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Book online «Genesis: Garuda by Bee Ran (best big ereader txt) 📖». Author Bee Ran

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god but a living creature called Garuda. Garuda was a large bird that was a sworn enemy of a race of serpents called Nagas. It is referred to as a violent force, fast and martial prowess. It was also closely related to the god Vishnu. There were many stories of Garuda. Some even suspected that he was actually proof of an alien.

After surfing the web, I went into the tub to train. I took the time to practice my new found skill. I was able to not only punch with the fire but to throw it. I started through it like a dodgeball at targets. I knew that what I needed was training. If I was to master these powers of mine, I needed to be perfect. i only got the idea of throwing the fire after watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was a television series that I enjoyed to watch as a child. I continued throwing the fire at different directions, and aiming it at certain targets. As the day progressed, I was able to aim and smaller target and hit them perfectly. I knew there were a few factors that I needed to include: physical training and imagination. I decided that the perfect way for me to do this was to take martial arts, as many as I could. My mind was bursting with ideas to put these powers to good use but at the end of the day, I needed a break. I worked by body harder than I had in a very long time.

There was a lot of dirt and scratches on my body. While washing I felt a different texture while rubbing the palms of my hands. I turned them over to look at them. There was a design tattooed into the palm of my hand. The design was a reddish orange colour. It looked similar to the Nazis swastika but had dots in between the lines. There were four dots in total. It gave a different vibe. I had seen this image before during my volunteer at the Hindu Temple. This symbol meaning all is well. It is used to evoke power. This tattoo was probably how fire is being conducted in my body, but how did it get there?

I had spent the day researching and studying. The day was once again taken over by night. This was the best time to investigate the scene where I had fought the strange reptile-like person. I threw on a jacket and went outside. There was a cool breeze that replaced the heat from the sun. I balanced out the humidity and made it the right temperature. It was dark as usually. The night was filled with silence. The echo of my footsteps could be heard throughout the whole street.

I continued walking until I reached the scene which was restricted by yellow police caution tape. I went over the caution tape to see if there was any evidence that the police missed out on that could help me find the culprit. While I was looking around, there was a shadow that had crept beside me. I noticed the shadow but continued to look around as if I had not noticed anything. I was waiting for the right possible time that this person would attack. I maintained a safe distance. The shadow lunged towards me. I spun around as fast as I could and punched the person in the head with some fire escaping my hands.

This person was not a person at all. It was a reptilian like creature with an elongated body that it used to slither and arms. It also had a human head but covered in scales. I would have thought of it as a legless lizard. The scaled were a dark blue colour. The thing landed on the concrete and rolled a couple of times. I had been able to surprise my visitor. To look threatening, I maintained the fire on the hands. If it made the slightest movement, I was ready to scorch it to ashes.

“Ssssss. Good one. I thought you were a mere mortal. But that isssss not true isss it.” said the unidentifiable reptile. This time it lunged at me before I had time to react. The punch was similar to the snake-like lady that I fought early. The punch vibrated in the air and when it punched me, it caused a vibration in my body, causing my internal organs to hurt. The punch had surprised me and knocked me backwards on to my back. I quickly got up and stood far away from the reptile-human. From far I was able to throw the fire to hit it. Most of the balls missed as it swiftly dodged it like a snake. It would swirl its body around the fireball at the last second. When he got close, he usually got a hit and I would evade and continue firing from a safe distance. We continued this for a long time. We were both exhausted and had not energy left but tried to beat the other.

“Enough!” I heard a loud voice from the thing. “Why are we fighting? We do not even know each other. If anything we have something in common; we are not human.” I was too tired to argue that I was human. My body fell to the ground out of exhaustion.

“So what brings you to these fine parts of the city” I said in his head. At first he looked surprised but then it sunk in.

“A missssssion. We are looking for rougessss that have trespasssssed the treaty. How about you?” He mumbled. He put more questions in my head than I already had. Like what mission, who is we, or what treaty?

“I am also on a mission. I think we are looking for the same person. A person attacked me and another woman.” I replied to his question through my mind. He gave a nod as if he had already figured that out.

I felt vibrations on the ground. Something was running towards us. I looked in the direction to see the snake-woman who I had fought. I lifted my arm and shot a burst of flame but it came out of my hand and landed on the concrete beside me. Before the fire turned into oxygen a powerful surge of pain emitted from my head and the world went black.

I, Garu Rao, have gotten myself into a lot of trouble. To begin with I am stuck with population the size of a village of half-human/ half-snake who have my hands stuck in a pot of water to not spew fire. Beside me is a evolved intelligent species of snake that refers to himself as a Naga and goes by the name Gendra.

It has been a full day since we have been trapped here. It gave me a lot of time to talk to Gendra and the beasts. Gendra told me about how he belongs to a race called Naga. A female Naga and a man had children many years ago which resulted in a new the species that kidnapped us today which call themselves the Pali. Today there are a village worth of Palis. Gendra was sent on their mission by his king to pursue this group because he got information stating that they were putting their secrecy to risk.

I had no reason but to believe Gendra because he had no reason to lie to me and he was in a worse condition than I was while being tormented by the Pali. I was starving, weak and felt as if I was going to faint. I could feel my eyes slowly giving in. When my eyes finally close, it was not black, but white. The only thing that was not white was golden symbols spinning in circles. some circles were bigger than other. I had been here before. This is the place where it all began. There was a difference this time. This time there was a figure standing before me. It looked like a bird that had some human attributions. Its skin was white. The wing were of red, black and blue. I had seen this figure before. It was Garuda.

“I see you have made it.” said Garuda sitting cross-legged and not moving his lips.

“For some reason I have returned here. Why?”I asked. For some reason I am able to talk in this white place.

“From now on. I will be here. Every time you fall asleep you will come to this realm. This realm is between the very fabric of reality, heaven, space, time and hell. This is where I shall train you to continue the namesake of the Garuda.” replied Garuda. It had a very wise voice and made you instantly want to become an apprentice and learn.

“Do not worry about time. Time is slowed down exponentially because the human mind is works faster than the speed of light itself. Every unit of time feels 20 times faster in this area. You do not age more because this is in your mind. I will explain more about this place later. First let us train. We will begin with martial arts from india since it is the place where martial arts began.” said Garuda.

We did many forms of martial arts. We began with Silambam which is the tamil bamboo stick fighting method. We began with basic step techniques for a while. After perfecting them, we began using the bamboo stick along with other weapons but worked more on the bamboo stick. I never exhausted in this world. We trained for what felt like 60 hours continuously. I learned many different styles in Silambam including the snake, tiger, elephant and the most important, the eagle form. Garuda explained that each style was based on a species of half human and half other animals. The eagle form was based off of Garuda and the snake form was based off of the Nagas. The snake form was more of an evasive style. The eagle form was using a series of attacks and was for on opportunity. Once the opportunity is found use a full force attack to end it.

Garuda ended the lesson with allowing me to experiment with some of my true powers. He told me that I have wings. At first I was in shock but he showed me how to control, hide, attack, and fly with them. When I opened my wings I examined them. They were rows of black feathers on the tips and red feathers in the middle with blue feathers closest to me. The feathers were made of a type of metal. My wings were about 3 meters on both sides. The tips of the metal feathers were very sharp. With that I was awake.

It felt like I was trapped to this rope many days ago but I was back. I was not going to waste

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