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Book online «Rune and his Instant Kill by Nick Venom (the reading strategies book .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Nick Venom

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you for half-price. I can tell you have someone in mind for that blue bracelet.” 

Lyla contemplated the offer. Would he even accept the bracelet or would he refuse it? He wouldn’t
 right? She was bamboozled since she never thought about giving her masters any gifts. She was never given money by her masters either. Her first master was a vicious man who often beat her into submission to relieve stress. If any a single speck of dust was in his way, he would beat her. If something didn’t go how he wanted it to, he would beat her. Sometimes, he beat her for fun. A cruel and vicious man.

Her second master wasn’t any better. He cared more about his experiments than human life. He would berate and beat her in the name of science. His science often needed test subjects and slaves like her were perfect for them. One experiment ended with her being cursed, her body deteriorating in front of her. Without Rune’s Holy Magic, she would’ve died. 

Rune, her third master, was different. In two days, he had given her more kindness than the other two masters combined. He healed her without berating her, using a very dangerous skill that could’ve killed him, He clothed her, fed her, trained her, and even gave her money. It was more than she felt she deserved.

“I’ll take the bracelets.” Lyla confidently said.

The owner smiled as if she had expected Lyla’s answer. “Good,” She picked the bracelets and bagged them in a small brown bag before handing them over to Lyla. “Make sure the blue one goes to somebody special in your life.”

Lyla nodded, blushing. “Thank you,” She took the bag and turned around. She headed towards the main road, walking parallel to the floats, as a gust of wind upheaved her cloak. Her ears were exposed suddenly. 

She scrambled to put her hood on, but it was too late. A knight following a dead demon float noticed her ears, since they stuck out like a sore thumb, and approached her. She turned around and tried to run through the crowd, but the knight grabbed her before she could escape. He grabbed her and spun her around, taking her hood off with one hand.

“A beastkin.” He remarked, glancing at a knight beside him. An older man in iron armor nodded his head, beckoning Lyla closer. The knight complied, turning his attention back to Lyla. “I think Avom will like you.” He told her. 

Lyla’s eyes widened at Avom’s name. The person Rune wants to kill? Didn’t he tell me to not get caught! I need to call out to him before they take me away! She opened her mouth but found no words leaving. Didn’t he say to not use his name? Wouldn’t he be mad that I exposed his identity? But wouldn’t he be mad if I get caught? What do I do? 

“You should be thankful that he’ll be interested in you. You’ll be serving a hero. I’m not sure where your master is, or even if you have one, but I don’t think he’ll mind if Avom borrows you for a while.” The knight, a young man, whispered in her ear. Lyla froze up, too scared to move. Her hand moved to the knife in her pocket, but the knight noticed her. He swatted her hand away before digging through her pocket and finding the knife. He then chucked it to his supervisor. 

“Avom likes feisty girls, but he doesn’t like being wounded.” He grabbed her shoulder, gripping her tightly. He led her through the crowd and floats, heading towards a building on the other side of the road - a large three-story building that housed Avom and all of his men.

Lyla glanced behind her, crying out, “Help! Avom’s men are kidnapping me! Please help!” However, her cries fell on deaf ears. Nobody was willing to risk their lives to help her. 

Most of the attendees in the crowd lost daughters or wives to Avom, staring down at the ground with disgusted looks on their faces. Nobody aside from the Hero party could rival Avom.

Tears streamed down her face. “Help me! Please!” She cried out. “Rune,” She whispered, quiet enough that the Young Knight didn’t hear her. “Please help me, Rune.”


Rune entered the tavern, sitting down at a one-seat table. He waited, hearing bits of conversations floating around him, but nothing he was looking for. It wasn’t until two people entered the tavern, sitting down some distance away from him, that gave him what he needed. 

“They treat him as a hero, but many rumors say that he kidnaps women, mostly from other races, and assaults them in his ‘dungeon’.” One person reported, glancing up as a bartender threw him a mug. He drank the beer in one gulp. “He’s nothing more than a bastard.”

“Apparently, some of the adventures that joined the Hero Party said they saw everybody alive after they appeared with the Demon King’s head, yet Rune somehow doesn’t make it. Others say that Rune was the most innocent of them all and often fought against Avom for his crazy desires.” The second man remarked, hidden under a cloak.

“You’re saying he saw something and they killed him to erase the evidence?” The first man asked. 

“You think they wouldn’t?”

The first man nodded his head. “You’re right. Especially that Avom guy. As soon as one of his knights or Avom himself sees a beastkin woman, they take her here. Even if the woman has a master. I saw that happen during the parade.”

The man’s words shot through Rune. He saw it happen. They took a beastkin girl away from her master. It wouldn’t be
 Lyla, right? He jumped out of his chair and sprinted out of the tavern. He raced towards Avom’s home, a warehouse holding several tens of women inside to be assaulted. Rune feared Lyla would be among the ranks.

