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I made her get up, but her gratitude was palpable. She told me her story and I grew angrier at every word. “If it is this being’s wish,” I asked the Voice, “have I means to send her back to her home world?” “This being, Quisha,” the Voice replied, “has been away from her world for over 500 years. All she knew is gone.” “I would remain with She who freed me,” Quisha replied, her eyes fierce with loyalty. “I owe my return to you, my queen. I will not leave you. Nor will my sisters.” “Is that who the other androids are?” “Save the two humans who were harnessed recently,” the Voice replied. “They were littermates found in a Vyrashtu cargo hold. The Ancient Queen herself brought them here to this world when she found the parents had died. We had only just learned the location of their home planet when the wars began. Their world, Qui’va, was one of the first to be subjugated.” A chime went off and I saw a ship on the panel. “A vessel approaches Sanctuary. What is your will, my Queen?” “I would communicate with them.” An image of a Sylenni male appeared on the panel. He looked shocked to see my face and it took him a moment to recover. Then he was all courtly manner. I read his mind and there was no threat in him. “I am lord Chert, my queen,” he introduced himself. “I lead the Council.” “I am honored to speak with you, lord Chert,” I replied. “What business do you have with us?” “Prince Everd has lodged complaint against Prince Ashad,” the man replied briskly, “claiming a bond breaking through lies. We seek your witness.” “Wait a moment,” I turned to Quisha. “Can you read?” She looked puzzled. “If I draw a symbol for a negative response can you shake your head?” She nodded and I looked around. I saw two discs of different colors. “This one,” I held up the green, “means you are to nod agreement.” I held up the other disc, red; “This one means you are to shake your head in disagreement.” I turned to lord Chert. “You may ask your questions, lord Chert, but receive the answer from my protector, Quisha.” “That is highly irregular, my queen,” the lord Chert began. He shrugged. “As you are the queen, we bow to your whim. First question: did Ashad lie to Everd and force him to break bond with you?” I held up the green disc and Quisha nodded. Chert frowned. “Second question: did the prince Ashad chain your mating urge to him?” I held up the green disc and Quisha nodded. “By your method of answering, am I to assume he has forged a major link to your mind that allows him to punish or destroy those you would speak to?” Again I raised the green disk, and Chert was furious. “This will not be allowed, my lady. Prince Ashad will lose all rank for his actions against you and your mate.” “Vyrashtu cruisers approaching, my queen,” the Voice called out and another panel showed them. “Five in all.” “Lord Chert,” I said to the Council Elder, “you must go. We will protect you as long as we are able.” “Assistance will arrive shortly,” Chert nodded. The panel went dark and I turned to watch the Vyrashtu move in. “Have they made any attempt to communicate, Voice?” I asked the complex program. “No, my queen.” “I wish to communicate with them, Voice,” I told my base. The panel flared and I saw a Vyrashtu there. “We are Queen Dulcinea of the Sylenni. You approach our Sanctuary at your own peril.” “We know who you are, human abomination,” the Vyrashtu commander replied. “We have been asked by our allies among your people to remove you from a place you desecrate with your foul presence.” He raised a tentacle and Ashad came into view. “This one stands ready to witness against you.” “Ashad has been charged with crimes against our person,” I replied as calmly as I could. “He is of no value among the Sylenni for what he has done. Approach further and we will be forced to defend ourselves.” “What defenses could you possibly…” The Vyrashtu’s eyes widened as he saw exactly what my base was capable of. “How did you gain access to that?” I saw him glare at Ashad. “We were assured no queen knew of its presence.” “Then you were misinformed, Vyrashtu,” I replied. “Voice,” I whispered as I turned my back on the Vyrashtu for a moment. “I want a record of this conversation broadcast system wide. Is that possible?” “It shall be as you desire, my queen,” the Voice replied. “Shall I prepare to defend?” “A moment.” I turned back to the Vyrashtu. “I give you our word, Vyrashtu. You will return Ashad to us for judgment and leave our system. You will further take our word to your rulers that we are like no Queen they have known since the Ancient One herself. As fierce as she was, you will find us far more ferocious. The blood that will spill if you seek to force us will be flowing on your side.” “Brave words, little queen,” Ashad spat. “But even you do not have that kind of…” He fell to his knees as I sent pain shooting into his mind. “You dare!” “You opened the bridge yourself, Ashad,” I reminded him. “It goes in both directions.” I saw the alien go pale. “You have our word on the matter. If you do not comply, we will force you. Close the channel, Voice.” I sank back, shaking in anger and relief. “Do you think they will listen?” “They are pulling back but remaining just outside the range of our defenses, my queen.” “They may attempt a raid with smaller vessels,” I thought of some of space games we had played on Gramps’ computers. “Maintain a constant scan, Voice. I