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Book online «What makes me special makes me hated by Dakotah Lynn Mcguire (dar e dil novel online reading TXT) 📖». Author Dakotah Lynn Mcguire

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I dont know will be here,along with Amelia.Woderful.I walked up to the house and rang the doorbell,a second later I was on the ground being glomped by Roe and a short girl with curly blonde hair and grey eyes.
"yay!the guest of honor is finally here!" Roe yelled as she and the girl quickly got up and dragged me into the house by my foot.
"what the heck!?!" I shout wispered.They ignored me as the blonde girl grabbed me by my armpits and her and Roe heaved me up the stairs until I was in a red and black bedroom,where they proceded to drop me onto the mountain of pillows that them and four other girls had been sitting on.I scanned the group,Roe,short blonde,tall brunette,tall black haired girl,and a pair of red-headed twins.
So five new people.Bloody fantastic.
"Ignio this is Cam" Roe said pointing to the short blonde/assistant kidnapper "Pepper and Bella" She said pointing to the twins "May" She pointed to the brunette "and Dana" She said pointing to the black haired girl "guys,this is Ignio" She said pointing to me.Dana snorted.
"Ignio?What kind of name is that?" She asked rudely.I glared.
"An original one,not a copy" I glared.She glared back.
"well,that aside" Roe said "lets watch a movie" she said holding up Lake placid,the glob,village of the damned,and I am legend.I just stared at her for a second.
"your obsessed with horror movies" I said,stating the obvious,which Dana quickly pointed out.
"thank you captain obvious" She muttered,rolling her eyes.
"your welcome leitenant sarcasm,and if you roll your eyes one more time,they might fall out of your head" I smirked.She was speechless.
"I-I,I m-mean" She stuttered.My smirk just grew bigger.
'yes,I won!' I mentally fist pumped.Roe sighed.
"onto the movie!" She suddenly procalaimed,putting I am legend into the dvd player.Oh yay.I hate zombie movies.


It was 11:35 pm.
By now all the girls were scared and huddled behind Roe who just mindlessly stared at the screen,lazily scooping popcorn into her mouth,totally unafraid of the third horror movie of the night.I noticed that Pepper was especially scared,I hesitantly began wispering soothing words to calm her down,and it was working,until.
The door burst open and a masked person ran in screaming with a chainsaw.All the girls began screeming at the top of their lungs,and that hurt my sound sensitive ears like hell.A moment later the masked person fell to the ground laughing,Roe stomped up to them angrily and ripped the mask off,revealing a very amused Amelia.Roe's eye twitched,and a second later me,Roe and Cam were draging her out of the room,slamming the door shut,and locking it.Roe yawned.
"well,time to go to bed" She muttered.I crawled into my large sleeping bag,though,soon I felt two bodies wriggling into the bag,one on either side of me,and they quickly clung to me.I looked down to see Pepper and Bella,still spooked frome the three horror movies and Amelia,I sighed and let them sleep in my bag.
'if they're that scared then they might as well.' I thought,drifting off into dreamland.
Will it ever stop?

I skipped down the hallway of the school,I know skipping is kinda girly,but I was happy!I finally have a group of friends.Sadly though none of them were with me to help me through what happened next.
"oww!" I yelped,feeling my body slam into the cold metal of the lockers.I opened my eyes and saw a blonde girl,she was holding me off the ground and against the lockes by my throat,and grinning madly the entire time.
"oops!was I to rough for the little kitty cat?" She asked with fake innocence "I guess that means you wont like this!" she chuckled.Before I knew what she ment I was being pulled off the lockers and slammed back into them over and over again.She didnt stop,even when I started spitting up blood.
"p-please d-dont" I whimpered.She smirked deviously.
"what ya gonna do about it?Bite me?" She hissed.
"hey!drop her Lynette!" A male voice yelled.I tried to turn my head to see who but it hurt to much.
"aww,come on Chase,I was just having alittle fun!Please!" She whimpered to the boy,making her face into a puppy dog pout.
"No!get off of her now!" He demanded.
"Fine!" She grumbled,releasing her grip and letting my weak body fall to the ground.A secong later big,warm arms wrapped around me and I felt whoever was holding me start jogging down the hall towards the nurses office.
"dont worry,you'll be fine" He wispered,it was the boy who stood up for me.I tried to turn to see who it was but it still hurt to much.I was about to say something but I blacked out.

