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length entered, and found him in extreme agony. He informed them of this second revenge of the owner of the calf, and requested that he would take him into the country, pitch a tent for his reception, and remain to guard him till he should be cured of his wounds. They did so; but I watched their motions, and disguising myself, repaired in the evening towards the tent.

Here I found a Bedouin Arab, whom I bribed with a piece of gold to cry out, “I am the owner of the calf, and will have the life of your chief!” cautioning him at the same time, after he had so exclaimed, to make his escape as quickly as possible from the butchers, who would pursue him. “I shall not heed them,” replied he, “though they may be mounted on the fleetest coursers.”

Having said this, the Bedouin went up close to the tents, bawling out vociferously, as I had direfted him: upon which all the butchers started up and pursued him, but in vain, to a great distance. I then entered the tent in which the chief was reposing alone, and pulling out my whip, once more flogged him till he roared with agony. When I was tired I bundled up such articles as I could lay my hands on; and returning home, presented them to my mother, saying, “Here is the balance of the price of our calf.”

The butchers having attempted to overtake the Bedouin, till they were wearied with running, but in vain, returned to their chief, whom they found in a fainting fit from the pain of his wounds.

Having sprinkled water on his face, they recovered him so far that he was able to inform them of what had happened; and to request them to convey him once more to his own house, to give out that he was dead of his wounds, and make a mock funeral; when, possibly, the owner of the calf, believing him departed this life, might cease to torment him.

The butchers obeyed the commands of their chief, and reporting that he was dead, laid him in a litter, and marched in mournful procession towards the burying ground, followed by a great concourse of people. Mixing with the crowd, in disguise, I at length stooped under the litter, and giving the chief, who lay extended in a winding sheet, a smart poke with a pointed stick, up he jumped, to the astonishment of the beholders; who cried out, “A miracle! a miracle! the dead is raised to life!” while I made my escape in the throng; but being fearful that the many tricks I had played, especially this last, might excite inquiry, and lead to a discovery, I fled from the city, and resolved to remain in this cave till curiosity should subside.

The sultan exclaimed, “These adventures are surprising;” when the second inhabitant of the cave said, “My lord, my story is much more wonderful than the last; for I contrived not only to be dead and buried, but to escape from the tomb.” “Possibly,” said the sultan, “thy adventures may have been stranger than those of this man; but if any of you are acquainted with the memoirs of ancient monarchs, I could wish you to relate them; however, at present, I must take you with me to the palace, that I may make you welcome.” When the men heard this proposition, they were alarmed, and cried out, “What, my lord, would you carry us to the city from which we have escaped to save our lives?” “Fear not,”

replied he, “I am the sultan, and was amusing myself with hunting when I chanced to discover your cave.” They bowed themselves before him, and exclaimed, “To hear is to obey;” after which they attended him to the city. On their arrival, the sultan ordered them proper apartments and suitable entertainment, and invested each of them with a rich habit. For some days they remained enjoying themselves; when, at length, one evening the sultan commanded them to his presence, and requested a narrative, when one of them related the following story.

History of the Sultan of Hind.

In ancient days there lived a sultan of Hind, than whom no prince of the age was greater in extent of territory, riches, or force; but Heaven had not allotted to him offspring, either male or female: on which account he was involved in sorrow. One morning, being even more melancholy than usual, he put on a red habit, and repaired to his divan; when his vizier, alarmed at the robes of mourning, said, “What can have occasioned my lord to put on this gloomy habit?” “Alas!” replied the sultan, “my soul is this morning overclouded with melancholy.” “Repair then to the treasury,” said the vizier, “and view thy wealth; as, perhaps, the lustre of gold, and the brilliant sparkling of jewels, may amuse thy senses and disperse thy sorrow.” “Vizier,” answered the sultan, “this world to me is all vanity; I regard nothing but the contemplation of the Deity: yet how can I be relieved from melancholy, since I have lived to this age and he has not blessed me with children, either sons or daughters, who are the ornaments of manhood in this world?”

The sultan had scarcely ceased speaking, when a human figure of a dusky hue appeared before him, and said, “My sovereign, here is a confection left me by my ancestors, with an assurance, that whoever might eat of it would have offspring.” The sultan eagerly took the confection, and by the blessing of Allah, one of the ladies of his haram conceived that very night. When her pregnancy was made known to him, the sultan was overjoyed, distributed large sums in charity to the poor, and every day comforted the distressed by his bounty.

