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Book online «Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by Jessica Dalton (7 ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Jessica Dalton

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listened to what was being said.

“But Dimka, I really missed you.” A high pitched, whiny female voice complained.

“Anika,” Dimitri’s voice seemed tired as though he was about to repeat himself for the hundredth time. “I have already told you, I have a prior engagement to attend to tonight. An engagement I can not cancel.”

“Did you not miss me Dimka?” The whiny voice asked, I was surprised to find my hand sliding my dress up so that I could hold my knife. I shook myself and released the weapon, I had to flex my fist so as not to be tempted to reach for it again. Who knew such an annoying voice could bring out my lethal side. Dimka my ass. Dimitri was defiantly not a Dimka, who the hell is this woman I thought

“yes of course I have, but Anika I haven‘t seen or heard from you in years. You really shouldn‘t just turn up like this.”

I was so glad that I had made sure that my mental wall was sealed shut, because right then I felt so much Jealousy that I was left shocked. I left my leather jacket by the front door and quickly schooled my face to look nonchalant as I walked into the front parlour.

Dimitri was sitting in the huge armchair by the fire looking quite bored which pleased me more than it should have done. He was dressed in leather pants and a midnight blue shirt, our outfits almost matched. He looked gorgeous. I didn’t like his choice in accessorises though, because draped across his lap and around his neck was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, well from what I could see of her anyway. Her white blond hair was straight and fell past her waist, her hips narrow and her legs seemed almost as endless as my own. She was wearing a white full length gown, like something out of ancient Rome, except she was definitely not Roman, because when she turned to look at me her eyes were ice blue. Definitely Scandinavian and defiantly a vampire.

I suddenly felt small and insignificant, I didn’t feel as beautiful as I had done only seconds ago. I wished I hadn’t walked in here.

My mother had taught me from an early age that a lady always behaves with modesty and humility, at that moment I felt more love and gratefulness for my mammy than I ever thought possible. I put a pleasant smile on my face straightened my back and looked Dimitri straight in the eye.

“of course Dimitri you must entertain your guest. I will be fine with the guys.” I then looked over at the female vampire and looked her dead in the eye as well. “I‘m Phoenix by the way, and you are….?”

Anika looked me up and down with a look of displeasure on her face, “I am Anoushka Mia Karita Ola Rosencrantz.” she said with some amount of pride in her voice as well as a slight accent that hadn’t been there when I had overheard her talking to Dimitri only seconds ago. “My good friends call me Anika, but you can call me Anoushka.”

I stifled a smirk at her snobbery “of course Anoushka.” I looked back at Dimitri who hadn’t taken his eyes off me since I entered the room. A look of regret passed quickly across his face. My eyes danced with laughter, I deserved a clap on the back for my ladylike behaviour that Anoushka didn’t seem to possess I thought to myself.

I was so glad that I looked so good right then, if I had to go through with the torture of meeting Anoushka, at least I looked like a million dollars.

The guys had heard the conversation like I knew they would. So they entered the parlour and swarmed around me with more cat calls than necessary.

“wow beautiful.”

I rolled my eyes at Baldric, Alirc, Rowan, Ryder, Hunter and Blake as they circled me. Ari stood outside the door with his back to us, Quinn was leaning against the wall beside me with a small smile, his eyes boring into the side of my face. I ignored him after I fist acknowledging him, I didn’t need to encourage his infatuation anymore than I had already.

As though from out of no where, Mircea was beside me and had taken my hand in his.

“I remember the promise I made to my King and friend and tonight I shall show him how loyal I really am by my restraint to keep that promise. But please Phoenix allow me be your escort tonight as Dimitri is busy.”

I ignored the low growl that seemed to come from Dimitri and kept my attention on Mircea.

“Mircea how are you?” Anoushka gushed as she straightened into a sitting position on top of Dimitri.

“I am fine Anoushka.” Mircea answered, his eyes never left mine as he waited for my answer. I was astonished at his dismissal of her.

I looked quickly as Anoushka to see the rage in her face. Mircea had obviously just snubbed her in front of everyone in the room. And he had opted to call her Anoushka instead of Anika which she seemed to not have expected.

I looked back at Mircea, “of course Mircea, I think that we could be really good friends so long a you keep your thoughts, hands and fangs to yourself.” I grinned at him and he smiled back at me as a few of the guys sniggered.