~Chase's point of view~

I looked down at the passed out girl in my arms.
"this will be too easy" I smirked,Opening the door to the nurses office,putting on an innocent,worried face.
"oh dear!what happened" The nurse quickly took Ignio from my arms and put her on the bed in the nurses office.
"I dont know,Lynette found her like this" I lyed.
"well,on to your classes with you" The nurse shooed me out of the office.Once I was outside the office and the door was closed my smirk returned.
"too easy" I said again.

~Ignio's point of veiw~

My eyes fluttered open.I looked around the white room and knew it was the nurses office,I remembered what happened.I felt a single tear drop roll down my cheek.'Will the bullying ever stop?' I wondered before I burst into tears.

Strong enouth to kill,Kind enough to heal

Ignio walked through the path in the forest until she got to an open feild,she set up a few targets the walked a few yards away from them.
She focused on the first of the targets.She gathered a ball of fire in her hand and threw it,quickly turning the target to Ashes.
She focused on the Second target,then gathered a blue aura in her hand,reched her arm forward,palm to the target,and shot out a blue beam,incasing the secong target in ice.
She focused on the last target,she reached toward it,palm turned towards it,the clenchedf her hand into a fist,the target quickly crumbled to peices.
She sighed,her training was getting to easy.Her ear suddenly flicked toward the forest,catching a sound,it was the yelp of a girl,she sniffed the air and groaned,oh great just who she wanted to see.
She started tracking the scent and found Amelia on the ground with a scraped up leg that was bleeding.
"Owowowowowowowowowowowow!"Amelia kept repeating over and over again,for a few minutes Ignio just stood there listening,she quickly got annoyed.
"STOP!geeze,just shut up and I'll help you!"Ignio yelled.Amelia looked up at Her,just as annoyed.
"as if I would want help from YOU!"She whined.
"as if I would want to help you"Ignio shot back,effectively shutting Amelia up.
"Please help"Amelia sighed looking down.
"fine"Ignio replied smirking,knowing she just won.She quickly got on her knees and put a hand on Amelia's leg,Amelia's leg was completely covered in a green aura,and seconds later,was completely healed.
"H-H-How d-did you do t-that?"Amelia stuttered out in awe.
"its a power" Ignio shrugged,getting up and holding out her hand "want some help up?".Amelia hesitantly took Ignio's hand and was pulled up.
"thanks" She muttered,beggining to walk away,but paused turning back to a still smirking Ignio "Sorry...for everything" Amelia whispered before turning quickly and walking away.
Ignio stood there for awhile,paralyzed in shock,Amelia just...apoligized!?Soon enough though,Ignio was walking home.
"I guess cheetas really can change there spots" She said then glanced at her white and black striped tail "and Tigers too" she murmered.

Lavender House

Ignio walked through large iron gates,up to a large house that belonged to Lavender 'family'.Family meaning a group of people from the animal project that live together.There are alot of people in the animal project,so the scientists decided against their original plan on what to do with them,groups of 4-5 people from the project are put into a house together and receive the same last name,everyone in Ignio's house received the last name 'Lavender' because the house was near a large field of lavender.Each Family has an Alpha,the strongest member,a Beta,the second strongest,one or two normal members,and an Omega,the weakest member.
Ignio opened the door and was tackled the same moment by a short girl with a white tail doe's ears and tail,the girl had short,straight,light brown hair and big baby blue eyes "Ignio!Calypso is trying to kill me again!" the girl cried.This was Lace,the Omega.
Ignio sighed and swept her tail around the scared girl a second before a girl with a reddish-brown timber wolf's tail and ears crashed down the stairs,the girl had long,straight,auburn hair in a high pony tail and had light brown eyes,introducing Calypso,a normal member.
"runt!stop running and-!" Calypso cut off at the sight of Ignio,the Alpha.
Ignio rolled her eyes "stop scaring her,dog.Wheres Kali and Deity?"
"Kali is watching tv and Deity is cooking" Calypso said respectfully.
Well,this is the Lavender Family,Ignio,Deity,Calypso,Kali,and Lace.

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