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Book online «Kiru by Chocolatemeerkat (dark books to read TXT) 📖». Author Chocolatemeerkat

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of dead prey.
She was welcomed by many dragons as she reached the main den. They were saying "Hey Kiru!" or "Nice to see you awake." or "Who the heck are you?" (friends said that for a joke) Kiru was delighted to see that the Garsha were being so kind to her, but only three dragons hadn't greeted her. One was Colli, who she understood why. Another one was Jabam, but Kiru wasn't suprised, as he never cared for her. The other one was Espian, which confused her. Had she really hurt her friend to the point that he wished not to talk to her again? Anxiously, she sat down, shivering. "Where's Espian?" She asked.
"He went off to check on the hatchlings." Tarnack replied. "Apprantly Gankad's ill." Kiru shuddered. "He isn't the healer though. That's Nook's job."
Nook was the healer of the Garsha dragons. She hadn't been healer long, as she had been a healer's junior before her mentor, Follis, had passed away because of a killer illness. Kiru knew that Espian knew nothing of medicine, so why was he up there, trying to perform another dragon's job? Heart thumping with fear, she ran up the ledge and took off into the sky towards the hatchling den.
When she reached the den, she saw mothers wrapping their tails around their children as Nook looked over Gankad's body. Espian was close by, talking to Aske, one of Colli's friends. Kiru approached them slowly. "What's wrong with Gankad? Tarnack told me she was ill."
"Nook thinks she has white fever." Espian said. "When she was sharing prey with Suma, she broke into a coughing fit and her face was puffing up." Kiru shivered again. White fever was common in old dragons, and was a killer. She was worried for Suma, if he lost his mother.
Suddenly, her thoughts were disturbed when Aske yelled "They're hatching!" Nook bounded over and saw Aske's four eggs rolling around in their nest. One of them, the biggest one, started hatching swiftly. The other three were hatching too, but not as fast. Aske sat down in her nest and waited for the newborn hatchlings to take their first glances at the world. The biggest egg then hatched, and a little midnight-blue dragon poked it's head out. Aske's eyes were shining with pride as the others started to make their way out of the egg shell.
"What's going on in here?" A voice boomed at the entrance. Espian glanced at the large dragon standing at the entrance. "Your mate's eggs are hatching." He said simply. The male dragon plodded over and pressed his head against Aske's neck. This was Sallek, the second-in-command and Aske's mate. He had bright red skin with lighting yellow spikes and purple eyes. Aske had midnight-blue skin and emerald green eyes.
Finally, all the little hatchlings had made their way out of the egg and into the world. Everyone was pleased for Aske, as she previously had been worried about her eggs because they were taking a long time to hatch. Sallek, like Aske, was very proud. "Worth the wait." He mummered gently. "What are we calling them?"
"I would like to called the midnight-blue female Niha, the yellow male Emasan, the white female with black scales Genasep and... you name the last one." Aske decided. Sallek looked at the last hatchling. It was a red and yellow male, with no wings. He was the smallest, but he was already fighting his brother and sisters. Sallek thought hard, but then thought of the perfect name for him. "What about Chantre?" He suggested. Aske's eyes gleamed in delight, and she nudged the four hatchlings over. "So, our children are called Niha, Emasan, Genasep and Chantre." Kiru smiled at them both. "Congratulations. You'll make great parents." She compliemented.
"I hope you're not forgetting me!" Gankad rasped from the corner. Nook gave a small snort of annoyence and plodded back over to the old female. Kiru sighed. Gankad never liked to be forgotten. Espian then went over beside Kiru, watching the hatchlings. "No one ever thought Sallek would make a good father. He's always been loyal and a trustworthy friend, but we didn't know he had a soft spot for Aske." He mumbled to her.
"And he was always busy, doing his duty." Kiru added. "He's never let Uruba down since he became second-in-command. Even when Uruba became ill and lost trust in the sprits, Sallek still did his job well. He'd make a great leader."
"Yeah." Espian replied. "I think you wouldn't make a bad leader, either." Kiru was too overwhelmed to speak. She was slightly embrassed by Espian's words, so she ducked her head. Espian just laughed, and nudged her shoulder with his tail. "Come on, I think Nook will need help carrying medicine supplies."
"Kiruu!" A little voice piped up. It was Topran. He was sitting on Kiru's tail, trying to fly. Kiru looked up at Espian. "I'll meet you there." She said at last. Her friend nodded, and he flew off into the sky. Kiru then turned to Topran. "Yes?"
"Why are you friends with males? Are you trying to look for a mate or something?" Topran asked, giggling. Kiru cuffed him around the head playfully. "No, silly. Males and females can be friends, like I am friends with you." She said. Topran just laid on the floor and stared. "But many females are best friends with their own gender. Your best friend is Espian! You must fancy him!" He giggled, going hysterical. Kiru looked slightly hurt. "No I don't. No need for you to be that rude." She replied sternly. She was furious that her brother seriously thought that. Thankfully, Colli had heard Topran's comment, and she stepped on his little tail, making him shriek. "Stop being silly. Go play with your brothers and leave Kiru alone." She ordered. Topran plodded off, sulking. Colli then turned to her daughter. "You'd better go and help Espian with those supplies." She mummered, pressing her nose to Kiru's neck. Kiru nodded, rushed towards the entrance, and flew off into the sky.
As she rose higher and higher, she thought about what Topran had said. Yes, she was hurt. No, she didn't really want to take a mate. Sighing, Kiru swooped down into the medicine cave and greeted Espian, who was gathering up some supplies in a large leaf. "You can carry it, seeing as I have sorted it." He teased. Kiru laughed and plodded over. Espian then looked at her. "Um, hope you don't mind me asking, but what did Topran say to you back there?"
Kiru gulped. She really couldn't tell him what her brother had said, so she had to think of a lie quickly. Sudden thought then struck her. "He wanted to know if I..."
"What?" Espian asked, wrapping up the herbs tightly. "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone else."
"Um..." Kiru was struggling, so she had to tell him the truth. In a diffrent way. "He wanted to know when I was going to take a mate." Espian then looked up from what he doing and stared. "Little bit nosey. What did you say?" Kiru gulped again. "Erm... I said that I wasn't planning on taking a mate yet." She replied quickly.
"Oh." Espian continued sorting the herbs in silence. Kiru frowned. Have I hurt him? Or does he know I'm kind of lying?

