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Book online «Demon by Aurora Kryan (books to read to increase intelligence txt) 📖». Author Aurora Kryan

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my leg in and then kicked out with the other one sending him up again. This time I rolled out from under him and when he reached the perfect height slammed my elbow in his back like a wrestler and took him down.
Again all eyes were on me, this time astonishment and not lust shown in them. I smiled at my little victory and walked off still trying to get to class. A hand reached out and grabbed my ankle.

“Wait it’s the rules that you get rights to my gang.” The boy on the floor wheezed out.
I looked down at him. His gang? I have enough trouble tailing me without his gang buddies to add to my “friends” list.

“I don’t think so. You can keep your gang. So long as you leave me alone and let me have one of the abandoned class rooms to myself. Is that a deal?” I asked.

“Yeah, what’s your name?”

chapter three- Pandora

As I made my way to the English class at the far end of the school I could hear him chasing me. He was running fast and his heart was starting to speed up. I frowned; he would be one to seek answers for himself. Looking around to make sure I was alone, and I was, I light stepped clear across the school in milliseconds. Being this far away from him I could escape any time I wanted but that wasn’t how I was anymore. I entered the nearest empty class room and waited. His footsteps came closer and closer till they stopped. Shoving the door open a deep grunt echoed from the other side sliding outside I glared down the boy holding a bloody nose.

“What the hell!” He yelled.

“Why are you stalking me?”

“I’m not stalking yo-“

“Fine why are you chasing after me then?” I grumbled.

“Did you just cut me off?”

“Yes and I will again if I want to.”

“I dare yo-“

“EH!” I yelled out cutting him off, “Just did.”

I smiled at him getting one back in response making me feel like I had earned a new friend until I felt the nausea wash over me with the threat of one of them coming after me. My smile fell and I looked around I could sense it was close and with this mortal in front of me I couldn’t call out Reverb to find them. Decision time risk an innocent or ditch him.

“I’m going check out the ruined part of the school, bye.” Ditching now.

I started walking away from him to find a deserted place for the oncoming battle. A hand grabbed my wrist and I glanced down to see it was him again. He just doesn’t give up. I yanked my hand out and proceeded forward till he blocked my path arms crossed over his chest glaring down at me.

“Not until you answer my questions.”

“If I remember right I asked them first and you didn’t answer me.” I snapped.

“I asked what you were on the roof of the school and you jumped off. So I get answers first.” He growled.

My eyes widened, he actually remembered that? His memory was supposed to be erased, changed to make him think I was a girl he ran into the day before. This wasn’t good at all he remembered and I was stuck protecting him because they were here. I whirled to face him taking a hand full of his black shirt and tugging him behind me to a destroyed wall.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Saving you, “You want answers right? Well come on boy.” I said still pulling him along.
He must have gotten fed up with a girl bossing him around because he grabbed my arm and twisted it till I was forced to release him or have it broken.

“My name is Ace not boy.” He snarled.

“Nice I’m Pandora so don’t call me girly again.” I growled back.

I realized then that I had made a mistake. His blue eyes widened as his arms dropped to his side. His mouth opened then shut and opened again like his brain had short circuited mid thought.

“It is you, your real, your inhuman.” He breathed out.

I flinched at the word it was true I was never really human but at one point, before now, I was closer to it. Yet it still hurt to be labeled as an inhuman monster. I huffed after the moment of pain passed over and left me annoyed. Crossing my arms over my chest I glared at him.

“You’re so kind, do you talk like a psycho to every girl you meet?” I said trying to fix my mistake.

It only got worse. He grabbed my exposed wrist and pulled it away from my chest. I was ready to scratch him and pull my arm back to just ditch him but he saw my charm bracelet then. Oh no it’s calling to him. And just like I knew he would he messed with the skull charm till the top popped open and the seal released.

chapter four- Pandora

The seal shot out from the tiny silver skull and stopped time in the school painting everything red and black in the process. The charm disappeared with my body, Ace’s would have too since he was the one who opened the seal. I frowned then knowing the enemies in the building would be in here too, taking on their true forms when there human disguises faded away. My body began shivering as my own true form took shape. My nails grew longer and curved while my back split open and my head pulsed.

It was the one place on earth I wouldn’t have to hide and I could unleash my full power without incident. Where is the human…Ace… at? I thought correcting myself. Looking around the red and black hued school I realized that the box wasn’t where I thought it would be. I had just entered the destroyed part of the school when he activated the seal but nothing was around that spot. Closing my eyes I waited and listened for his heart beat and the call of the box. The fait beat of three hearts in the center of the damaged school caught my attention. I was off at full speed flying to them, to protect the box and probably save Ace. I was almost there when I realized I was too late, the two hearts I didn’t know were close to the box, too close.

“Ace!” I yelled.

The sound of my voice frightened them off gaining me some time. I stayed in the air just behind Ace and watched him closely as he looked around for me.

“Pandora, what the hell is going on?”

He sounded stressed and freaked out and honestly I didn’t blame him. I would have helped him normally but at this point in time I had one job. To protect the box.

“Show yourself already!” He shouted

“No you can’t handle it.” I responded from the hidden cloak of my wings.

“You think I can’t handle a naked chick ha!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his response. Being in the seal meant he was naked, as was I, But he didn’t know I was a demon and he couldn’t handle the truth of that. I stayed silent still waiting for the enemy to return. He grunted folding his arms over his chest as he glared around looking for me. His eyes passed over me twice but then he stopped finding something in the dark. My heart pounded as I watched the warning signs flash over his facial features his eyes were trained on the box and his hand started reaching out to open it. Light stepping to him I grabbed his twitching hand.

“Don’t touch it.” I snarled.

chapter five- Ace

Everything was the same except I was naked and the school was red and black like some emo or Goth painted it. It was bizarre and started when I saw Pandora’s bracelet it was almost like it was telling me it had a secret and it wanted to tell it. Glaring I looked around for Pandora seeking more answers from her. Ever since I saw her on the school roof strange shit had been happening to me. My eyes passed over it at first but then it shined in the dark from some unknown light source making my eyes snapped right to it and I blinked.
There floating in the middle of the air was a silver box lined with gold and red. Walking closer to it I realized the red was pictures depicting Greek gods or something. Again that weird sense of it holding a secret swept over me. Slowly I reached out to touch it but a warm pressure held back my hand squeezing hard.

“Don’t touch it!” Pandora’s voice hissed in my ear.

She sounded alarmed and worried under the anger. The sudden contact snapped me out of whatever trance I was in and I turned to look at her, only she wasn’t there.

“Stop fucking with me get back here.” I said annoyed.

“Duck!” She shouted.

My brows furrowed and I gritted my teeth. What the hell is going on! From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of red orange and then I

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