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Book online «Witch Clan: Matriarchs by John Stormm (best beach reads of all time TXT) 📖». Author John Stormm

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As for many of the higher degrees in our universities today: the adage of “publish or perish” was a very important part of preserving the knowledge to benefit the world as a whole for years to come. Just as today we have post graduate studies and doctorates, the ancient universities had “mystery schools” and various factions of sages and magi who studied and earned their degrees in these. It is important for you to understand that in order to partake of these temples of higher learning, one had to swear an oath, much like the doctors swear the Hippocratic oaths in the field of medicine to this day. No dark, occult and mysterious oaths like you hear about from Freemasons and Illuminists these days. Essentially they had to swear to use everything they learned in these higher learning centers to benefit their communities and not to just themselves at the expense of others. Witches, druids, wizards, magi and scholars of all sorts came to these centers of knowledge to round out their training to better help their people. Celtic witches and druids, in a society that distinguished its separate clans by colored tartans and such, no longer wore their own clan’s tartans, but the neutral black or white as they were sworn to serve ALL of the clans and not merely the ones they favored. They could confirm chieftains and kings, but could not become such themselves. This kept power in a healthy balance. It is in these times that another kind of term was coined in the native Gaelic for the unscrupulous magi who took the same oaths, but used their knowledge to rule others for their own greedy ends. They named such magi “warlocks”, literally “oath breakers”.

It should also be noted, in ancient times and even more so in the feudal system that came long afterwards; the chieftains and kings were the chief patrons or defenders of their faiths or religions, whatever deities or beliefs they chose. I need you to understand that fact, so that you can better understand what happened to a very new religion that blossomed in the First Century. Many, many gentiles/pagans had heard the teachings and deeds of one called Jesus of Nazareth. This is not to argue pro or con about the man, but to better illustrate what had happened to make things turn out quite like they did. In the days immediately following, these “Christians” shared all things in common. They still celebrated the Jewish feast of Passover together. They represented their faith with the sign of a fish, and the idea of a priesthood over the laity was an anathema called “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans”
KJV Revelation 2:15-16
15. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
16. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

It is not important that you subscribe to these scriptures as just to note that it was enough a concern in the early church to be recorded as such. Around the Third Century, a pagan king, Constantine; wanting to revive his declining empire: gathered together his favored counselors in the Council of Nicea (where they get their Nicean creed) and decided what of the many, many books would be the canon for all the religious belief today, what would be acceptable faith and what would be heresy. Again, I must remind you that this was a pagan king of the ancient Babylonian mystery schools and would not even allow himself to be baptized as a “Christian” until on his death bed. Being of such a mystery school and using his knowledge of controlling the masses and doing so for his own grandification at the expense of the lives of others defines him as a “warlock” in the Gaelic tongue. But who would survive calling him that to his face?

Now many zealots for the faith will point at me and declare me the heretic and witch that I truly am. I would not deny it for I know a witch’s true power in our society has always been our unbroken will and word. But I will simply point out the changes this warlock made to the religion he hijacked to boost his own power over the masses: Now, Seramis was portrayed as Mary and worshipped. Tammuz who’s sign was the “T” now crossed the breasts of the petitioners as the sign of the cross of Jesus. The Easter eggs that symbolized fertility in the ancient pagan religion now became the Christian rite and Passover was abolished as a cursed thing of the Jews “who killed our Lord”, forgetting it was Romans too. And because it was a boar that killed Tammuz in his last hunt, it became the very not kosher food of choice for Easter. In fact a good many pagan holidays were renamed and altered to benefit a magical priesthood who could perform much magic on these celebrations and bring in the wealth and power of the masses to the powerful few. They took a simple faith and doctrine of love and acceptance and turned it into a massive, powerful force to be wielded by a single man from Rome. Warlocks were indoctrinated as feudal lords over their own diocese and made wealthy on the fat of the land and the common folk were made subject to them under pain of excommunication and painful death. This is quite the accomplishment using all of the craft. But it didn’t just end there. Greed and lust for power never does!