When the sultana had gone her full time, she was delivered of a son beautiful in aspect, and of graceful person; at which the sultan became overjoyed, and on that day set apart one half of his treasures for the use of the infant prince, who was intrusted to the charge of experienced nurses. After he had thrived sufficiently at the breast he was weaned, and at six years of age put under the care of learned tutors, who taught him to write, to read the Koran, and instructed him in the other several branches of literature. When he had completed his twelfth year, he was accomplished in horsemanship, archery, and throwing the lance, till at length he became a distinguished cavalier, and excelled the most celebrated equestrians.

The young prince being on a certain day hunting in the vicinity of the capital, there suddenly appeared soaring and wheeling in the air a bird, whose plumage was of the most beautiful and glossy green. The prince let fly an arrow, but without effect, and the bird suddenly disappeared. It was in vain that he turned his eye to all quarters, in hopes of again discovering his wished-for prey, for the bird had flown out of sight, and the prince after searching in all directions till the close of day, returned vexed and much disappointed to his father’s palace. On his entrance, the sultan and sultana perceiving his countenance gloomy, inquired the cause of his melancholy, when he informed them of the bird: upon which, they said, “Dear son, the creaures of the Almighty are innumerably diversified; and, doubtless, there are many birds as beautiful, and wonderfully more so than this, whose escape you so much regret.” “It may be so,” replied the prince; “but unless I shall be able to take this, which has so captivated my fancy, I will abstain from food.”

On the following morning the prince repaired again to the chase, and having reached the same spot on the plain, to his great joy beheld the green bird. Having taken a cautious aim, he let fly an arrow; but she evaded it, and soared before him in the air. The prince spurred his courser and followed, keeping his desired prey in sight unceasingly till sunset; when both himself and his horse being exhausted he gave up the pursuit, and returned towards the city. As he was riding slowly, and almost fainting with hunger and fatigue, there met him a venerable looking personage, who said, “Prince, both thyself and thy charger seem exhausted; what can have been the cause of such over exercise?” “Father,”

answered the prince, “I have been pursuing, but in vain, a beautiful green bird, on which I had set my mind.” “Son,” replied the sage, “if thou wert to follow it for a whole year’s journey, thy pursuit would be useless; for thou couldst never take it.

This bird comes from a city in the country of Kafoor, in which are most delightful gardens abounding in such birds as this, and many other species still more beautiful, some of which sing enchantingly, and others talk like human beings; but, alas thou canst never reach that happy spot. Give up then all thoughts of the bird, and seek some other objeft for a favourite that thou mayst enjoy repose, and no longer vex thyself for impossibilities.” When the prince heard this from the old man, he exclaimed, “By Allah! nothing shall prevent me from visiting the charming country thou hast mentioned;” and leaving the sage, he rode homewards, his mind wholly taken up in meditating on the land of Kafoor.

When the prince had reached the palace, the sultan perceiving his disordered state, inquired the adventures of the day; and being informed of his fruitless pursuit, and the remarks of the old man, said, “My son, discharge this idle chimera from thy mind, nor perplex thyself longer, since he who wishes for an impossibility may pine himself to death, but can never gain his desires: calm then thy soul, nor vex thyself longer in vain.” “By Allah!” answered the prince, “my soul, O my father, is captivated with the desire of possessing this bird more strongly than ever, from the words of the venerable old man; nor is it possible I can enjoy repose till I have travelled to the island of Kafoor, and beheld the gardens containing such a wonderful feathered species.” “Alas! my dear son,” exclaimed the sultan, “think how afflicting must be to myself and thy mother thy absence from our sight, and for our sakes give up such a fruitless expedition.”

The prince, notwithstanding the remonstrances of his father, continued obstinate, and said, “My travelling is inevitable: grant me then permission, or I will put myself to death.” “If so,” exclaimed the affrighted sultan, “there is no refuge or help but from the omnipotent Allah: well has the proverb remarked, that the nestling would not be restrained from the air, when suddenly the raven pounced upon it and bore it away. Heaven guard my son from the consequences of his imprudence.” Having said thus, the sultan commanded preparations for the requisites of travel, and ordered a force to accompany the headstrong prince; who, having taken leave of his afflicted parents, began his expedition towards the country of Kafoor.

The prince pursued his journey without any extraordinary adventure for a whole month, and at the expiration of it arrived at a spot from which branched out three roads. At the junction of them was erected a lofty pyramid, each face fronting one of the roads. On one face was inscribed, “This is named the Path of Safety:” on the second, “This is called the Way of Repentance:”

and on the third, “Whoever follows this road will not probably return.” “I will pursue this last,” said the prince to himself, and accordingly striking into it, proceeded onwards for twenty days, at the end of which he encamped near a desolated city, crumbling into ruin, wholly destitute of inhabitants. He commanded his attendants, as no provisions could be found in the city, to kill five sheep

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