need to prepare the others for the possibility.” “This base can leave planet, my queen,” Voice informed me, “if the need arises.” “Then by all means,” I smiled, “stand by to leave planet. Quisha, can you bring in the others?” “They are already here,” Quisha replied as another panel lit. I saw my brothers, Mary, and the women, and the other felinoids approaching. The door opened and they filed in. “Voice,” I said to the base program as I took Jonas’ hand and laid it on the panel, then Jason’s and Quisha’s. “These three are allowed access to controls. The only commands you will not allow them to make are the following: Go back to the planet, and Save the Queen, or Save Dulcie. You will execute any override you need to in order to keep these beings safe for me. Is this understood?” “Yes, my queen.” “Good.” I was out the door before anyone could stop me and back up in the chamber. I left the Sanctuary and watched as the building rose up into the air. The earth rumbled around me and I headed to the beach, dodging falling boulders. The earth fell away from the Sanctuary as it rose and I saw the complex beneath through a gray hazy metal. It continued up into space until even I could not see it. I didn’t care where it went, as long as they were away from here and safe. Maybe Jason and Jonas could take the girls to the Council and have them returned to humanity. If it was possible to turn a human into a Sylenni with such ease, surely it was possible to reverse the process? I did not have long to wait for the launch I knew was coming. Ashad came out and grabbed my wrists, binding them tighter than necessary. “You think that little stunt is going to help you?” “I am not the one who mattered,” I replied calmly. “Those within the structure are. If you thought you could gain control to that technology through me, Ashad, you see now how mistaken you were.” “You are an abomination!” Ashad hissed as he dragged me to the launch. He shoved me to his men. “Put this in a cage.” “She is our Queen, prince Ashad!” “Then that makes me your King!” Ashad hissed at them. “Do as I say. Now!” They led me to the back of the launch and I saw the tube they herded me towards. I shook my head and tried to back away but they were stronger and I was put inside. I beat on the lid as it closed over me. A needle pricked the back of my neck and I went numb. Ashad came to look in on me; his hated mind filling mine withimages of all the things he was going to do to me now that I was his property. I would not cringe and he was amazed and amused. “Fight me, pretty queen,” he laughed as he turned to go. “It will just make your chaining all the more enjoyable.” * Jason beat on the panel and cursed as the vessel refused to listen. He should have expected me to pull something like I had. I was always sticking my neck out first to protect everyone else. “She said that we couldn’t ask it to save her,” Jonas suddenly smiled and got to his feet. “She didn’t say we couldn’t order you to follow her, did she?” “That is correct, prince Jonas,” the Voice replied. “Is that your order?” “Damn straight,” Jonas crowed. “I mean: Yes, Voice, that is my order: follow the launch and then the Vyrashtu vessel it boards.” “Will they know you are doing this, Voice?” Quisha asked. “This complex is capable of camouflage techniques,” the Voice told her. “Do you wish us to employ them?” “Yes, Voice,” Quisha nodded. “Please employ camouflage techniques as we follow our queen.” “You’re very user-friendly for an alien computer,” Jason said as he looked around. “How long have you been in existence?” “I was fashioned by the race that created the Sylenni 25,000 of your Earth centuries ago,” the Voice told him. “It has always been my task to oversee and report on their evolution but not control.” “Is there still someone to report to?” “Sadly, no,” the Voice replied. “The race that built me died out 1,000 of your Earth centuries ago. Their final command was that I was to serve those Sylenni queens who were powerful enough to find their way to my controls. There have been only two; the Ancient Queen Chalyna, and your sister, the Queen Dulcinea; who is her genetic duplicate.” “Dulcie is the Ancient Queen’s twin?” “It is so,” the Voice answered. “It is supposed that only those females of this unique bloodline will ever control this complex.” “But we’re controlling you, aren’t we?” “No,” the Voice answered Jonas’ query. “You are being allowed access at the command of the Queen. She has given me override functions if your commands stray into the parameters she set before she left.” A light suddenly scanned them all. “Several of your companions are in need of nourishment and rest.” It showed the complex on one of its panels. “The galley and rest chambers are along the Corridor marked N-17. The numbers are in ascending order from this central chamber.” “Is this machine telling us to go to bed?” Jason asked his brother. “I think it is, bro,” Jonas nodded. He turned to Quisha. “Since its us three, we can take turns. I’ll stand first watch.” “I shall see to the other females and take watch after I have refreshed myself,” Quisha nodded. “Your duplicate will take over from me?” “We are called twins on our world, Quisha,” Jason told her. “But yes, I can take over from you. Four hours on, eight hours off?” “Works for me,” Jonas nodded. “So, Voice,” he said as the others went to find a place
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