Unlike the myth that humble priests and missionaries brought this new faith to the barbaric pagans of our homelands; it actually came to us “top down” by them visiting the seats of power that they truly lusted after. The nobility of the lands and much as Constantine proclaimed his Roman Legions as “Christians”, no matter what they really believed, so did the nobles and kings who were thus swayed to build churches and name their serfs as “Christians” as well. Interestingly enough in this history lesson, the word they used for Celts were “barbarians” in the translations, but the words used in their histories as written was “indomitus” or “someone not dominated”. But I digress.

But there still existed many of the Old Ways, witches, druids and other breeds of magi (the root for “magi-strate”) who still understood what a “warlock” truly is and still had much wisdom and power where they lived and worked. Now through the ranks of this new religion a propaganda began to be circulated among the congregants; that we had so much power over our people because we had made pacts with the devil and kissed his backside in foul ceremonies to grant our evil desires. It became the foulest of death sentences to be found not as a faithful member of the local diocese and our numbers dwindled more and more over the following centuries as more and more succumbed to the warlocks’ illusions of godhood. Many families like my own, escaped to the wildernesses where the superstitious feared to go and lived off the land or hid in plain sight by adapting Christian terminology for our talents and craft.

These warlock elites were not so all-powerful as to contend outright with other genuinely talented magi of any sort, and neither were those of the wyrding royal blood, so the lies and propaganda had to be built to enormous proportions against us and those poor bastards fathered by the “blue bloods” of their day. You’ll find these edicts easy to spot in their doctrines and dogmas to this very day. When someone exercised any talents beyond the five doctrinally accepted human senses, it now became a sign that they had either made their own pact with Lucifer to receive such power or had done some foul deed that brought on demonic possession. As it was, this could be very embarrassing for such faithful members of the church and royal families, so another explanation of “sainthood” and the gifts of the Holy Spirit were also rendered to secure their lives and positions. Interestingly enough, the Scriptural interpretation of a ‘saint’ was simply a “believer”, as First Century believers did not call themselves “Christians” but ‘saints’. Just as the term “witch” no longer means “wise one” as our language dictates, but the warlock definition of a “devil worshipper”, and “warlock” is no longer and “oath breaker” but a male witch (devil worshipper) and now a “saint” was a higher form of Christian, much as an archangel is higher than an angel. The lies and deceit were building to greater and greater proportions, but no matter as these talented warlocks could dominate any thought out of their heads every Sunday or make a special visit to reinforce the lies as gospel truth.

You must also understand that the hierarchies of priest, bishops, cardinals and popes, even as they serve themselves; serve higher or greater powers than themselves with a plan that works in increments over the centuries until full world domination is achieved. In subjecting the people to all these false beliefs and chaining them to material world illusions, they prevent any and all of you from further exploring what you really are and limiting your power to make you easier dominated by them. Many of you fear the word witch or witchcraft for the condemnation to a burning hell that you’ve been conditioned over many, many generations to believe would be the end of you for even considering this. I must confess that I was always worried over my obvious Nephilim ancestry as a damning factor in my existence for the larger portion of my lifetime. Even the Book of Enoch says we were totally cursed and without any chance of redemption for the next 70 generations after the fact.

To Michael likewise the Lord said, “Go and charge this crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with human women, that they might be pollute the race with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, and of consummation, until the judgment, the effect of which will last for ever, be completed. Then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of the fire in torments; and in confinement shall they be shut up for ever.
Immediately after this shall he, together with them, burn and perish; they shall be bound until the consummation of many generations. Destroy all the souls addicted to human dalliance, and the offspring of the Watchers, for they have tyrannized over mankind.

Excerpt from The Book of Enoch, Chapter Ten.

The latest estimation of that 70th generation of cursed hybrids ended over 3000 years ago. The only condemnation you could have today as a descendant of such is the same as any full blooded human as what you earn for yourself by the choices you make and not an accident of your birth. But did you notice verse 18 in the above excerpt? It

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