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Book online «Bijoux by K.B. Torres (classic literature list .txt) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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so recently." Carter said.
"What?" Aaron asked.
"I was born June...17, 19...95." I said between sobs.
"Dang, you're young." Aaron said.
By then I was done crying. I pulled back, blinking my eyes.
"I hate crying in front of people. Now I must look like shit." I said.
"Rest. I'll wake you up when the food is ready." Aaron said, getting up. He went into a cabinet and pulled out a pillow and blanket, before bringing them to me.
I grabbed them, placing the pillow on the bed, before laying down on my side, the blanket covering me.
"How did you already have this stuff?" I asked around a yawn.
"Easy. That's my bed." Aaron said, before walking off.
I yawned again, before dozing off.

I awoke to Aaron's voice softly saying my name.
"Bijoux. Bijoux, wake up." He whispered.
I opened my eyes.
It was evening; I could hear a fire crackling in a hearth. I smelled beef, citrus, and another meat smell, along with burning wood. Aaron was standing over me, still shirtless.
"Dinner's ready." Aaron said.
"I'm starting to think you and Carter try to stay shirtless because I'm a girl." I stated, stretching.
"Nah. You have to wear as little as possible when changing into a Tarragon dragon. Or else you end up naked when you change back." Aaron said, helping me up.
I breathed in the smell of cologne and fire, relaxing.
"Come on babe. Aren't you hungry?" Aaron said, pulling me over to the kitchen.
"Good evening, Bijoux." Carter called from the fireplace.
"Hi." I yawned.
"Sit." Aaron said, pulling out a chair from the table.
Naturally, I did what he said.
As he fixed me up a plate, I recited my favorite poem.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the mome raths outgabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my daughter!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

She took her vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe she sought--
So rested she by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought she stood,
The jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And barbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
She left it dead, and with its head
She went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwok?
Come to my arms, my beamish gal!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
She chartled in her joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the mome raths outgabe.

Carter and Aaron turned and looked at me, pale, before glancing at each other.
"How do you know that poem?" Carter asked, accusingly.
How DID I know that poem? Ever since I could remember, I could recite that poem, even when I was in preschool.
"I...Ever since I could remember, I knew that poem. My adoptive parents hated poetry, and I could recite it even when I was too young to go to school." I answered.
Again, Carter and Aaron exchanged looks.
"You're starting your training tomorrow, but you might want to find something that isn't just your lingerie to wear while you're human. It'll make your life so much easier." Aaron said, as he came back with two plates filled with meat and vegetables.
He went over to the fridge and pulled out red wine.
If you expected me to pull up the fact about me being a minor, I didn't.
Aaron came back with the wine.
"Carter, join us, I order it, or off with your head." I called.
"What up with the off with your head?" Carter asked, walking up.
I shrugged, taking a sip of the wine. It was tangy, and rather sour, making iced tea seem sweet.
"Question." I said, before continuing. "You only have two beds here. Where am I going to sleep?"
There was a silence.
"There are many options: You can share a bed with me, or Carter, sleep by the fireplace, or have one of us sleep by the fireplace." Aaron answered, sipping his red wine.
"How cold does it get at night?" I asked.
"Below freezing, on a summer night." Carter answered.
"I'll share a bed with Aaron." I said.
"My turn for a question. Is that the only item of clothing you have?" Carter asked, eating his food.
"Yeah, why?" I answered.
"So, you're going to sleep in a dress?" Carter asked, accusingly.
"No..." I blurted, before realizing what that meant.
I looked away blushing.
"I'll sleep by the fireplace." Aaron said, shrugging.
"Come with me." Carter said, before dragging Aaron out. I saw them phase into Dragons. Carter was almost exactly like Aaron, except he had light blue skin color, not turquoise like Aaron was. I silently backed up, phasing.
I could hear their conversation.
Aaron, are you crazy? A female comes in, you have the chance to sleep with her, and you PASS IT UP?!

Carter exclaimed.
You're making her uncomfortable. I can tell. You pry. And if you really want a mate, you need to be more...Careful on how you are. She likes me better than you.

