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wasn’t afraid to kill. I hated my helplessness. I was the princess locked in the tower that nobody knew about.
Someone was coming. I heard the leaves crunch under their feet. My heart beat faster and faster with every step. I could feel the adrenaline coming, starting to pulse through my blood. I got up and walked farther into the forest. There was still not enough adrenaline to run but I was getting there. I move slowly and carefully, still not sure if I could move without passing out. By the time he got to the clearing my body was fully charged with adrenaline. I ran faster and faster trying to keep my fear fresh so the adrenaline would stay and keep me balanced. He was chasing after me, but he was fast but clumsy, like Sam. He chased me down to the old fairgrounds. He tripped over the roots of the tree. While he was down I climbed up a tree as fast as I could and hid. He looked directly at me but still he didn’t see me. He continued to walk slowly and cautiously through the trees onto the fairgrounds. He searched in every direction hoping to find me but he couldn’t.
“Shannon!” he called my name in a sweet familiar voice. It was Sam, my prince. I wanted to run to him into the safety of his friendly embrace (yes friendly, we were nothing more than friends. He had no idea of my feelings for him, nor would he ever find out until further notice.), but I wouldn’t let myself. My happiness was not worth his pain. A deer ran gracefully through the wood in hopes of escaping his echoing voice. I wished I could answer him. I watch his unbelievably handsome features escalate from worry into fear, and like me, he ran from the fear and into the unknown in hopes of finding something new and comforting. In which was unlikely in my world; I learn not to get my hopes up because they will quickly be brought down. If you expect the worst your heart will never break (no, I do not suffer from depression, at that time I was desperate for… unexpected joy.) I fallowed silently behind him. He took me back to the city. The pollution filled my lungs making it easier for me to breath. I always found comfort in the city. The streets were loud and crazy, people were mean but they could take care of themselves. They did not need to know everything about everybody like the small town I grew up in. They let things remain a mystery.
I lost him in the crowd. I got lost; I just let the crowd carry me hopefully to someplace useful. The day tuned into night just like it always does. As everybody know the city is dangerous at night. If you know what you’re doing you could pass for a serial killer and nobody would dare come near you. I wasn’t in the mood to put on a show. The audience seemed more like tourist testing the city’s limits. They were foolish of course but there was something in the air that told me that they were safe here. The real danger was deeper into the city just on the line between down town (where all the old shops and bakeries were) and what Sam and I called the hot spot. The hot spot generally was the most deadly places in the city. People don’t go there unless they have a death wish, or if they’re an insane criminal. It wasn’t just the people there that made it so terrifying (if that was it I would have no problem) it was a place where Mother Nature seemed to vent out all her anger on the human race and destroy all things living that enters. (I’m being over dramatic in case you can’t tell, but seriously everything is dead, it’s like a ghost town. It would make you want to die.) Not all of it was dead once you got past the first few miles you would reach a town where everybody was drunk or about to be It looks like one of those old pirate towns that my brother Jack reads. (He’s been dying to come here but he’s only 13….)
I walked into the first restaurant I met up with. I walked in and all I could smell was beer and smoke. It was crowded but not very loud most people whispered as they talked. I walked through the crowd into the back not so crowded area and sat myself down in a corner so I wouldn’t be seen. I started to feel a burn in the back of my neck like you get when someone has been staring at you for a while. I tried to ignore it. For those of you who have never been lost and alone before please believe me when I say fear is your greatest weapon in life.
Unfortunately I hadn’t learned this lesson yet. I could always sense my enemy coming in other ways besides my fear. I was pulled out of my seat by my hair. I twisted out of my attackers grip. I turned to see who it was but I was slammed up against the wall by my neck. I couldn’t breathe, his fingers dug into me. It was my step father, my demon. I could feel myself slipping away, I couldn’t let that happen. I shoved my knee in his stomach as hard as I could and hit my hand hard on his throat. He was down, and I ran as fast as I could out of there and back to the city. Somewhere in between that time he got up and fallowed me. He went down easy but he got up fast. I ran and ran, and he chased and chased. I tried all the tricks that I’ve ever learned but I still couldn’t shake him. I ran into an alley way (which is not smart don’t ever do that!) it was blocked off but there was a club somewhere nearby. I was grabbed by someone in the darkness.
“Shhhhhhhh! Shannon it’s me.” Sam said covering my mouth.

