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/> “Come in,” came Aaron’s voice from the other side.
I walked inside and saw a huge Christmas pine tree, covered with tons of ornaments. Underneath it were piles of gifts.
“Aaron, the tree looks beautiful.”
He ran up to me after stopping what he was doing. “Thanks.” He pointed to the ceiling, and I looked. “Mistletoe, I should have known.” I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“This is going to be our first real Christmas together.” Aaron replied. “The entire family of Crusaders, and friends, and kids. Everyone. I can’t wait for tonight.”
I laughed. “What’s tonight?”
He took my hand. “You, Ariana Reading, are invited to our first Christmas dinner. Aimee and I are cooking our favorite holiday dishes, and we’re even going to each open a gift tonight.”
“But Christmas isn’t for two days.” I replied as he let go.
“I know.” Aaron left me and raced to the living room.
“Mother said you wanted to talk to me.” I told him, following him into the other room.
He stopped and looked at me seriously. Clearing his throat, he cried. “I did, I mean I do.”
I sat myself down on the tiny couch and folded my arms, waiting for him to begin. “Out with it, Aaron. What’s on your mind?”
He sat next to me. “You – us.”
I was confused. “There is no ‘us.’” I told him. “What do you mean?”
“Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we used to be.” He told me, barely looking at my eyes. “You know, fun, cool, playful. Best friends.”
“Yeah, so?” I asked. “What about it?”
He finally looked at me. “I was wondering, now that you’re married to Derrick, would you still be that way toward me? I know your feelings for me have changed, as have mine for you, but I couldn’t help thinking, you know?”
I took a deep breath, looking at his sad eyes. “Aaron, you don’t have to worry about that. We grew up together and are the best of friends. Nothing on this Earth, or in the Dream Realm, is going to change that.”
He didn’t say a word.
I took both of his hands, and he finally looked at me. “We’ll always be best friends, you can count on that.”
“Really?” He asked.
I smiled. “Really.” I stood up, wanting to change the subject. “So, what did you get me for Christmas?”
He was all smiles again. “Sorry, can’t tell you. What I can tell you is what time to be here tonight for the Christmas party.”
“Gladly.” I said. “When?”
“Eight o’clock on the dot.” He replied. “And bring over one gift for the three of us: Aimee, Bradley, and I. Got it?”
“That’s it?”
He grinned. “That’s it.”
“In that case, I’ll go.” I told him.
Christmas was going to be the greatest. My entire family was going to be there – and he was right. It was going to be our first Christmas together.
Derrick and his family, the entire Mystic family, our friends. Everyone together.
Again – I couldn’t wait.
My life was beginning to slow down to a normal pace, and I loved it. I was a mother, an aunt, a friend, a wife, and a daughter. Everything I ever dreamed of being or having while growing up in the Orphanage, I had in my life now.
To me, life was perfect, for I was somebody with a purpose.
Story #2:
Companion Parenthood

When I woke up on Christmas morning, I had a surprise waiting for me downstairs. Aaron had been right about this being our first actual Christmas together. Living in an orphanage, the best kind of present we ever got was a lump of coal or a switch in chores.
It was Kelly and Bradley Allen together that woke us up. Derrick pretended to be sleeping beside me when the kids came in. Even Claudia and Anna were silly enough to lay my sons on the bed beside me.
Kelly tickled me awake and I was up in moments, laughing. “Okay, Kelly! I’m up!”
“I wanna see what Santa brought us!” Kelly cried, grabbing my arm. “Wake up, Momma!” She pulled on me until I told her to stop.
The two of them rushed down the stairs. I picked up one of my sons, while Derrick slowly woke up and picked up the other one.
“Merry Christmas, Ariana!” Anna and Claudia cried, each hugging me.
“Come on, everyone’s waiting downstairs for you guys.” Claudia cried. “We’ll leave and let you get dressed or whatever.”
“Oh – hurry up, though. Don’t take too long!” Anna cried behind her as they left.
“I can’t believe your sisters.” Derrick laughed lightly, putting Andrew James on the bed beside me while he found a robe to put on.
“They’re your sisters now, too, you know.” I reminded him lightly, bouncing Mark-Antony on my lap. “Isn’t that right, Mark?”
Mark-Antony responded by sticking his tongue out and blowing raspberries at his Daddy. I giggled, but chided. “Be nice.”
“Let him have fun while he’s young, Ariana.” Derrick replied. “He’s only a baby.”
I hugged him, and Andrew crawled up to me, snuggling next to my legs. “I know that. I was just trying to be a good mommy.”
Derrick sat on the bed and kissed me. “You already are a good mommy, Love. The children have it made, they love you, and I can tell you love them.”
I thought about Kelly and looked at him. “Do you love Kelly as if she were your own?”
Derrick placed a hand on my cheek. “Of course I do. There’s no need to ask. I love all three of your – our – children equally.” He touched my nose with a finger. “I also happen to love you very much.”
I smiled. “I love you, too, Derrick.”
“Come on; let’s see what your family has in store for us.” He teased, grabbing Mark from my hands and letting me stand up with Andrew.
I followed my husband downstairs to my awaiting family. Only, I saw more than my own family. I saw Mother and Father Reading, Derrick’s brothers Jake, Brian, and Alex, and his sister Kendra. What I noticed the most is Craig Richardson, Derrick’s best friend, along with Andrea and Cara, his sisters sitting beside him. What were they doing there?
