth. I walked out and ran to my OTHER closet. I love my house. I found a pair of Vans, and walked down the hall. I stopped and starred at the strangers in my house. I started to step back but my stupid brothers saw me and smirked.

"Max, come here and meet are neighbors. The girls name Kathy, right?" Daimon asked, looking down, they both blushed and nodded her head "Yes". She had light brown hair, with brown eyes. She was in an Elmo shirt and skinny jeans. With red Vans, and an Elmo hat. Well, she's in style. I thought bitterly. I didn't like her. At all. She seems, well looks like one of those preppy, girly-girls. Girls that look like that would be all over my brothers. That just drives me nuts! But Kathy was really pretty. I couldn't deny that. "And this is Christen." He said, pointing at him. He had ice colored eyes, with black shaggy hair. He looked emo. He's pretty cute.

I looked down, and nodded. "Nice to meet you." I said, walking out the door. I stopped, knowing I don't know were my dirt bike was. I wondered around the yard, and found this thing near the back of the house. It was hidden in the leaves. I brushed the leaves off and it looked like a hatch. I tugged on the rope that I guess is suppose to be the handle. It opened and a set of stairs led down. I looked around and walked down. Let me tell you, it was a long way down. Once I finally got to the bottom, I felt my way though. I came to a point where it leads two different ways. I couldn't decide so I spun around and headed right. I found another set of stairs. Yay! I walked up them; I heard noises and saw a little hole on the ground. I bent down and saw my brothers with our neighbors. Hmm. This could come in handy. I got back up, slowly, trying not to make any noise, and walked back. I decided to take the other way. I still had a hard time walking. Next time I am going to bring a flashlight. My hands felt their way though. I came upon ANOTHER set of steps. Well these people love stairs, I thought bitterly. I walked up them, the noise the stairs made freaked me out.

I stepped lightly on them, and on my third step, my foot went through the wood. It scrapped my legs. I yanked my foot up and pulled my jean leg up. I felt blood trickle down my leg. I pulled my jean leg down and continued walking up the steps, I felt my way though and found a door. I opened it slowly and went through. Air rushed past me. I was....falling? That's weird. I landed with a thunk. My breath was taken away from me. I got up carefully, and gasped at the pain in my chest. I fell down felt warm liquid run down my face. My ribs hurt like crazy. Great, I am bloody and I broke a rib, and my leg! I got up again and looked around. I felt the walls and found another door. I hesitated but opened it and walked through. I came across a room. And I could see, there was light and everything, but no door that I could see except for the one I walked through. I heard voices coming from the walls. I limped over there.

"I don't know. She just walked out the door, I watched her from the window, but then she went to the back of the house." X-Avior said.

"Dang, mom's going to freak if she finds out Max is missing." Daimon said, worried.

"Did you look outside, by the back of the house?" Christen asked.

"Yeah, she could be hiding from you." Kathy said. I clenched my teeth, holding back offensive words.

"No. Max doesn't do that kind--Well, she might of." Damions said. I growled.

"Did you hear that!?" Kathy asked. I giggled lightly, she sounded terrified. I backed away from the door, and sat on the bed. It didn't make any noise, which surprised me. I put my foot on the pillow and put the lights to be dim and drifted off into sleep......
Chapter Two

I woke up with cold sweat. The light was off. It was pitch black. I started to worry. How was I supposed to go back? I fell down. I can't magically fly up there.

"Max?" A voice asked. I looked around, frightened.

"Who-Who's there?" I asked. No answer. I turned, and winced, clenching my teeth. I turned on the light, and looked around. No one was there. Hmm, weird. I turned back slowly, trying not to hurt my ribs or leg. But failed epically. I got up slowly, and walk, well limped, to the wall, the one on the right, the one that I herd voices from.. There was a little hole, I looked thought and saw my room.