I took my hand out of Mircea’s and returned my gaze to Dimitri. His eyes were now half molten gold, half black. “As I am taking your guards clubbing with me Dimitri, I will leave two of the Balaur to guard you.”

Before I had finished speaking two of the Balaur were standing on either side of the chair that Dimitri and Anoushka were sitting on. I had to cover my laugh with a cough when Anoushka squealed in fright at the sight of the Balaur standing so close to her. Her head turned to me in shock.

“what gives you the right to order vampires around human.” she sneered at me. Dimitri can explain it to her, I thought to myself.

I ignored her and turned to the two Balaur speaking before Dimitri could. “you don‘t need to stand so close guys, they may appreciate some privacy. Just make sure the King is protected at all time.” unwillingly I had put emphasis on the word ‘protected’. I looked at Dimitri, he looked back at me his eyes dancing with the laughter. He had definitely caught on to my double meaning and was now silently laughing at me.

“yes master.” the Balaur said, taking me out of my daydream, I quickly looked away from Dimitri and his silent laughter. “and may we wish you a very happy 21st.” they said together, seeming to shock the whole room including myself.

“thank you.” I smiled at them.

“21? Really your no more than a….” Anoushka began in a dismissive voice The word ‘child’ hanging in the air.

“yes?” I asked pleasantly, daring her to continue.

“wouldn‘t we all love to be as young as Nixy again Anoushka.” Ryder said before she could answer me. “you even more than the rest of us.”

Ryder had just insulted her twice in as many seconds. Hiding my smile I turned to the rest of the vamps around me, “lets go guys, I have a promise I have to keep.” I said thinking of the notes that both Declan and Kevin had given me.

“Ashes!” Dimitri called out.

“Yes Dimitri?” I turned to face him and smiled pleasantly. Again.

Dimitri was silent for a while and we just stared at each other, while I waited for him to speak Dimitri seemed to be searching my face.

“Happy Birthday.” was all he said when he finally spoke.

“thanks.” and with that I left with my head held high and my dignity still in tact. Just because I was feeling so much jealousy that I felt that I might explode didn’t mean I had to let everyone else know it as well.

I would have to think about what my feelings meant later on when I was alone. Right now I was going to have some fun with my new friends.

I grabbed my leather jacket and my gun holster that I had left by the door the night before. I folded the gun holster into my coat pocket and then led the way to the huge garage.

“so where do you wanna go Nixy?” Blake asked as he settled in to the drivers seat of one of the SUV’s we were taking. In the SUV that Blake and I were in was also, Mircea, Ari - who was very sombre looking - and then there was Hunter who had a huge grin on his face. Quinn, Baldric, Alric, Ryder and Rowan were in the SUV that was following us.

“I don‘t mind just so long as we don‘t go to one of the clubs we normally patrol.” I said with a shrug, I was excited about having the night off and getting the chance to actually dance at a club instead of watching everyone else have fun. But I still couldn’t completely shake the feeling of jealously and I was sick of it already. I also had to deal with the fact that there was a dangerous group of rogues close to my family home and I kept getting a nagging feeling that I had missed something when Mircea gave me the details last night…..

“we‘ll go to D‘s then.” Hunter said interrupting my thought. His grin even wider than before.

“what’s D‘s? and why are you so excited Hunter? You‘re like a kid on Christmas morning.” I asked while a grin of my own took over my face, just looking at his smile was contagious.

“it’s a vampire night club. Named in honour of our King. None of us have been in years and Dimitri hasn’t been since the opening night thirty years ago. He is going to be so bummed that he missed tonight.” I couldn’t agree with Hunter, if I were to guess I would say that Dimitri was anything but bummed right now. Hunter was now almost bouncing off his seat in his excitement and I had to laugh.

“how come you haven‘t been to D‘s in years?”

“well we’ve been a bit busy with all the rogues in the city as well as protecting our king, we haven‘t had the time to go clubbing let alone get a night off. You really are the best thing that has happened to us in hundreds of years. Dimitri is much more at ease when you are around and he actually laughs! I don’t think I have ever heard him laugh before you turned up. Not even Anastasia,” Hunter almost spat her name and I couldn’t help but laugh, “has ever made him laugh or relax as he does when he is around you.”

I turned sombre then and looked Hunter in the eye. “I suppose he is just glad he has an Enforcer now to help him out, now that he has me he doesn’t have to stress so much about everything, I can deal with a lot of his worries.” I was conscious that my voice was taking on
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