Oh well. It was Christmas, and I was extremely happy.
Kendra took Andrew from my hands and Jake took Mark from his brother’s.
After everyone exchanged gifts, I realized Mother had a wide smile on her face. I’d been watching her, taking pictures of everybody, but could tell she was waiting to say something.
As we were getting ready to have Christmas breakfast, Mother spoke up, looking at Father, who was nodding.
“Ariana and Derrick,” She began, pulling a manila envelope from behind the armchair, “I want you to have this.”
She handed it to me and I took it. Opening it, I wondered what it could be.
I pulled out a Deed to the house, made out to Derrick and me!
“You’re giving us the house! Where will you all go?” I asked incredulously as I hugged her.
“We bought a house down the street.” Father replied, and hugged us too.
“Consider this your Wedding Gift.” Mother smiled. “I’m just sorry the papers took so long to file, otherwise, I would’ve done it sooner.”
“It’s wonderful, Mother Woods, really.” Derrick hugged her, kissing her on the cheek. “We love it. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me.” Mother replied, and then glanced at Evelyn Reading. “Thank your own mother. It was her idea in the first place.”
Derrick laughed. “Well, then, thank you, Mother.”
Evelyn hugged her son. “You’re welcome son. Just be good to my grandsons, you hear me?”
“They’ll want for nothing, Evelyn.” I told her.
“As long as that’s all settled,” Kevin replied, patting his stomach. “Let’s eat. I’m starved!”
We laughed, heading to the kitchen.


I returned to the Dream Realm that night. My first stop was to Katherine and Wolf’s Castle, deep in the Canine Wood.
My premonition triggered, as if something was going to happen.
As I drew closer, I saw a strange-looking Young Companion, playing with a ball of Magic.
“Hello, there.” I called to her, running up to her.
She looked up, and I saw her eye-color. Silver-Blue.
“Good day, Dreamer.” The girl smiled back at me. “Would you like to play with me?”
The strange-looking girl seemed nice enough, but her speech could use a little work. It sounded choppy, as if she were still learning to speak. “Sure. What did you want to play?”
She threw the ball of Magic in the air. “A game of Bang-ball.”
Bang-ball was the Dream Realm’s version of Four-Squares. Instead of four players, it required only two.
I smiled. “No problem. On one condition.”
The girl’s smile faded, and a tiny frown appeared. “What?”
“Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine.” I told her.
She smiled again. “Mademoiselle Celine.” She replied in French. “Et vous?”
“Ariana Reading, but you may call me –.”
I was interrupted by my Companion friend’s cheerful voice. “Young Guardian!”
I looked up to see Katherine. We hugged hello.
“Wonderful to see you again.”
The girl looked up to Kat. “This is Young Guardian, Mommy?”
Mommy? “She’s –.”
Katherine grinned. “Aye, she is my daughter. The first bi-breed Companion.”
“From an enemy’s blood comes the love of a child.” Wolf came up to us now. “Good day, Young Guardian. I see you have met our daughter, Celine.”
I looked at her again, then at my two Companion friends. “She’s beautiful.”
“The other Companions do not think so.” Katherine sighed. “They seem to still think felines and canines could never be friends.”
Wolf growled softly. “Our daughter has been shunned by our own society.”
“Sounds familiar.” I muttered, thinking of my own predicament with the city of Hill View. “I’m sure Celine will fit in, once the hatred has died down, and everyone has a chance to meet her.”
“It just does not seem fair.” Katherine replied. “Kit’s son, Tiger White, is half-Balinese, half-tiger, and still, he is accepted. Even Panther and Marie’s daughter, Destiny, who is half-feline, half-human, has been accepted. Why must we pay for other’s stupidity and stubbornness?”
Katherine’s eyes shone a single tear.
“Please do not cry, Mommy.” Celine looked frightened. “I do not want to feel sad, too.”
“It’ll be okay, Kat. I promise.” I replied. “Give the others time to adjust to your marriage. I’m sure it’ll work out in the end.”
Katherine nodded, now determined. “Aye. When have you ever been wrong, Ariana?”
I smiled. “I’m sure you’ll think of some time. Meanwhile, how much Magic does she know? How old would she be in Outer Realm terms, and why wasn’t I informed of her birth?”
Wolf laughed. “Katherine wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Did it work?” Katherine teased me.
I nodded, hugging her. “You bet, now answer the questions.”
“I know a lot of Magic.” Celine told me. “According to the Outer Realm, I am seven-years old.”
“About the same as Kelly, I believe.” I smiled at her.
“Who is Kelly?”
“Kelly is the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm, my daughter.” Wolf replied. “Remember the young Dreamer you met yesterday? The girl with the long, reddish-brown hair?”
Celine was confused. “Which one, Papa?”
Katherine spoke up. “The girl whose eyes were the same as yours.”
Celine looked up, yipping. “I remember now! She is nice!”
“Of course. She’s a friend to all Young Dreamers.” I told her.
Katherine smiled, and then closed her eyes. She purred after a second, as if sensing something in the air.
“What is it, Kat?” Wolf asked. “What do you sense?”
“Kit is with Toby and Tiger White in the Feline Wood.”
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