She thought to herself. Quietly, she approached him. "Are you alright?" She asked, sitting down beside him. Espian stared at her. "I'm fine. Why? Do I look depressed?" He replied grumpily. He then shook his head. "Oh my goodness, I am really sorry, Kiru! I really didn't know what I was saying there!" Kiru gave a little snort of amusement. "Seriously, why are you trying to sound all-mighty and posh?" She teased, giving him a playful shove. Espian shoved her back, and soon they were wrestling, laughing.
Just as they were laughing hysterical, a shadow appeared at the entrance. It was Uruba, and he didn't look impressed. "And what are you doing?" He snapped angrily, lashing his tail.
Kiru quickly rose up to her feet, and turned to face the old leader. "We were... um..."
"Messing around when you are on duty!" Uruba had basicly answered Kiru's question for her. Espian got up and dipped his head to the leader. "We're sorry, Uruba. We didn't mean to." Uruba, however, wasn't convinced. "You both are going to be punished." He hissed through gritted teeth.
"B-but.." Espian tried to object, but Uruba cuffed him hard around the head. "Shut up, you goat-brained fool!" Kiru was now angry, to see her friend being treated in this way. So before she could stop herself, she flung herself at Uruba and attacked him.

"Kiru? Kiru!"
The little silver she-dragon opened her eyes and saw that she was not up in the mountains. She was down on the ground, in the forest. Slowly, Kiru lifted her head and looked at the surroundings. The air smelt of death and blood, and everything was still. No wind made her shiver, and no water lapped in the stream. No prey rustled in the bushes close by, no dragons flew overhead. This made Kiru slightly frightened, but she couldn't show her fear.
"Kiru!" The voice called again. Kiru heaved herself up and tried to scent out the dragon. She plodded slowly, pebbles crunching under her feet. That was the only noise she could hear, along with her own breathing.
Kiru had reached the boarder with the Tanji when she heard the voice again. She stopped walking along and sat down, listening. That voice... she reconised it... but she didn't know where.
She then felt pain explode all over her body, and then Kiru realized she was injured. She had warm blood trickling down her neck, and several other wounds. Weakly, she lifted her head and cried out "Please, someone help me!"
No voices came, which frightened Kiru even more. What happened to that voice calling her name? A small breeze was now in the air, picking up dead leaves and making them glide gracefully through the air. Kiru decided to cry out again, and this time she heard a rustle in the bushes. She gave a loud wail, and then the thing appeared.
It was defintly a dragon, with pitch black scales and pale blue eyes. It had long claws, coated with blood. Kiru stood up weakly and faced the dragon. "Who are you?" She demanded.
"I am Deatha," The dragon replied. "and you have tresspassed. So that makes you my prisoner."

A new mystery

Kiru was trembling all over as she was led by Deatha deeper into the forest. It was still night, she had never been up for so long in all her life. Anxiously, she stared upwards and then at Deatha. "Where are you taking me? Will I see my friends again?"
"I'm taking you away." Deatha growled. "And you'll see your friends." He then added through gritted teeth "Soon." Kiru gulped, but then decided to listen. Nothing still. The forest was as dead as prey. Her purple eyes

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