"What the..." I muttered. I leaned against the wall and fell through, crashing, the wall, I mean door, slammed shut. I was lying down against the wooden floor. The light was peaking thought my shades. Showing little light, but just enough to see. My leg was bloody, but that was from when I got my leg cut. The pain was horrible. I punched the ground, to release my anger, and pain. It didn't help. I laid there, looking up at the roof, tears falling from my eyes, but not caring enough to wipe them away.

"What do you mean you can't find Max?" I herd mom scream.

"I mean, I can't find her. She could be hiding like Rebecca said." Daimon said.

"Yeah, isn't that what little siblings do?" Rebecca asked. I could just imagine her pushing up her glasses, and flipping her hair back, smiling an innocent smile.

"Yeah, I mean Max has been acting strange." Daimon said.

"Your mother and I are going out, if you don't find her by the time we get back, you will be grounded. Do you understand me?" Dad threatened.

"Yes! We understand. Right Daimon?" X-Avior asked.

"Ok, you guys have five, maybe six hours. Or a whole day, depending." Mom said, I herd her, or someone’s footsteps walking. It got to be her, because it sounded like high-hills. And I don't recall Rebecca wearing any. And I don't think my brothers, or dad, or even Christen wears high-hills. But then again you never know....

"Ok, ok, go, now, we have to get looking." Daimon said.

"Ok, stop pushing me Daimon. Be safe, if it gets late, take a flashlight with you, if you go through the woods, and take a baseball bat with you, just in case, if you haven't found her by, I don’t know 10 tonight, call the cops. Ok? Understand?" Mom said.

"Yes, yes, yes, we understand. Now go, go, and go!" X-Avior said.

"Ok, love you lots. Hugs and kisses." Mom commanded. I herd clothes moving and kissie noises.

"There, now go!" X-Avior said.

"Ha, ha, Ok, bye sons." Dad said. I herd high-hills and another set of footsteps leave the house. Followed by a door slamming shut, and the lock being in place.

"Where do you think she went?" Christen asked.

"I have no clue, to be honest." X-Avior, and Daimon said. I grabbed the nightstand, and lifted myself up, as quietly as I could. I stopped to listen once I was up. I still herd them talking. I lifted my window, to where it was open. I lifted my good leg and shoved it out the window, and tried to stay balanced, but failed, and I ended up crash landing.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Did you hear that?" Rebecca asked.

"It was probable a raccoon." Christen said, reassuringly.

"I'm sure..." I couldn't hear anymore. My ears were ringing. I got back up, and steadied myself. I hopped out into the woods. I'm not thinking clearly. I need to get to a quiet, drama free place. The woods were I great place. It was cold, I couldn't deny that.

I shivered. My breath was puffing out, you could see it. In this short time it took me to listen to my families’ conversation and walk out of my room, it became dark. I took in my surroundings, as I kept walking along the dark, foggy, forest. There were storm clouds coming in. Rain started to pour, along with lighting shooting out; trying to touch whatever was in the way. The thunder was booming, yelling at everything. The moon, full as ever, were cover by the dark, gloomy, clouds that hung above me. The trees moved from side to side, by the wind that blew. The little sticks that were on the ground, crunched under my weight. I was deep into the forest now; I could barely see my house, or the road.

This tree caught my attention. I always had a thing for Willow trees. I limped over there, sitting in front of it. I pressed my back against it. The leaves that were hanging, moved wildly, it looked like it wanted to get away, away from the tree, away from everything around it, eager to see what was out there, to see something new, instead of the same old sight.

I had rain pouring on me, but that was ok. That was perfectly alright with me. The cold helped me. It made me numb. I couldn't feel the pain. I closed my eyes and lifted my head up to the cloudy sky. I felt the rain drip down on my face, run all over, explore what it encountered. It'll be ok, if I just relax here for a while.


"Max? Max, is that you?" Someone called from a distance. I stirred around.


I felt hands go under me; the floor was lifted away from me. My eyelids fluttered.

"What?" I murmured. I herd a chuckle. It

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