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of my reason.”

“Princess,” replied the dervish, “of all the persons who have addressed themselves to me for information, I do not know that ever one made use of the contrivance you propose. All I know is, that they all perished. If you persist in your design, you may make the experiment. You will be fortunate if it succeeds; but I would advise you not to expose yourself to the danger.”

“My good father,” replied the princess, “nothing can hinder my persisting in my design. I am sure my precaution will succeed, and am resolved to try the experiment. Nothing remains for me but to know which way I must go; I conjure you not to deny me the favour of that information.” The dervish exhorted her again, for the last time, to consider well what she was going to do; but finding her resolute, he took out a bowl, and presenting it to her, said, “Take this bowl; mount your horse again, and when you have thrown it before you, follow it through all its windings, till it stops at the bottom of the mountain, there alight, and ascend the hill. Go; you know the rest.”

After the princess had thanked the dervish, and taken her leave of him, she mounted her horse, threw the bowl before her, and followed it till it stopped at the foot of the mountain.

The princess alighted, stopped her ears with cotton; and after she had well examined the path leading to the summit, began with a moderate pace, and walked up with intrepidity. She heard the voices, and perceived the great service the cotton was to her.

The higher she went, the louder and more numerous the voices seemed; but they were not capable of making any impression upon her. She heard a great many affronting speeches and raillery very disagreeable to a woman, which she only laughed at. “I mind not,”

said she to herself, “all that can be said, were it worse; I only laugh at them, and shall pursue my way. At last she got so high, that she could perceive the cage and the bird, which endeavoured, with the voices, to frighten her, crying in a thundering tone, notwithstanding the smallness of its size, “Retire, fool, and approach no nearer.”

The princess, encouraged by this object, redoubled her speed, and by effort gained the summit of the mountain, where the ground was level; then running directly to the cage, and clapping her hand upon it, cried, “Bird, I have you, and you shall not escape me.”

While Perie-zadeh was pulling the cotton out of her ears, the bird said to her, “Heroic princess, be not angry with me for joining with those who exerted themselves to preserve my liberty.

Though in a cage, I was content with my condition; but since I am destined to be a slave, I would rather be yours than any other person’s, since you have obtained me so courageously. From this instant, I swear inviolable fidelity, and an entire submission to all your commands. I know who you are; you do not: but the time will come when I shall do you essential service, which I hope you will think yourself obliged to me for. As a proof of my sincerity, tell me what you desire, and I am ready to obey you.”

The princess’s joy was the more inexpressible, because the conquest she had made had cost her the lives of two beloved brothers, and given her more trouble and danger than she could have imagined, notwithstanding what the dervish had represented to her. “Bird,” said she, “it was my intention to have told you that I wish for many things which are of importance; but I am overjoyed that you have shewn your good-will and prevented me. I have been told that there is not far off a golden water, the property of which is very wonderful; before all things, I ask you to tell me where it is.” The bird shewed her the place, which was just by, and she went and filled a little silver flagon which she had brought with her. She returned to the bird and said, “Bird, this is not enough; I want also the singing tree; tell me where it is.” “Turn about,” said the bird, “and you will see behind you a wood, where you will find this tree.” The princess went into the wood, and by the harmonious concert she heard soon knew the tree among many others, but it was very large and high. She came back to the bird, and said to it, “Bird, I have found the singing tree, but I can neither pull it up by the roots, nor carry it.”

The bird replied, “It is not necessary that you should take it up by the roots; it will be sufficient to break off a branch, and carry it to plant in your garden; it will take root as soon as it is put into the earth, and in a little time will grow to as fine a tree as that you have seen.”

When the princess had obtained possession of the three things which the devout woman had told her of, and for which she had conceived so great a desire, she said again to the bird, “Bird, what you have yet done for me is not sufficient. You have been the cause of the death of my two brothers, who must be among the black stones which I saw as I ascended the mountain. I wish to take them home with me.”

The bird seemed reluctant to satisfy the princess in this point, and indeed made some difficulty to comply. “Bird,” said the princess, “remember you told me that you were my slave. You are so; and your life is in my disposal.” “That I cannot deny,”

answered the bird; “but although what you now ask is more difficult than all the rest, yet I will do it for you. Cast your eyes around,” added he, “and look if you can see a little pitcher.” “I see it already,” said the princess. “Take it then,”

said he, “and as you descend the mountain, sprinkle a little of the water that is in it upon every black stone.”

