Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป I am The Keeper by Dale McMurray (best free novels .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซI am The Keeper by Dale McMurray (best free novels .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Dale McMurray

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But on her fifteenth birthday her mother went into the village to buy a present for her lovely daughter. When she returned Crysta was gone and the rope of hair lay broken by the fireplace. She cried all night and into the next day. Her father, the fairy king had come to take her to his kingdom. From that day on The woman never left the cabin. Years later as the old woman sat looking into the fire, a fairy sat on her shoulder. " Mother it is I Crysta. Please do not be sad. I love you and I miss you but this is my true self. I will come and visit often." The old woman smiled. And she was happy her daughter had returned. and Crysta the fairy princess returned often until she died." They all clappped at the ending. Kayla liked it the best.
The younger children were falling alseep and Kayla and Bolten took them to bed. A startled cry came from the loft where they slept. Geaina and I climbed the ladder to see what the fuss was about. In the corner Bolten had trapped a Meadow Pixie. She was buzzing and seemed very frightened. She was only about four or five inches tall. Her hair was the color of golden Wheat and her eyes were the brightest shade of Periwinkle. She was dirty and visilbly shaken. "Boy, back away from her." I said quitely then moved close to where the Pixie was pressed into the corner. "Do not be a afraid Pixie. I am a wiccan of some power and I will protect you. These children mean no harm. They were just as startled as you were." I held out my hand and the Pixie slowly moved and sat in my palm she was exhausted. I held her close to my heart and showed the children that she was a gentle soul. "We are sorry for scaring you." Kayla spoke for all.
" Tell me why you are far from your meadow ?"
The Pixie looked at me then told a story of The king's men riding thru the Meadow. They beat the grasses and killed many of her people. She was lucky to escape and sought refuge here. They had taken the king and Queen.
"When did this happen Pixie?
"two days ago." Then she began to cry.
" My name is Nayla. I am the daughter of the king and Queen of the Southern Meadow Pixies. "
" Who is this wicked king that takes men from their homes and kills gentle Meadow Pixies and makes prisoners of their King and Queen?"

Geaina Told me of the king called Drekkan.
Since the death of his father Kollan, A darkness had come to the castle. Drekkan had fallen under the spell of a woman who was said to use dark magic. Evil now controlled the kingdom. Times have become hard as the land no longer seemed able to grow crops and the rain no longer fell.
Nayla flew to my shoulder and sat there for a moment then," Will you help? I know that you are a powerful Wiccan. I have heard your story on the wind. I must rescue my Mother and Father."
"Of course but first we must put to rest the magic of your slain brothers and sisters. In the morning lead me to your meadow". Nayla nodded with tears in her eyes. She curled up and fell fast asleep in my hands.

I looked at The Pixie asleep in my hands and the family that had taken me in without question. I decided.
" I will go see this king and make him release your husband." I could not refuse those faces.
"And I will try to release the king from his spell. So that the kingdom can again see the light." I went to my wagon with Nayla I placed her down on the pillow. Opening The trunk I looked for a book that I could use to find a few spells that I could protect myself and the Pixie while I worked to free the king from his evil enchantment.
"Wicca, what had I gotten myself into?" I was not ready for this, yet I agreed to this Quest. At least, I thought. I had something to occupy my mind so that I did not feel so heavy with sorrow. I read into the night as The small Pixie princess slept .

