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thought she was being a bit childish over the whole Noah/Rouge thing, although I understood.

I did not like it in the past when I heard about or saw either of my lovers with another male. Even Evan, whom I did not love as much as I loved Sarah, and whom I was quite protective. I did not experience jealousy like I do around Sarah, though. I wondered why that was. Was it because she's female? Because she's popular and beautiful? Evan is in no way of average appearance, but Sarah is the true belle of the entire population of North Hampton High School.

She has quite the fan club, mainly consisting of males.

My limited appetite was completely destroyed as I spotted yet another heavyset male give her a bear hug. I turned back to my book, trying to focus on the relationship between Ishmael and Queepeeg. Duke and Mason were quietly arguing over who the better singer was, Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters or Anthony from Red Hot Chili Peppers.

"Who's the better singer, Reese?" Mason asked.

"Both of them are pretty hot," I stated, which caused both of them to shut up and give me strange looks.

"Damn, I didn't know you swung that way," Duke said.

"I'm bisexual," I told him.

"Is that why you read all the time?" he teased. Mason smacked him on the back of the head.

"You read, too, limpwad."

"Yeah, good stuff. I don't read Dicky Moe or whatever."

"It's Moby Dick, stupid. And it's a classic."

While they bickered, I looked back at Sarah. She had one hand over her mouth and the other on her stomach, as if she was trying not to throw up. Then she got up and left the table. I wondered if she was okay and if I should follow her, then I realized she was going into the girls' bathroom. I didn't blame her-the nurse's office was on the other side of the building.

I marked my page and closed the book.

"Have you read Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz?" Duke asked Mason.

"I have, actually," Mason said with a smirk. "I've read everything Dean Koontz has ever published. And Stephen King, and Jack Keourac-"

"And Stephenie Meyer-"

"I've only read The Host by her."

"Have you"

"Have you," Mason began, "ever read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline?"

Duke was speechless, for once.

"Both of you shut up," I said. "You're giving me a headache."



Well, my Chevrolet Astro was completely busted. I was depressed about it. I asked Spencer if there was anything we could do, as he'd had more experience in car maintenance than the rest of us. He apologized to me and said that no, there was nothing we could do to save it.

We had two other cars-my father's Rolls Royce and a Ferrari that we rarely used. I was forced to accept defeat and let Father drive me to school in his Rolls Royce. I almost flipped when I saw that Spencer and a friend had taken apart the Astro.

He did find a lighter that I'd dropped once underneath the console, which was good. By the time the week was over, I had yet to procure another van or car. I usually only drove myself and Sarah, so the amount of seats didn't matter. However, the room did.

At six feet tall and two hundred pounds, I need a lot of room, despite being as thin as I am. Father told me that it was a gift, that I was all muscle. I told him that he was so wrong, and he pretended to ignore me.

On Saturday, I went to Uncle Soren for car help. My heart went out to him. We had yet to be contacted by Louis, who had severed his ties with his father completely. Uncle Soren was sitting in a chair out in the sun.

"Yes, dear nephew?" he asked, lowering his shades.

"I need help finding a new car," I told him.

"Go find Spencer."

"He's busy. What are you doing, anyway?"

"Soaking up as much natural light as I can."

"Well, I see that. Are you okay? This isn't like you."

He sat up. "To be honest with you, no, I'm not okay. I miss Louis. I know it's my own fault that he's not speaking to us." He pulled his knees up to his stomach. "I'm starting to get a headache. Let's go inside."

Uncle Soren plopped onto the couch. "I'm thinking about getting a tattoo with Louis' birth date on it."

"Can you get a tattoo?" I asked.

"We can, but it requires special equipment. A normal needle wouldn't work on us." He smiled at me. "My son and my nephew's birth dates. Now there's a thought." He sat up and looked at his watch. "Shit, I'm late. She's going to be pissed."

"Who?" I asked, wondering if he had a date.

"A special girl named None of Your Business."

"You're going to see Ariella."

"Fuck," he rubbed his face. "I can't stay away from her. She makes me feel young and alive again. Not that I've ever been alive, but at one time, I was young and fun and kind of dumb. She makes me feel like a twenty year old again. I'm sorry, Reese. I know she's your friend, but I love her."

I took a deep unneeded breath and fought to control my temper. "I know I can't stop you from seeing each other, but you should tread carefully. I've heard that Damon Sage has his eye on her again."

"That stupid wolf? I can handle him."

"Wolves are dangerous at the best of times."

"I know, Reese. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Worry about Sarah and your grades."

"That's counterproductive."

"Whatever. I need to change clothes. Be back in five."

He came back in exactly ten minutes, dressed in all black, wearing a v-neck shirt and fitted jeans. He sprayed himself with cologne, and I caught a glimpse of gold in his ear.

"Odin, this shit stinks." He stuffed his wallet and keys in his pocket, cell phone in his other pocket. "Call me if you need anything." He left.

Confused, angry, torn, I went into the backyard. The grass was starting to get long. I made a mental note to call the guy who normally cut the grass for us. I started walking forward.