The princess took up the pitcher accordingly, carried with her the cage and bird, the flagon of golden water, and the branch of the singing tree, and as she descended the mountain, threw a little of the water on every black stone, which was changed immediately into a man; and as she did not miss one stone, all the horses, both of the princes her brothers, and of the other gentlemen, resumed their natural forms. She instantly recognized Bahman and Perviz, as they did her, and ran to embrace her. She returned their embraces, and expressed her amazement. “What do you here, my dear brothers?” said she; they told her they had been asleep. “Yes,” replied she, “and if it had not been for me, perhaps you might have slept till the day of judgment. Do not you remember that you came to fetch the speaking bird, the singing tree, and the yellow water? and did not you see, as you came along, the place covered with black stones? Look and see if there be any now. The gentlemen and their horses who surround us, and you yourselves, were these black stones. If you desire to know how this wonder was performed,” continued she, shewing the pitcher, which she set down at the foot of the mountain, having no further use for it, “it was done by virtue of the water which was in this pitcher, with which I sprinkled every stone. After I had made the speaking bird (which you see in this cage) my slave, by his directions I found out the singing tree, a branch of which I have now in my hand; and the yellow water, which this flagon is filled with; but being still unwilling to return without taking you with me, I constrained the bird, by the power I had over him, to afford me the means. He told me where to find this pitcher, and the use I was to make of it.”

The princes Bahman and Perviz learnt by this relation the obligation they had to the princess their sister; as did all the other gentlemen, who were collected round, and expressed to the princess, that, far from envying her happiness in the conquest she had made, and which they all had aspired to, they thought they could not any otherwise acknowledge the favour she had done them, or better express their gratitude to her for restoring them to life again, than by declaring themselves all her slaves, and that they were ready to obey her in whatever she should command.

“Gentlemen,” replied the princess, “if you had given any attention to my words you might have observed that I had no other intention in what I have done than to recover my brothers; therefore, if you have received any benefit, you owe me no obligation, and I have no further share in your compliment than your politeness towards me, for which I return you my thanks. In other respects, I regard each of you individually as free as you were before your misfortunes, and I rejoice with you at the happiness which has accrued to you by my means. Let us however stay no longer in a place where we have nothing to detain us; but mount our horses, and return to our respective homes.”

The princess took her horse, which stood in the place where she had left him.—Before she mounted, prince Bahman desired her to give him the cage to carry. “Brother,” replied the princess, “the bird is my slave, and I will carry him myself; if you will take the pains to carry the branch of the singing tree, there it is; only hold the cage while I get on horseback.” When she had mounted her horse; and prince Bahman had given her the cage, she turned about and said to prince Perviz, “I leave the flagon of golden water to your care, if it will not be too much trouble for you to carry it.” Prince Perviz took charge of it with pleasure.

When Bahman, Perviz, and all the gentlemen had mounted their horses, the princess waited for some of them to lead the way. The two princes paid that compliment to the gentlemen, and they again to the princess, who, finding that none of them would accept of the honour, but that it was reserved for her, addressed herself to them and said, “Gentlemen, I expect that some of you should lead the way;” to which one who was nearest to her, in the name of the rest, replied, “Madam, were we ignorant of the respect due to your sex, yet after what you have done for us there is no deference we would not willingly pay you, notwithstanding your modesty; we entreat you no longer to deprive us of the happiness of following you.”

“Gentlemen,” said the princess, “I do not deserve the honour you do me, and accept it only because you desire it.” At the same time she led the way, and the two princes and the gentlemen followed.

This illustrious company called upon the dervish as they passed, to thank him for his reception and wholesome advice, which they had all found to be sincere. But he was dead: whether of old age, or because he was no longer necessary to shew the way to the obtaining the three rarities which the princess Perie-zadeh had secured, did not appear. They pursued their route, but lessened in their numbers every day. The gentlemen who, as we said before, had come from different countries, after severally repeating their obligations to the princess and her brothers, took leave of them one after another as they

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