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Book online «A Sword Of Wrath, Book I by K. E. MacLeod (e manga reader txt) 📖». Author K. E. MacLeod

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grew stern as she answered the question with her own, "You wish to know what a Cavalli woman must sacrifice for her people?" She briefly cast a glance back at Severus before she began to speak, "A Cavalli woman must sacrifice her thoughts, so that she may concentrate on hearth and home. She must sacrifice her desires, so that she may tend to those of her husband. She must sacrifice her body in order to breathe new life into the world."

Nona looked at the Council, "Tell me, is it not taught among our people that to be a true warrior of the Cavalli you must be brave in all things? Then, I ask you this: would any of you stand up now and say that I am a coward?" Nona began to walk down the line of Elders, looking at each one of them in the face as she spoke, "Do you wish to know of my stories? The ones that will never be passed down as yours will be? Do you truly wish to compare your bravery to mine? Fine! Then I will do just that!" Her green eyes flashed as she continued, "Tell me, then, my brave Cavalli brothers, have any of you given birth by yourself in the dark of the night? With no one but the Owl Mother to guide you and the Deer Woman to comfort you?" Her voice rose as she continued to demand of them, "Have any of you cradled a child that you pulled forth from your own body? A child that never had a chance to take its first breath and that was put away in a grave so tiny that digging it seemed almost a mockery to life itself?" Nona's voice faltered slightly as her gaze fell to the ground.

Severus remained stone-faced behind her even as his heart felt a twinge of sadness at a memory he thought long past, but still he did not stop her from speaking.

"Tell me, men," Nona looked back up at them, "now that you know one of my stories, am I not Cavalli just as much as you?"

An ancient Elder, who was older than everyone else present, stood up shakily from his seat at the end of the line - although his voice was clear when he spoke, "What would you do then? Carry a sword? Fight a Giant? Lead an army?"

"I would do what needs to be done, for the good of our people and the protection of our land."

Severus stepped up beside her, "She is right, my friends. For far too long we have overlooked the assets that we've had beside us all along. While our numbers may never equal those of the Lycanians, with women added to our ranks, we nearly double our fighting forces and increase our chances for success!"

"And what would you have us do, then?"

Nona looked around at the faces of the elders and realized that they were, for the first time in her life, truly listening to what she had to say. "I would," she cleared her throat, then took a deep breath and began again, "I would have you, and those women that wish to accompany you, track the Giants. They are gathering for a reason and the stronger and larger their packs grow, the less the Lycanian forces will matter to us in the end."

Severus nodded, then looked out among the others, "What say you, Elders? Do we arm the women and let them join us if they so wish?"

It was quiet at first, until one of them - a man who appeared slightly older than Severus, stood and spoke, "The Silver Leaf village respectfully withdraws its aid to the village of Two-Crows. We will make preparations on our own to defend our village in the case of an attack." He turned and left the Council.

"Little Fish also withdraws," Vibius stood and left.

"Big Oak does as well."

One by one, Elder-by-Elder, they each withdrew their positions until there remained only the eldest Elder still standing.

Severus stepped over to him, "Does Running Deer village withdraw as well, Elder Cato?"

"No, my son," the ancient's voice spoke. "The Running Deer will join you but I'm afraid I only have a few fighters of age, including myself and two horses."

"We accept your offer," Nona answered before Severus could speak, "though I feel your wisdom and courage would be much better served here with us in the village."

He smiled and the wrinkles on his face grew deeper as he did. He looked at Severus, "This one reminds me of my daughter. She was a good woman and she died fighting in the Desolate Wars many years ago."

Severus seemed surprised, as he had never remembered his father ever mentioning female fighters during the Desolate Wars.

The Elder saw Severus' confusion and chuckled, "Not all the men that fought beside your fathers were men beneath their war stains."

"Well, then we are very honored to have the fighters from Running Deer join our ranks, Elder Cato."

He bowed slightly, "I will immediately send a scout and you should have your fighters and horses in the morning."




Timonus stood dressed in his full military regalia atop a boulder before the members of the Lupa Faction. As the stars shone behind him, he looked rather imposing to the twenty or so youths that stared up at him expectantly. He eyed them back, all young men and women, none older than two decades. They were a sad group, he thought, underfed, unwashed and unorganized but, the Legate reminded himself, he had led worse forces in his days.

"Our best time to march on Odalia," he began, "will be during the munus. The people will be distracted by the festivities and most of the military will be contained in the area of the Amphitheater, guarding the Emperor."

"And when will that be?" Julian asked.

"In three days time, which doesn't give us very long to prepare. Thankfully, most of you are damn good shots."

They smiled at one another, patting Camilla, on the back as they did.

