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play, clapping their hands with great joy, and seizing the feigned criminal to carry him to execution.

Words cannot express how much the caliph Haroon al Rusheed admired the sagacity and sense of the boy who had passed so just a sentence, in an affair which was to be pleaded before himself the next day. He withdrew, and rising off the bench, asked the grand vizier, who heard all that had passed, what he thought of it. “Indeed, commander of the true believers,” answered the grand vizier Jaaffier, “I am surprised to find so much sagacity in one so young.”

“But,” answered the caliph, “do you know one thing? I am to pronounce sentence in this very cause tomorrow; the true Ali Khaujeh presented his petition to me to-day; and do you think,”

continued he, “that I can give a better sentence?” “I think not,”

answered the vizier, ” if the case is as the children represented it.” “Take notice then of this house,” said the caliph, “and bring the boy to me tomorrow, that he may try this cause in my presence; and also order the cauzee, who acquitted the merchant, to attend to learn his duty from a child. Take care likewise to bid Ali Khaujeh bring his jar of olives with him, and let two olive-merchants attend.” After this charge he pursued his rounds, without meeting with any thing worth his attention.

The next day the vizier went to the house where the caliph had been a witness of the children’s play, and asked for the master; but he being abroad, his wife appeared thickly veiled. He asked her if she had any children. To which she answered, she had three; and called them. “My brave boys,” said the vizier, “which of you was the cauzee when you played together last night?” The eldest made answer, it was he: but, not knowing why he asked the question, coloured. “Come along with me, my lad,” said the grand vizier; “the commander of the faithful wants to see you.”

The mother was alarmed when she saw the grand vizier would take her son with him, and asked, upon what account the caliph wanted him? The grand vizier encouraged her, and promised that he should return again in less than an hour’s time, when she would know it from himself. “If it be so, sir,” said the mother, “give me leave to dress him first, that he may be fit to appear before the commander of the faithful:” which the vizier readily complied with.

As soon as the child was dressed, the vizier carried him away and presented him to the caliph, at the time he had appointed to hear Ali Khaujeh and the merchant.

The caliph, who saw that the boy was much abashed, in order to encourage him, said, “Come to me, child, and tell me if it was you that determined the affair between Ali Khaujeh and the merchant who had cheated him of his money? I saw and heard the decision, and am very well pleased with you.” The boy answered modestly, that it was he. “Well, my son,” replied the caliph, “come and sit down by me, and you shall see the true Ali Khaujeh, and the true merchant.”

The caliph then took him by the hand, seated him on the throne by him, and asked for the two parties. When they were introduced, they prostrated themselves before the throne, bowing their heads quite down to the carpet that covered it. Afterwards the caliph said to them, “Plead each of you your causes before this child, who will hear and do you justice: and if he should be at a loss I will assist him.”

Ali Khaujeh and the merchant pleaded one after the other; but when the merchant proposed his oath as before, the child said, “It is too soon; it is proper that we should see the jar of olives.”

At these words Ali Khaujeh presented the jar, placed it at the caliph’s feet, and opened it. The caliph looked at the olives, took one and tasted it, giving another to the boy. Afterwards the merchants were called, who examined the olives, and reported that they were good, and of that year. The boy told them, that Ali Khaujeh affirmed that it was seven years since he had put them up; when they returned the same answer as the children, who had represented them the night before.

Though the wretch who was accused saw plainly that these merchants’ opinion must convict him, yet he would say something in his own justification. But the child, instead of ordering him to be impaled, looked at the caliph, and said “Commander of the faithful, this is no jesting matter; it is your majesty that must condemn him to death, and not I, though I did it yesterday in play.”

The caliph, fully satisfied of the merchant’s villany, delivered him into the hands of the ministers of justice to be impaled. The sentence was executed upon him, after he had confessed where he had concealed the thousand pieces of gold, which were restored to Ali Khaujeh. The monarch, most just and equitable, then turning to the cauzee, bade him learn of that child to acquit himself more exactly of his duty; and embracing the boy, sent him home with a purse of a hundred pieces of gold as a token of his liberality and admiration of his acuteness.

End of Volume 3.

Text scanned by JC Byers and proofread by the Distributed Proofers.

The “Aldine” Edition of The Arabian Nights Entertainments Illustrated by S. L. Wood FROM THE TEXT OF DR. JONATHAN SCOTT

In Four Volumes Volume 4


Pickering and Chatto 1890

Contents of Volume IV.

