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Book online «Good and Bad Angels by Tatiana E. (reading comprehension books .TXT) 📖». Author Tatiana E.

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Mission II: who is that devil angel?

When I came home that night my whole body ached. I was bleeding so bad
I thought I was goingt to die. Ryan saw me just lying there, he thought I was
dead, but he saw me move and he took me to my apartment there he took care of me.
"nn" I moaned. I got up and I saw I was back in my bed. I wonder who took
me here. When Ryan came to the room he looked sad.
"don't get up yet Summer, you're still hurt, by the way how did you get all
this cut" he asked. How am I suppos to answer that question, am i suppose to
tell him i fought a devil angel.
" ..I fell down on an old staircase and splinters cut me" I said.
Sorry Ryan .
"a..a...just go back to sleep" Ryan said. He actually looked speechless.
A week later i was feeling better and i could go to school again.
In class i saw a new student or it looks lik it. He had jet black hair and he was
very qiuet. When i looked at him he looked at me and our eyes met. I turned around
very quickly at the same time i blushed.
" to summer" Rayn said.
"wh...oh..hey..what's up?" I asked. That new kid really look familiar.
"oh nothing I just got bored, you" he said. Why do I have a bad feeling about that
"Me, just having deep thoughts" I replied.
"LIke???" he asked. so many questions. uhhg..
"Like how am I suppose to pass tommorow's test" I gave Ryan a pouty look. He gave me
a what the heck look and started laughing.
"HEY!...what's so funny" I said. Seing him smiling actually made my day.
During lunch Ryan was in basketball practice so as usual I sitted alone. I was sitting in the corner wher Ryan and I had lunch.
"hey, can I sit here" the new boy asked. What the heck, out of all the places
to sit, it just had to be here. I rolled my eyes .
" fine" I sighed. This was ackward he wont say anything.
" hey, what you're name" I asked . He looked kind of cute.
"My name is Aiden James and your name is" Aiden said . That is actually a really cool
"ah...My name is Summer knight" I said. When i looked at his eyes it was red, unusual.
Maybe he's wearing conatct.
"What the heck , who names a girl summer, she ain't even hot" He said. You son
of a devil. That was rude.
"HEY!, I know we just met and stuff but you dont have to be freaking rude" I said
furiously. I got up and I wlked away from him.
As i was walking to my last class, Aiden was there blocking my way.
"HEY, new kid move" I said. What does he want now, I'm still mad at him.
"....." nothing . what the heck he won't freaking move.
"Look if you don't move I'm going to be late for class" I said. He still wouldn't move.
So I kicked him in the shin.
"OW!, you" he said then his necklace fell so grabbed it and ran away.
I have no idea why I grabbed his necklace. Though the necklace looked cool it was an angel
with black wing it kind of looked like mine but my the wings were white.
During class while were silently reading our books Aiden barged in the room.
"Excuse me sir, your not in this class" my reading teacher said. Aiden looked around and
when he saw me he grabbed me hand and took me out side.
"Gi'mme my necklace" He said. I thought this would be my chance to make him apologize.
"NO!, unless YOU say sorry to me" I said giving him d devilish smile.
"fine fine , sorry, happy" He said. That's it .. not in my wacth. So I ran outside
making him chase me . Then at the park where I stopped running both of the necklacces
started glowing and I saw my feathers I was going to go and get it but aiden grabbed my hand.
"hey Let g-" i paused , I saw jet black wings just like Aiden's necklace. He gave me
a glare when I looked up at his eyes it was red just like Aidden's eyes that when
I realized that the devil angel was Aiden.

Mission III: Dont fall for a devil angel

Red blood eyes, jet black hair, a devil boy that I knew and now
is standing in front of me. What am I to do.
"give me my necklace back" Aiden said. For a minute i was mesmerized by his red
bloody eys then i was backto myself.
"why should I, you almost killed me" i replied. I cant stop looking at his eyes, why?.
"Isn't that a devil's job, to kill a angel, just go back to your human friend and
don't bother trying to catch the angel feathers because you dont stand a chance. he said.
Wow, this guy is just full of him self.
"Look that feather is important to me, and if your job is to kill me then I will
fight back." I said. Since i was holding his necklacce i threw it away from the feather.
Then Before I knew it ,Aiden's black devil wings showed and he flew to get his necklace.
This was my chance to get my feather i thought, so I closed my eyes and wished to fly.
By this time I've already mastered flying. As I was flying straight to get the feaher
Aiden caught up with me and he grebbed my hand.
"LET GO!!!"I yelled.
"NO, not until you give me your feather and necklece" he said.
" Close your eyes Summer, and wish for a weapon" the voice said. And so I did I closed my
eyes once again and wished for a sword, it worked.
"I said LET GO!!!" I yelled again and I swung my sword at his feathers and it gave a pretty
big woung. Aiden was having a hard time flying but it looked like he wasnt wounded at all
because minutes later he was flying normaly.
As he was flying right at me he took out a sword too and all i could do was fight with
"Look we could do this the easy way, just give me the feather and your necklace
and I wont hurt you" he said trying to smile. How low can this guy be.
" Do I look like I want to do this the easy way ,you cheap looking unwanted devil" I said.
He gave me a smile and swung his sword at me and dodge it by swinging my

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