"But," he cut them off, "being a good shot will only get you so far - especially since we do not march upon Odalia with the intention to kill anyone."

"How will that ever work?" Julian sounded disappointed.

"As far as anyone there knows, I am still the Legate of Lycania and while I may have turned against my Emperor, I did not turn against my country. I believe the men there will still answer to me and I do not want the Emperor harmed in any way. He is to be taken prisoner and given a trial. Lycania will then fall under military rule with my command until a proper Senate can be formed."

"What will happen to-"

"Wait!" A far off voice cried out from behind them. They turned to see that one of the lookouts who had been stationed towards the south was running towards them under the light of the full moon, waving his arms above him, "Wait! Hold everything!" He joined them a few moments later as his words came spilling out of his mouth in a breathless rush, "Wehavetoleavenow!"

Timonus stepped down from the boulder and went to him, "Slow down, boy! What is it that you're trying to say?"

"Gigantes," he gasped, "they're headed this way!"

Timonus felt a familiar sense of fear wash over him at the mention of the Giants, "Are you sure?"

He nodded, gasping, "I saw them in the distance... Hundreds of them! And based on the direction that they're going, I'd say they are heading to Odalia, which means they will cross this place soon. We need to move camp, now!"

"How far are they behind us, then?" Timonus inquired.

"A couple of hours, at most."

"Dammit!" he swore. "Then we need to leave and regroup in a more northern location, closer to the forest so that we stay upwind." He turned to address the group again. "Everyone, grab up your supplies-"

"Wait - there's one more thing," the lookout said, panting as he was still trying to catch his breath.


"The have that venefica girl with them."




"Please let me go!" Hannah yelled out at the top of her lungs from behind the wooden bars of the rolling cage in which she had been placed. The Giant foot soldier that walked alongside the cage growled at her and banged on the bars. She jumped back as he gave a guttural laugh.

Frightened, she crawled back into the corner of the cage and wrapped her arms around her knees as she looked around at the mess of fetid wet straw that surrounded her. As she did, she tried not to ponder the fate of the two Golden Men that she had seen in the cage during her and the Legate's first encounter with the Giants. Hannah rested her head on her knees as the cage continued to rattle on and wondered if maybe she was just getting what she deserved for betraying the Legate over to Julian.

The Giants' caravan lumbered to a stop a short while later. She looked around but wasn't sure of exactly where they were. In truth, she hadn't been sure of their location since after they left the cliffside path, for she was unfamiliar with much of the territory outside of the Caves of the Veneficas. She did know that she could see the lights of the White Palace glowing in the West after the sun had set and could also tell that they were steadily traveling closer to it.

The Giant foot soldier flung open the cage door and grabbed Hannah roughly by her hair as he dragged her out. She tried to scratch at his flesh but his skin was too thick and her nails useless against it. "Let go!" she shouted.

He did just as she said and dropped her onto the grassy ground. She landed on her elbow, crying out as she injured it slightly. The Giant then leaned over and barked at her in his unknown language.

"I don't know!" she shouted back, her fear and pain making her lash out.

Frustrated, he let out a huge roar right in her face and as he did his breath reached her nostrils immediately, smelling of rotting meat and decay. In a reflexive move, she grabbed a small packet of powder from inside the bodice of her dress and threw it into the Giant's eyes. As he began to howl and claw at his face, Hannah decided to make a run for it but was caught by the Giant's leader before she could even gain her footing.

He picked her up and slammed her slight body against the cage, his large hand restraining her across the abdomen as he said something to her.

"I don't know what you're saying!" she shouted back. "I can't understand you!"

"Wa... ter," he croaked. "Where wa...ter?"

"Water? I-I don’t know! I've never been here before!"

He growled, bearing his teeth at her.

But Hannah's fear was beginning to get the better of her and she started to cry. "I don't know, please, just let me go!"

He shook his head and pointed towards the west. "No. Go there. To Mother."

"No, no, see my mother is dead, she doesn't live in Odalia. I don't want to go back there. Please, let me go!"

"Mother there."

"No, she isn't. I swear! But my-my father is an important man in the Lycanian military! Let me go and I'll tell him to reward you!"

"No. Mother."

She began to weep. "Please..."

The Giant Leader grew weary of the girl’s pleadings and angrily tossed her back into the cage. Once back inside, Hannah curled into a ball and wept.




Juko sat on his bed, staring at the floor in thought. T'tembo watched him from his own bed until he could stay silent no more, "I am... afraid, my friend."

He looked up at the undefeated champion with a surprised look on his face.

T'tembo continued, "What if things don't go according to plan?"

"Whatever happens three days from now will be the plan."

His wide face relaxed, "I wish I could be as confident as you."

Juko smiled slightly, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course."


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