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armies of foot soldiers, all carrying some type of especially made weapon, such as ultra sharp swords which are ten feet long, daggers, knives, bows and arrows and fighting chariots.
These were followed by thousands upon thousands of mystical creatures from evil wizards and dragons to large apes with golden breast plates. They came through the woods like savages, letting the villagers and the king know they were there.
The people of the Land of Mayfair were afraid and they began to hide as the monsters stormed their way through the land. The eyes of the villagers widened as they saw all the evil monsters that came out of the woods and entered their land. “What is going to happen now?” they asked each other. “How in the world is Wisker ever going to be able to defeat and destroy all these monsters?”
The trumpets blew and the flags and banners of the Land of Mayfair went up in the air. The wind blew the flags and banners back and forth and the monster of all armies came moving in, roaring and screaming and showing off their skills to the king.
King Alfred was very pleased and clapped as the large crowd of monsters came forth. All the people of the Land of Mayfair made way for the monsters to walk up to the front to greet the king. Many of the people were afraid, afraid beyond afraid by the looks on their faces, but not the king and queen; they were very pleased to see such an intimidating army.
The king stretched forth his hands and welcomed the armies, giving a speech about how this would be the army that would save the young prince and one day king. The creatures in the army began to roar and they roared so very loudly that most of the glass windows on the castle began to crack. Many people held their ears as the wild beasts kept roaring. About an h our passed before the beasts and the celebration calmed down.
After that the king, his headman Drummer and the leaders of each part of Glendora’s army headed off to the king’s secret meeting place. To those who knew Drummer well, it was evident by the expression in his eyes that he himself was very much afraid of Glendora’s armies. Nevertheless, Drummer played it off and pretended not to be afraid. The king promised Drummer much wealth if he brought his son back safely to him.
Drummer began to put a lot of pressure on himself. He was much sterner with his men, working them day and night and working the people of the Land of Mayfair to the bone and growing weary himself.
Soon the day came when it was time to move on and to go rescue the prince. The people of the village waved goodbye to the men and the king gave his last speech. “Personally, I’m glad to see Drummer and his men leave,” whispered Lungi, one of the iron workers, who had been forced to be here, there and everywhere, working first on weapons and then on chariots. “They worked us so hard that we need a good rest.”
Down to the secret woods the army went, their maps in their hands and one man or creature behind the other marching forth. The king’s army marched through the woods, singing and shouting, ready for battle. They passed villages that they had once destroyed, with Drummer out in front, as their leader.
Drummer began to feel a special sense of pride and accomplishment, as men came running up from behind the line congratulating him on his leadership.
Drummer loved all the attention and the praising from the men, but as in each betrayal, it is always the one closest to you, which Drummer was soon to find out.
The monsters passed through the villages, and laughed as the people scattered, remembering what the monsters had done to them a long time before. The monsters snickered and laughed as they went, pointing out all the villages that they had destroyed and scaring the people once again.
Many of King Alfred’s men did not like Glendora’s monsters. “We should be the ones that the people are afraid of,” grumbled Arthur as they marched along. The men knew that in order for them to win the war with Wisker and the Bots, they needed all the available help they could get, but this still did very little to make them like Glendora’s leagues of monsters.
The villagers were very glad to see the army finally going. “Now we can finally get some rest!” said one, but then the queen gave them a list of all the things that she wanted built for her son to have upon his return. There were lots of toys, his own miniature castle, bigger than most people’s houses, ponies and horses, the list went on and on. The people quickly accepted the list, just to get the queen out of their faces but they knew it would be a while yet before they got any real rest.
Meanwhile, back to Wisker and Porcupine and young Prince Harry in the Land of the Bots. This was a very strange world in which they found themselves.
“This isn’t the land that I remember,” said Wisker, his voice breaking. “There are no more speedways. There is nothing here but evidence of war and destruction. I fear that we are too late.” Wisker put his head in his hands and let out a loud scream. It was such a loud scream that it echoed all the way out into the streets.
Porcupine was amazed to see such a place, a place that the king had hidden from them for so long. “You weren’t lying,” said Porcupine to his friend.
“Of course not!” said Wisker. “You mean you didn’t believe me either?”
“I’m sorry, truly sorry,” said Porcupine. “It was just for a minute, a part of a minute actually that I doubted that you were really telling the truth.” Wisker turned and walked away grumbling, very disappointed in his friend.
But there was one person who was really happy with all of this new adventure, and that was Prince Harry. He was excited. This was a big adventure and he was enjoying it to the utmost of all possibilities. He even forgot that he was being kidnapped and all the mean things that he had been saying to Wisker went out the window.
Wisker looked upon the streets and saw smashed Bots, broken up into tiny pieces, buildings that had been burned and looted. “The clean streets are now nothing more than a waste landfill,” he cried. Wisker walked back and forth, pacing in the middle of the streets. Soon a flash of light came from ahead. “Whatever it is, it is speeding towards me,” said Wisker. He ran towards the prince and Porcupine and pushed them out of the way.
“I want one of those,” said Prince Harry loudly, his eyes as big as saucers.
Wisker quickly quieted the prince by putting his own hand over the boy’s mouth. As Prince Harry mumbled indignantly, the vehicle went on by once more and Wisker got a good look at the driver and without even thinking about it, gave a loud whistle. “Why I know him,” thought Wisker. “His face looks so familiar.” Wisker got the driver’s attention and soon the vehicle was turning around and coming full force towards Wisker and the prince. With one wave of his magic wand, Wisker called upon a mighty spell to stop the speeding vehicle. The wand made the vehicle slow down to slow motion and Wisker got a better look at the person driving the speeding vehicle. It was none other than the man whom Wisker had first brought to the world of the Bots.
“William!” shouted Porcupine, scrambling to get to the vehicle.
William quickly turned around and was shocked to see that it was his friends from the Land of Mayfair. “I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it,” said William, as he fell to his knees weeping. “Wisker, please, please forgive me.”
“William isn’t the same as he was when he first came to the Land of the Bots,” thought Wisker sadly. “He has grown older of course and he has lost a lot of weight, but his whole aura has changed. William is now a man of greed and selfishness.”
“What has happened to this place?” asked Wisker.
“The humans revolted against the Bots after one human was found dead in an alley,” answered William. The war has been going on for so long, so very long.”
“Who killed that human?” asked Wisker. “I feel a suspicion that I already know,” he thought. “But I hope so very much that I’m wrong.”
“I don’t know answered William, looking away.
“I don’t believe you,” said Wisker bluntly. “I think you know very well who killed him.” Wisker held his magic wand to William’s head. “I see sadness in the crystal ball,” he said. “I see that you did indeed kill the human in the alley. You did it out of fear; everything in the Land of Bots was so new to you that you completely lost it. You were running from the man, and when the man caught up with you, you pushed him into oncoming traffic. The vehicles were moving so fast that the driver never knew that he hit someone and being afraid, you ran away.”



Text: All covers are copyright and not to be use.
Publication Date: 06-27-2009

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