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Book online «Soul of Light by Sophie Matthews (best new books to read TXT) 📖». Author Sophie Matthews

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the labyrinthic corridors I let my eyes slid over the beautiful garden. Someone was standing next to the old oak tree at the edge of the garden. He saw me too and waved as if asking me to join him. I don’t know why but I obeyed his silent request. As I moved closer I realised who he was, our new supervisor. He stood down with his back close to the tree’s trunk. He looked even more stunning in the light of day. A bright smile was played on his lips. In his hand were a notebook and a pen, which seemed to have had his absolute attention until a few moments ago.

-        Nice to see you are feeling better, Vaira.

I frowned when I heard him call me by my first name. It wasn’t the fact that he called my by my first name what bothered me, but the way he said it, as if he had known me my entire life. The odd thing was that I felt the same way although my mind kept telling me that was impossible, that I had just met him yesterday.

- Good morning, Professor. Thank you for worrying about me.

I made a slight pause and than added.

- I don’t think it’s appropriate for a teacher to address a student so familiarly.

- But we are pretty close wouldn’t you say so Vaira?

His smile grew larger when he registered my reaction.

-         We only met yesterday, I replied a little irritated by the realisation that he was trying to get me angry.

-         I saved your life yesterday. That makes us intimate enough, don’t you think?

His choice of words made me raise an eyebrow.

-         Than why did you feel the need to lie about your name?

I knew that answering his question with another question just showed that I refused to admit that I agreed but I didn’t had any better idea. The second I let the words out I wished I hadn’t. It sounded as if was accusing him of something, so it made it look as if I cared about what he did.

He looked my directly in the eyes. The intensity of his look made me shiver. He patted the place at his side and asked me to join him. I hesitantly moved closer and stood down beside him.

He remained silent for a moment than said:

-Actually it’s short for Nemesis.

- You made it up right now didn’t you?

- It’s my real name. But I don’t like to give it to just anyone.

- That sounds nice. It’s a really beautiful name. It sounds like the name of an angel. It suits you. You shouldn’t make it shorter.

He giggled with delight and said:

-         I’m glad you think so. Most people hate it and fear it. It means threat and destruction in the Ancient language. I suppose it’s suitable. A beautiful name and a beautiful appearance for a dangerous creature. After all even roses have thorns.

-         I had the feeling he was somehow letting me know that he was a forbidden fruit I should keep away from and in the same time he was sending a hidden challenge tempting me to come closer and discover all his secrets. 

-         Have you told anyone the name I told you yesterday? he asked with a playful look in his eyes.

-         No… I remained silent for a moment and wondered why I haven’t. I didn’t.

-         Good, he replied. Don’t tell it to anyone else.

I was surprised by his request and I suddenly felt an urge to rebel against him. I hated how easily it was for him to make me trust him and obey him.

- Why? I asked defiantly.

He threw me another one of those looks that swept off my feet and than said:

-         Because very few people are allowed to call me that way.

-         And I am one of those people? I asked surprised.

-         Yes. You are special.

This time I felt that he had thrown a bucket of icy water on my head. Now I knew for sure that he was mocking me. I tried to stand up and ran away but he pulled the edge of my top and brought me back at his side. He closed his hands around my wrists and asked.

-What’s wrong? Don’t you believe me?

 I looked angrily at him and answered:

- You’re just playing a painful joke with me. I’m nothing special. I’ve never been anything more than average. I’m not smart and I don’t have much magical power. There is nothing special about me…

He released one of his hands and covered my mouth with it. I could feel his fingers touching my lips, threads of heath making them warm.

-         Yes, you are.

He breathed deeply as if I had somehow disappointed him.

-   Haven’t you heard anything of what I said last night? Magic and intelligence aren’t real power. That’s not what makes one special. That’s not what makes you special.

I moved his hand away and said:

- I still don’t have anything special.

He smiled gently and said.

-         Yesterday, when you were attacked you tried to protect your friends.

-         Anyone would do that.

He smiled again.

-         Not anyone would. You were brave and selfless. Those qualities show strength of character; it shows you have a beautiful soul. And that’s what makes you special. I’m sure you have many more qualities Vaira.

Hearing him call my name made more aware of myself. I realised I was still holding his hand. I jerked my hand away, but the heat of his hand still lingered on mine.

-         So what were you working on? I asked trying to change the subject.

-         I was thinking about the changes I’m going to introduce in the school.

He laughed when he saw my dumbstruck look.

-         You mean you are actually going to do it.

-         Of course I will, he replied turning serious again.

