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Book online «Thicker Than Water by Abigail Livinghouse (romantic books to read TXT) 📖». Author Abigail Livinghouse

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order for anyone infected with the now identified Blood Virus. At least the cure was found right?Haha, wrong. Appearance

The alarm promptly woke me at 5:30 a.m., and I could hear Carter's groan of protest from across the room. Propping myself up on my elbow, I reached over to shut off the clock and rubbed my eyes. 


"Goddamn alarms. It's Friday for heaven's sake." Carter muttered, still huddled under the covers.


I wasn't in particular a morning person, but I could stand it. Him on the other hand was the polar opposite of one. Which was unfortunate, because we both had the same scheduled class at seven in the morning. 


"Even though it's Friday, we still have to go to class." I reminded him as I sat up. He moaned again, pulling the covers over his head. 


"Don't remind me." Came the mumbled response under a bundle of comforter. I rolled my eyes, getting myself out of bed and heading for the shower.


Now in Calculus, one of my least favorite classes because I will admit I am horrible at math, Carter was dozing off in the seat beside me, while Melanie Spencer was drawing hearts on her paper, her notebook, or actual book, any surface she could reach it seemed. With the tip of my eraser in my mouth, I glanced out the window, seeing the dull morning glow bathing the trees and flowers surrounding us in the outside courtyard. Why couldn't we have class outside for once? Adeline and my French teacher always allows us to lounge about in the warm sun, with the beauitful flora and fauna around us.


But no, instead we were here, holed up in a box while we listened to Mrs. Mell drone on and on about-what was it? Jeez, I didn't even know.  


My phone, which was nestled safely in my pocket, vibrated against my thigh. 


 I reached down and took it out of my pocket while Mrs. Mell was at the board, unlocking it quickly to read the text message from Addie.


 Adeline: *After Calculus you should meet me in the courtyard.*


 Me: *Skip class?*


 Slipping my phone back into my pocket as the teacher made her usual round to check homework, I felt about two seconds later her response. Addie didn't regularly skip class, only if there was nothing going on during the period.


 Adeline: *I have a free period next. If you want we can go into town or just hang at your dorm, or mine.*


 Tempting, very tempting considering I had nothing but my history class next.


 The bell rang, and my time for considering was up. I packed up my things and took a detour, away from the room I was supposed to be heading towards. I opened one of the many exit doors and strolled outside, seeing kids setting up for their free period at the various picnic tables dotting the gardens. The bell rang again, signaling that anyone who was not in class was now late. 


I spotted Addie at the table near her favorite weeping willow tree, her purse slung around her shoulder and a small book about the size of a large cell phone nestled in her lap. I smiled, making my way towards her and taking in the delighted expression on her face when she looked up and saw me.


 "Darling you came!" She said with a squeal as she threw her arms around my neck. I lifted her up and spun her around before planting a sweet kiss on her lips. Addie giggled, her face flushed a bright pink when I set her back down.


 "I'm so glad you came baby! I've been needing a break, I haven't been free in weeks what with work and my studies." She paused, stroking my cheek with the back of her hand. "I'm just so happy."


 My smile widened, feeling the same joy blooming from my chest and showing all over my face. "You make me so very happy Addie."


 Her eyes lit up at what I said, and then she kissed me with a warmth that I could feel as I cradled her face in my palm. Addie's hand closed in a small fist in my hair, tugging gently. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, and I responded with a grunt of desire and a nip at her lip. Addie giggled.


 "My dorm or yours?"


 I smiled, feeling something just as dark as my hunger coming to the surface, but this was a hunger for something other than blood.




Not So

Addie was lying in my bed while I was at the desk, a sketch pad in front of me and a pencil in my hand. Addie had one of my white sheets wrapped around her naked body, her blonde hair spilling out around her shoulders and collarbones. I smiled as I shifted in my seat, resting the pad on my knee and beginning to sketch.


 She loved when I drew her, and I had to admit I quite liked it too. She laid with her head on my pillow and her long limbs outstretched. The sheet began barely above her cleavage and ended just short of her thighs. I started with the outline of her heart shaped face first, then continued on.