The Pixie Meadow

I rode the horse that had been pulling my wagon to the meadow followng Nayla as she flew that next morning. What I saw made me cry. The field of bright green grass and colorful flowers had been trampled and there were burn marks everywhere. Flowerheads drooped heavy with the dried blood of so many pixies. Nayla and I found every small body and placed them at the base of the Tallest Oak. There I held a funeral rite for the souls of the dead. Kneeling I placed my hands over them. I was hit with a searing hot bolt of lighting that coursed through my flesh and seemed to consume me. I could not breathe as the dead Pixies' magic flowed into the crystal. I was lifted off the ground in a flash of redhot light. Then fell back to the earth. As my tears fell their small bodies disappeared into a mist.
" What was that?" stuttered Nayla her eyes wide in fear. " The Guardians made me the Keeper of all earthly magic left behind when the soul moves to the next life." Shugging my shoulders as I struggled to catch my breathe. " That is what happens as the crystal takes in the last of their magic."
Nayla looked at me and through her tears said there were still some missing. She started singing a sweet song and as it rose on the breeze from her wings there was a small rush of wind in answer to the song. There in the edge of the meadow hovered twelve or so injured Pixies. " Come to me my brothers and sisters." called Nayla. " This is Magi a powerful Wiccan, she will help us. Do not be afraid. She will heal you."
They flew to me and clung weeping with tears of sadness and relief. AS I touched each one their wounds began to heal and they floated to the ground to sleep away the pain. I gathered them up and put them in a large pouch to keep them safe. We returned to the farm and placed them all in a large bed of straw. Kayla spread s soft blanket over them and kept watch. Nayla sat on her shoulder and rested her head on Kayla's cheek. I was determined to find a way to send the evil back from where it came no matter what.
Returning to my wagon I lifted the loose board that hid the the sword. Holding it I muttered a spell.
" Sing to me, Oh warriors of the Wicca. Make me a master of this good blade.
Give me the knowledge to use it to protect good . Give me the power to repel those who are evil.
As I am the daughter of a warrior, make me one as well."
As the last words echoed a feeling of power began to rise from my fingers to my arms. Then it travelled from head to toe. I began to move with the sword in circles as my confidence grew. For hours I practiced until I was as one with the blade. Setting it down the sword called to me. "You are now one with me. Together we will defend all who are defenseless. I am called Aborea the sword of Earth. Once I belonged to your mother. You are now my Master. Your will is now mine."
When I touched the blade it glowed. I Covered the sword and placed it back in the hiding place. Then I went to the well and drew some water to wash myself. I felt more content than I had in days. I hoped that the spells I had learned would be enough, but just in case there was Aborea. I practiced the spells of protection with Nayla. Sometimes they did not hold and Nayla fell into the dirt.
"Look here Wiccan! I know that you are young and still need to learn these spells But my arse is starting to hurt" I smiled as I dusted her off.
"Sorry but practice makes perfect and I need to be the best to ensure the rescue or we will join them in chains." This went on for days . At night I practiced with the Wiccan Sword. Then one night the Guardians came to me in a dream. "You are ready for this test Magi. Remember you are the Keeper all will be as it should." I awoke with a start. I knew that tommorrow was the day I would set out for the castle. Nayla and I made our goodbyes to the Family that had cared for us and to the Pixies. Kayla, Bolten, Garr, Liam and sweet little Dawn all agreed to watch over the last of the Meadow Pixies. And the Pixies promised to behave and help the family.
That night I sat alone with Geaina. She told me of her husband Aldeen.
"He was the son of the greastest swordsmith in the land. He had learned the way of the sword since he could hold the bellows that fueled the flames. Soon he was taller than his father, Blakton the king's champion. HIs life was hard and He was a young man with strong arms. He had long flowing Black hair color of the coals that formed the swords. And his eyes were the color of the smoke that billowed out of the forge.In his sixteenth winter he beat his father at the winter tourney. Aldeen stayed four more winters, then when his father died he left the castle to travel the land. For two years he traveled. Then one day he came to our farm. My father took him in and from him he learned the ways of farming. I was in love with him at once.
When my parents died we married and he worked this farm as well as he had made swords.
He helped the village Blacksmith during the winter. After the old king died things changed.
A few months ago the kings' soldiers came and forced Aldeen to return to the castle. They took him back in chains.I have never recieved any word of him again." She cried as though she would never stop and I held her until she finally did.I knew that I must not fail.

As I fell asleep I had a vision of my mother. She was smiling and she looked more beautiful than ever Looking straight at me she spoke.
"I am proud of you, Magi. Remember that the sword Aborea is not to be used in anger. You have the knowlege to free those kept against their will. May the ancient ways Of Wicca keep you safe." Then she was gone.
When I awoke in the morning all the Pixies were sitting on the bench along the wall of the wagon. They were sitting very close to each other as if to hide something behind them. And they were staring at me, Suddenly they started to giggle.
"What?"I asked as I tried to make them move so that I could dress for the journey I was about to take. As they flew away they scattered Pixie dust went every where. There on a pillow was a new set of clothing.
" How beautiful"', I exclaimed as I laid out each piece so that I could see them better. The leggings were a dark shade of green like
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Free ebook ยซI am The Keeper by Dale McMurray (best free novels .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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