The Story of the Enchanted Horse

The Story of Prince Ahmed, and the Fairy Perie Banou The Story of the Sisters Who Envied Their Younger Sister Story of the Three Sharpers and the Sultan The Adventures of the Abbdicated Sultan History of Mahummud, Sultan of Cairo Story of the First Lunatic

Story of the Second Lunatic

Story of the Retired Sage and His Pupil, Related to the Sultan by the Second Lunatic Story of the Broken-backed Schoolmaster Story of the Wry-mouthed Schoolmaster Story of the Sisters and the Sultana Their Mother Story of the Bang-eater and the Cauzee Story of the Bang-eater and His Wife The Sultan and the Traveller Mhamood Al Hyjemmee The Koord Robber

Story of the Husbbandman

Story of the Three Princes and Enchanting Bird Story of a Sultan of Yemen and His Three Sons Story of the First Sharper in the Cave History of the Sultan of Hind

Story of the Fisherman’s Son

Story of Abou Neeut and Abou Neeuteen; Or, the Well-intentioned and the Double-minded

Adventure of a Courtier, Related by Himself to His Parton, an Ameer of Egypt

Story of the Prince of Sind, and Fatima, Daughter of Amir Bin Naomaun

Story of the Lovers of Syria; Or, the Heroine Story of Hyjauje, the Tyrannical Gtovernor of Coufeh, and the Young Syed

Story of Ins Alwujjood and Wird Al Ikmaun, Daughter of Ibrahim, Vizier to Sultan Shamikh

The Adventures of Mazin of Khorassaun

Story of the Sultan the Dervish, and the Barber’s Son Adventures of Aleefa Daughter of Mherejaun Sultan of Hind, and Eusuff, Son of Sohul, Sultan of Sind Adventures of the Three Princes, Sons of the Sultan of China Story of the Good Vizier Unjustly Imprisoned Story of the Lady of Cairo and Her Four Gallants The Cauzee’s Story

Story of the Merchant, His Daughter, and the Prince of Eerauk Adventures of the Cauzee, His Wife, &c The Sultan’s Story of Himself



The Nooroze, or the new day, which is the first of the year and spring, is observed as a solemn festival throughout all Persia, which has been continued from the time of idolatry; and our prophet’s religion, pure as it is, and true as we hold it, has not been able to abolish that heathenish custom, and the superstitious ceremonies which are observed, not only in the great cities, but celebrated with extraordinary rejoicings in every little town, village, and hamlet.

But the rejoicings are the most splendid at the court, for the variety of new and surprising spectacles, insomuch that strangers are invited from the neighbouring states, and the most remote parts, by the rewards and liberality of the sovereign, towards those who are the most excellent in their invention and contrivance. In short, nothing in the rest of the world can compare with the magnificence of this festival.

One of these festival days, after the most ingenious artists of the country had repaired to Sheerauz, where the court then resided, had entertained the king and all the court with their productions, and had been bountifully and liberally rewarded according to their merit and to their satisfaction by the monarch; when the assembly was just breaking up, a Hindoo appeared at the foot of the throne, with an artificial horse richly caparisoned, and so naturally imitated, that at first sight he was taken for a living animal.

The Hindoo prostrated himself before the throne; and pointing to the horse, said to the emperor, “Though I present myself the last before your majesty, yet I can assure you that nothing shewn today is so wonderful as this horse, on which I beg your majesty would be pleased to cast your eyes.” “I see nothing more in the horse,” said the emperor, “than the natural resemblance the workman has given him; which the skill of another workman may possibly execute as well or better.”

“Sir,” replied the Hindoo, “it is not for his outward form and appearance that I recommend my horse to your majesty’s examination as wonderful, but the use to which I can apply him, and which, when I have communicated the secret to them, any other persons may make of him. Whenever I mount him, be it where it may, if I wish to transport myself through the air to the most distant part of the world, I can do it in a very short time.

This, sir, is the wonder of my horse; a wonder which nobody ever heard speak of, and which I offer to shew your majesty, if you command me.”

The emperor of Persia, who was fond of every thing that was curious, and notwithstanding the many prodigies of art he had seen had never beheld or heard of anything that came up to this, told the Hindoo, that nothing but the experience of what he asserted could convince him: and that he was ready to see him perform what he had promised.

The Hindoo instantly put his foot into the stirrup, mounted his horse with admirable agility, and when he had fixed himself in the saddle, asked the emperor whither he pleased to command him.

About three leagues from Sheerauz there was a lofty mountain discernible from the large square before the palace, where the emperor, his court, and a great concourse of people, then were.

“Do you see that mountain?” said the emperor, pointing to it; “it is not a great distance from hence, but it is far enough to judge of the speed you can make in going and returning. But because it is not possible for the eye to follow you so far, as a proof that you have been there, I expect that you will bring me a branch of a palm-tree that grows at the bottom of the hill.”

The emperor of Persia had no sooner declared his will than the Hindoo turned a peg, which was in the hollow of the horse’s neck, just by the pummel of the saddle; and in an instant the horse rose off the ground and carried his rider into the air with the rapidity of lightning to such a height, that those who had the strongest sight could not discern him, to the

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