 We didn't often talk when I worked, but today seemed to be different for some reason.


 "I would like to go out tomorrow, if that's alright with you." Addie said through barely moving lips. I knew she was trying not to mess me up, but I hadn't even began on her facial features yet, so the extra caution was unnecessary. I shrugged.


 "Whatever you like. Who will you be going out with?"


 The slightest wrinkle of discontent showed up between her brows, and I paused. Shit. What had I said?


 "No darling, you misunderstood. I would like to go out with you tomorrow." She clarified in a slightly hardened tone. My posture stiffened.


 "Oh! Ah . . ."  I trailed off, because I wasn't too sure if I could.


 It was a Friday, and I was lucky that I had fed yesterday in order to avoid a grumbling stomach at a party or a movie. I was expecting Addie to want to go out, but I had no idea that it would be so soon after feeding, and I was majorly short on cash. Often I would provide Nina with compensation for her help, and I was now dangerously low after my last deposit. The best I could do with the budget I currently had would be a trip to McDonald's, and I knew she wouldn't like that.


 Addie noticed my calculated and anxious expression, and she shrugged, thoroughly messing up the outline of her shoulder that I had started on.


 "It's alright sweetie. I can just go out with Kate or Jennifer and we can go another time over the weekend, or next week if you feel that's better for you." She cajoled in a sweet tone before going back to posing.


 It was kind of her to offer me time, she damn well knew that money was  a problem for me. I worked at local restaurants for a few months of college as a dish washer, earning a minimum of fifty dollars a week if I was lucky. Those jobs just didn't suit me as I felt they should. I should be enjoying my time at college and by default enjoy the job I had. I was miserable at those places, so I left. It wasn't worth my time and strength if I just came home more upset than when I had left.


 I was upset, but at least I had money. Now I was relatively happy, but had no money to spend. I hadn't really sat down and decided which one was the worse of two evils yet. It wasn't that Addie was stingy with the money she had, she worked at the mall a few miles away and made decent cash. Not to mention that her father worked as a consecutive for Google and made boatloads every year, Addie was actually very humble despite her background and appearance. 


I came from a strong bloodline where money wasn't a concern, but since I had broken off from my family about two years ago, I received none of the compensation. I'll admit, it would be nice to have a cushion of financial support from relatives however it was unnecessary. I worked weekly at the hospital with Nina, helping her with filing and what not. Except I had already spent my weekly allowance to buy Addie dinner the previous Tuesday when she had been down. I would not be returning to the hospital for another week, and two more for feeding.


 I didn't see how I was going to make this work, but despite that I said reassuringly. "Don’t worry about money baby. We can go out tomorrow, wherever and whenever you want."


 Addie's eyes widened slightly in surprise. She dropped her jaw to say something and them immediately picked it back up again when she realized I was still sketching.


 "That sounds wonderful darling." She barely whispered, falling silent for me to finish. 



* * *


"I cannot stress to you enough the importance of keeping yourself fed." Charles said, sternly pointing a finger in Derrick's face.


 Derrick nodded, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. This information had been repeated to him time and time again every day. Even though he was only eight, he was not stupid. 


 "Hey!" His father suddenly reached out and grabbed Derrick's chin with his fingers, forcing him to look into Charles' dark blue eyes.


 "Look at me when I am speaking to you! You will show me respect, even if I have to beat it out of you." He growled angrily in Derrick's face, causing him to flinch.


 "Yes, Father." He murmured, feeling his own frustration bubbling to the surface.


 He hated getting punished. His father's hand was cold and unyielding. Charles Grison was a man without mercy, or a conscience.  Both were required if one were to become a father, but that didn't stop him. Everyone knew that Charles was a cruel and ruthless being. When he got engaged people gossiped that his family bribed the girl because he was the only boy of five children, and he was yet to be married.


 When their marriage lasted four years without a child, people spoke about his wife being infertile, or that she did not want to have her legacy spoiled by Charles'.


 When they finally did conceive there was surprise and of course, people had to talk about the baby not being Charles'. Maybe his wife had had an affair so that she could have a child,

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