-         Do you think that it’s going to work? I asked with a cynical note in my voice.

-         I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.

He had an air of self confidence about him when he said it that made me believe that there is nothing he can’t do.

-         Than I guess I should let you work and get on my way.

-         We can still talk for a while if you want.

-         Thanks, but I have to meet with my friend for lunch.

-         Okay. If you ever need to talk with someone you can always bother me.

The way he smiled made me think he meant it.

-         Thank you, Nem.

I stood up and started to move away.

- Vaira.

Just by the simple fact of calling my name he managed to make my heart race. I felt as if pulled by a magnet toward him, compelled to turn around and look at him.

-         Yes?

-         Have a nice day, he said smiling.

I slowly nodded and than started running toward the halls as fast as I could. When I got there I hid behind a thick stone column. I picked from behind it and looked at him. He was already immersed in his work, he was scribbling furiously in his notebook. I smiled seeing his focused face. He seemed so much more like a divine creature that way. I felt pain in the same time. As my mind took notice of the overwhelming distance between the two of us. I’ve never felt that way before, completely drawn towards someone, reacting to the smallest gesture and the smallest word. My soul, my mind, my entire being was over boiling with confusion. I didn’t understand what I was feeling. It was thrilling and terrifying in the same time. For the moment I decided to lock these odd feeling inside of me. I ran towards the cafeteria and tried to stop thinking about it.  

23 June 2011



When I got to the cafeteria I found Mirai and the others already sitting at a table. She stood up and came to hug me.

-How are you feeling? she asked trying to hide the trace of worry in her voice.

- As healthy as a newborn baby, I said winking. What happened last night is not enough to keep me down. Don’t worry. You know me. I’m as tough as a weed.

We went and joined Lia and Shiel at the table. Lia smiled and said:

-         Today I’m going to treat you with some roe salad. I want you to get better as soon as possible.

-         And to celebrate the fact you survived yesterday, Shiel completed.

Lia pinched him and he grinned. I ignored him. My eyes grew wide with surprise:

-Lia! I exclaimed. That is so expensive. You shouldn’t have spent your money on it.

She rolled her eyes and said:

-         I’m only doing this because you are still convalescent so don’t get used to it. Besides, I didn’t pay for it. I sometimes help the cook with some stuff and he has a soft spot for me so he gave it to me for free.

-         What kind of stuff? asked Shiel smiling

-         I could tell you but then I would have to kill you.

-         Yap sure, like it could really be something dangerous or anything like that.

Lia didn’t said more but she kept a mischievous smile on her lips making us wonder what she was up to.

-         Anyway, just eat it. It’s for you.

I obediently did what she said.

- Hey, said Mirai. I just remembered that I wanted to tell you something. You know that last night everyone was in turmoil.

- Really? I asked pretending not to care. I went directly to bed. I was too tired to care. That part was true.

Mirai looked curiously at me. I felt as if my face had just gone on fire. I knew she had read behind my detached attitude. She always knew when I tried to hide something. She knew me too well. I couldn’t hide anything from her.She turned back to the others and said:

-         As I was saying, most students were talking about the new Supervisor last night. I heard my roommate saying he is a very high rank spirit and that’s why the families of the S students are allowing him to do as he pleases. That and the fact that the Council of Elders seems to be very displeased. However the kids have no intention whatsoever to do what he says. They plan to make him leave.

-         Fat chance, said Shiel laughing. What are they going to do? Try to bully him like they do to the ordinary teachers. I have a feeling that this guy is even more dangerous than the Principle.

I frowned and asked:

- What do you mean? He doesn’t seem that dangerous to me.

-And he saved her life, Lia continued.

Shiel rolled his eyes.

-         That’s because you are girls and think he is hot.

I almost drowned with my food when I heard him say that.

- What’s wrong? Lia asked. You don’t like the food?

Mirai tried to hide a smile. I’ve given her another clue about what was bothering me.

-         However strong this guy is, it’s going to be a hassle to actually manage to change anything in this school.

-         That’s true, said Lia.

-         Even if he gets all the female students and teachers on his side.

This time the one who reacted was Lia. She pinched him so hard he almost screamed. You would think he learned his lesson by now and should know that annoying Lia is not a good idea. Somehow I had the feeling he liked it. I suspected he did that to tease Lia, in the same way that I refuse to dress and behave as, at least in Lia’s view, a young lady.

-         So, are you coming to classes this afternoon? Lia asked changing the subject.

-         I think I’m going to take advantage of my leave and go have some more rest.

She threw me a scolding look. If there was something Lia was serious about it was studying. And she never

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