Something’s wrong with Shannon
We found her. Of course she was in danger. I t wouldn’t have been Shannon if she wasn’t in danger. We had to wait until the…stupid jerk left until we could bring her back home. It didn’t take very long but we shouldn’t even be in this situation. My father ended up coming back early so he went with us after explained the situation to him, and he’s going to help us get Jack out of there too. (He could be pretty cool sometimes. We’re just not on the same page all the time; I don’t think we’re even reading the same book.) He went out to make sure he was gone. Shannon’s breathing started to pick up.
“Shannon are you okay?” I asked her. She stared coughing. “Shannon!” she couldn’t hold herself up anymore. She slipped out of my hands onto the floor. Suddenly the coughing stopped, she stopped. “Is she…?” I couldn’t get the word out of my mouth.
“She’s still breathing.” Michelle said reassuringly. She got up and left to go find Bobby (my dad.) I put my hand just below her nose to make sure. Of course she was, I was just being my over careful self. Her face was wet and sticky like blood.
“Bobby can you turn on the car lights, please?” I asked him hoping he was close enough somewhere in the darkness to hear me. He answered me with a sudden roar of the engine as it burst to life. As the head lights came on there appeared a glimmering pool of blood right by Shannon’s head that started running from her mouth like the creek we used to play by when we were kids. I screamed at the horrid sight in front of me and I stood there and stared hoping it would disappear just as quickly as it had appeared. I wished I could go back to those days at the creek when all we had to worry about was the Shades. I knew she didn’t have very long until she would…well I’m sure you get the picture. I picked her up carefully as if she were a new born baby and walked past Bobby’s horrified twisted face and Michelle with her face in her hands and placed her carefully in the back seat. I got into the driver’s seat as Bobby and Michelle got caution into the car as if they would end up like her if they got too close. I handed back Michelle my sweater as she carefully placed Shannon’s head on her lap and I sped of back to my house. I knew my mother would know what to do. The hospital was too far away, she wouldn’t last no matter how hard she fought. Besides they would just put her on medication that she couldn’t touch with a ten foot pole without dying.
“Where you going Sam?” Bobby questioned as I pulled into our street.
“Mom is the only thing close enough that can help her.” I answered.
“Your mother isn’t a doctor. She’s coughing up blood Sam; she needs to go to the hospital.” He yelled.
“She won’t make it there.” I snapped back. It was disrespectful but it got him to shut up. She started to cough again. I slammed on the accelerator sending Bobby in a fit again. We finally got there. She was conscious again. She looked more scared than I’ve ever seen her before. “Mom!” I yelled as I burst through the door. I ran as fast as I could carrying her through the kitchen.
“Katelyn! We need your help! Shannon’s hurt!” Michelle yelled from behind me.
“Over here. Sam put here on the table.” My mother said standing in the door way of our dining room. I did as I was told and placed her on the table. She was holding onto my blood stained sweater as if it was the only thing that could save her. “What’s wrong with her?”
“She started coughing up blood. And then she fainted.” I told her as if she were crazy.
“Sam I am not a doctor I do not know how to take care of her. The most I can do is get her to calm down and into some clean clothes.” Shannon was covered in dirt and her hair had leaves and twigs in it. “You call Dr. Brain and see if he can come over.” She ordered as she soothed Shannon up to the bathroom.

Publication Date: 07-10-2011

All Rights Reserved

this is not finished yet i will keep adding on additional parts as i go along. if you have any sagestions they you believe would be helpful please

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