I didn't stop until I smelled another vampire. I looked around, looking and listening. Finally, I spotted him. He had spotted me first. It was Peter, Dean's mate. He was crouched, lightly hissing at me. I crouched as well and hissed back.

Suddenly, I felt something hit me in the back, sending me sprawling toward the ground. I turned over and crab-walked backwards. It was Ambrose. He glared at me, his eyes red and his pupils slitted.

"You've gotten away from me for the last time," he said lowly. Somehow, his accent was more pronounced. "I don't care how many bitches you're fucking, you're mine and you know it." He dove towards me. I ducked out of the way. I got a kick to the stomach from Doyle in response.

"You little twink," he hissed. My fist flew at him, only to be caught. He adjusted my arm and shoved my own fist into my stomach. I felt somebody grab my hair and kick me in the back of the knee, causing me to fall to my hands and knees. Whoever it was grabbed my hair and pulled me upright.

"Thank you, Nick, you may release him," Ambrose said. He grabbed my hair next and shoved my face into his crotch. My knuckles flew up and connected with the soft flesh. Ambrose doubled over, and I stood up and turned to run. Peter grabbed me around the waist, stopping me in my tracks. Ambrose shoved him off and hit me across the face.

"You bitch! I'll have your fucking balls!"

"Like I just had yours?" I squeaked. He kicked me over and put a foot on my chest.

"You are so goddamn lucky you're beautiful. Otherwise, I'd kill you."

"Not interested," I said. "In any of your requests." He roared and grabbed me around the throat, squeezing. I sent a silent prayer to the Norse gods, asking them for help and to forgive my sins. I looked up, my eyes filling with tears. Ambrose seemed to soften. He slowly let of my throat.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm so sorry." His eyes were violet again. He grabbed my shoulders and threw me over his.


When I woke up, Ambrose was still walking. It was completely dark now, and Doyle was glaring at me. I kicked and punched Ambrose, who set me down. I started to run, and he grabbed my arms.

"Don't leave me again," he begged. "I couldn't bear it."

"I can't bear you! Let me go!"

Father! Father!

Reese? Thank the gods! Where are you?

I don't know, but Ambrose has me!

Again?! What am I going to do with you? All right, stay where you are. I'll find you.

I kicked myself for not contacting him sooner. I suppose I was too focused on staying alive. I wanted to ask him how Sarah was, if she was all right.

Father, how is Sarah?

Son, I doubt she even knows you're missing. She's doing fine as far as I know. Do you see anything?

Yeah, Ambrose, Doyle, Nick, and Peter. That's it.

Ambrose pushed me on the ground. He started to unbutton my pants.

"Stop," I said, pushing his hands away. He looked at me.

"You're right; this is the wrong location. Our first time should be in my bed, back in Europe."

"Ambrose, I don't ever want to have sex with you. You're evil, you're ugly, and you drink vampire blood."

"You will learn to live with my...wait, did you just call me ugly? You-" His hands wrapped around my throat again. He choked me, trying to break my neck. I slipped in and out of consciousness. Finally, I passed out.

When I woke up again, I was moving. No, I wasn't moving. I was in a jet that was moving, flying. Ambrose's fingers stroked my hair, almost lovingly. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "My beautiful mate."

"I'm not beautiful," I muttered.

"Yes, love, you are. You just don't see it."

"Where am I?"

"We are in my jet, getting ready to-now what?" Doyle stood in front of us.

"We have a problem. The Emerson family is here, all except for Soren and Louis. The guards are here as well."

Ambrose cursed. "Well, we have a wager. My sweet mate." He looked down at me. "I'll take care of it, love. Go back to sleep."

I shot up.

Reese, are you there?

Father! You're here!

Yes, I am. I think I see you. Stay where you are-oh, nevermind. Try to get away from him.

I heard a great crash. I looked up and rolled out of Ambrose's lap. He grabbed me.

"Reese! Are you hurt?"

"Let me go!" He held onto me and leaped up, tossing me over the ceiling exit. I rolled off the jet and landed on something soft. "Father!" He had been knocked unconscious. Toby (I was shocked to see him) grabbed me, while Grandfather grabbed Father. The jet turned and tried to run us over. Toby tossed me out of the way just in time, disappearing under the jet. Spencer let out a cry.

He rushed toward Toby, who we feared had been crushed under the weight of the jet. Spencer grabbed Toby, listening to his nonexistent heartbeat. I crawled over to my father, who was starting to wake up.

"Reese?" he said, looking up at me.

"Father, you saved me," I said.

"Always," he replied, sitting up. Grandfather put his hand on Father's chest. "Father, I'm all right."

"I'm taking no chances," Grandfather said, picking up Father and cradling him. We looked up. The jet had slowed down and was stopping. Spencer stood beside me, holding Toby. The jet stopped completely, and Ambrose jumped out of one of the side exits. He walked toward us, looking furious. Spencer hissed at him.

"Reese, come here," Ambrose said.

"Why can't you get it through your head? I DON'T LIKE YOU! I don't want to be with you!"

Ambrose looked hurt. "Baby-"

"Don't call me baby!"

" don't know what you're saying. We're soulmates."

"I already found my soulmate! S...he...loves me

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