Meanwhile, a woman dressed in a luxurious black and gold outfit watched as Rune left. I found you, Rune. I’ve been looking for you ever since you left to kill the Demon King. You will not escape me! I will serve under you as your loyal and most trusted subordinate; serve the strongest healer, Rune, the God Medic. 



Episode Four "Rune Is Alive"

Lyla was dragged away by the Young Knight, going through several corridors within the large warehouse that Avom turned into his home. He was positioned on the third floor while he kept the girls on the first and second floors. 

She was led to the farthest room from the entrance. The room was guarded by two knights. Lyla glanced at the Young Knight with a terrified expression. He smugly grinned at her before throwing her into the room. The door slammed behind her, locking her inside the room. Lyla quickly got up to her feet, glancing at her surroundings. Several girls were looking at her, all sharing the same horrified expression. 

Where am I? She thought. The room had no other doors or windows. It was just walls. 

One of the girls beckoned her close. “Get here quickly!” The girl whisper-shouted. Lyla followed the girl’s order, scrambling to her side. The girl was dirty, obviously a labor slave. She was a demonkin, one of the demons enslaved by Mido and the other heroes. Her skin was crimson-red, her fingernails were painted black, and her eyes glowed a fierce cool blue. 

“Hurry up and get out of sight before he comes.” She warned. Lyla nodded, getting closer to the girls. Everybody was huddled together, but Lyla wasn’t sure why.

“What’s going to happen?” She asked.

The demon girl glanced at her dumbfounded. “Have you never heard of Avom and his tendencies before?” She whispered. 

Lyla nodded her head. “He attacks girls.”

The girl nodded. “Assaults, attacks, and kills women. He uses us as his playthings before getting tired of us and discarding us for somebody new. He took two girls three days ago. He’ll be back today.” 

Lyla nodded. “How can we escape?”

The girl shook her head. “We can’t. We’re being guarded and there are no windows to escape from. We’re trapped here, so keep your head down. Hope to whatever God you believe in that you aren’t picked today. You’ll get two solid days more to live.”

Lyla nodded. Rune will find me. He must know where I am
. He doesn’t. He went to a tavern, he wouldn’t know I’m gone. I’m dead. I’m dead!

I’ll be back soon for you. Rune’s words entered her mind, calming her down a bit. Yeah, he says he’ll be back for me soon. I’m sure he’ll find me. Yeah, he’ll find me.

The girl glanced at Lyla, who went from panicking to calming down within a few seconds. “Why aren’t you panicking more? Every one of us here panicked and screamed when we found out that our days are numbered. Why did you stop?”

“Because,” Lyla started, “I have my master. I have Rune. He’ll be here for me soon. He’ll save me.” She said.

The girl jerked her head back. “You trust your master that much.” She glanced at the other girls who heard Lyla’s declaration. “Most of the women here had bad experiences with their masters, so I’m surprised to hear a slave talk good about their owner.”

Lyla nodded. “My previous masters weren’t good. Only my current one.”

“Well, I’m surprised. After the Demon King was slain, I became homeless and was quickly picked up by Avom’s knights. I’ve been here the longest and have seen the worst of his cruelty. The thought of-” She stopped talking, her attention snapped towards the door. It was creaking open, Avom appearing from behind it. He was grinning smugly at them. He barged into the room, his weight becoming the most noticeable feature. 

He skimmed through his supply of women, his eyes attracted to Lyla and the demon girl. “I want those two!” He exclaimed, acting like a kid in a grocery store picking out pieces of candy.

Young Knight barged into the room behind him, quickly getting in front of him. He chuckled as he realized Lyla was chosen. “Good choice, sir. I chose that one myself not that long ago.”

“Oh, she’s fresh?” Avom asked.

Young Knight nodded. “Just found her, sir.”

Avom cackled. “Perfect, send both of them to the showers and get them washed. After they’re clean, send them to my room.” He ordered before disappearing out of the room. He headed to his room to prepare himself.

Young Knight grabbed Lyla and the demon girl, bringing them up to their feet. He threw them towards the door. “Hurry up.” He ordered. Another knight followed Young Knight as they led the girls to the showers. “Shower up, make it quick.” Young Knight remarked, shooing the girls into the showers.

Lyla entered the showers, turning to the demon girl. “Rune will save us.”

“Ha!” The demon girl exclaimed. “I wouldn’t save my breath. Your master won’t be able to fight Avom without being ripped to shreds. Unless your master happens to be stronger than the hero or his party.”

Lyla nodded. “He is.”

The girl looked at her, tilting her head. She shook her head, “what a weirdo.”

Lyla nodded. “I am,”

“I can tell.” The girl said. “Take your time and clean yourself. If he finds a speck on you, he’ll disfigure you before killing you. At least die pretty.” She remarked.

Lyla nodded, stepping

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