Aaron replied simply.
Fine...I'll try. You know how close breeding season is. I can't control it. Couldn't she have come afterwards?

Carter said.
I couldn't control it. Learn to keep your fantasies in your pants.

Aaron growled.
She might freeze tonight. Sleep with her, or bring her to me. You know why she needs to stay alive. The future of our kind.

I phased back then, walking over to Carter's bed, taking my dress off and plunking down under the covers.
Carter was right, I would freeze without him or Aaron in bed with me.
"Where is she?" I heard Carter ask, before sighing and adding. "Never mind. You'd think she'd know the difference between your bed and mine."
"Guess she made up her mind." Aaron said.
I felt the covers lift.
I felt warm skin pressed up against me.
Wait...Warm skin.
Either Carter was naked, or almost naked.
I turned over to see him.
"You got in the wrong bed." Carter said.
"Nope." I answered, before cuddling into him.
I felt him sigh and put his arms around me.
I fell asleep, the whole night cuddling with Carter.

--Chapter 2--

I awoke to the feel of hands between my legs.
I gasped, pushing Carter off of me.
"Can't help it. Breeding season." Carter said, sounding possessed, before kissing me full on.
His lips were soft, even though he wasn't gentle. He deepened the kiss, his mouth opening. His hand slid up my leg, pulling my panties down, almost completely off. When he got my panties off, he went at my bra. He soon got that off too.
I could feel his hand going at his boxers, when I screamed.
"Bijoux!" Aaron exclaimed sitting up.
"Get off of me! Get off!" I cried, trying to push Carter away.
By then, Carter's boxers were off.
I snapped my legs shut, not allowing Carter to rape me. He was attempting to get me to spread my legs, when Aaron plunked Carter out of the bed. I averted my eyes, embarrassed at the fact that Carter was naked. Aaron and Carter phased, before circling each other, poison in their gazes. Carter charged Aaron; Aaron dodged, backing out of the cave. They attacked each other by the wings, biting and scratching, and even blowing fire at each other.As they fought, I threw on my panties and bra, before running out and phasing. I managed to get between them, and from a deep, pissed off breath, I roared. They stopped, looking at me, their eyes shining in lust.
Get back inside. Now.

Aaron growled.
I will


be told what to do!

I screamed.
Move out of the way, so I can win you.

Carter growled, still sounding possessed.
I will NOT BE WON OVER! Stop fighting now, or I swear, I will commit suicide, and it will be your fault.

I snapped. I can see lust in both of you. What is wrong?

Breeding Season.

Another voice said.
I rounded over to see someone I never thought I'd see again.
Austin. But, it was only an apparition.

Aaron, Carter and I thought in chorus.
If you are fighting over Bijoux, she is mine. And Carter, when this battle is over, and I meet up with you, I'll be sure to neuter you for attempting to rape Bijoux.

Austin growled.
As if a flick had turned off, Aaron and Carter acted confused, but normal again.
What happened? Why are we out here?

Carter asked, confused.
Bijoux, do you remember what I said the last time I saw you?

Austin asked.
Yes. You said, and I quote. Don't cry child, I am not dead, not yet, I only need you to be safe, a gentleman must protect his lover. Plus for me to leave. Why?

I thought.
I saw Aaron and Carter tense.
Just train, okay? Hopefully I'll see you again.

Austin disappeared.
I phased back, rewarded with gawks from Aaron and Carter. I adverted my eyes while Carter phased back.
"What happened?" Carter asked.
How dare he act as if he doesn't remember?!
Ignoring the fact that he was naked, I stalked over, slapping him across the face.
"HOW DARE YOU!" I yelled.
"What did I do?" Carter asked, keeping up his charade of amnesia.
"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID!" I yelled, before stalking inside, grabbing my dress, and crawling into Aaron's bed.
"What did I do?" Carter asked Aaron.
"I don't know." Aaron answered.
That was it.
"YOU JUST TRIED TO EFFIN RAPE ME A MINUTE AGO! BEFORE...Before Austin appeared." I blurted, not looking up.
"No, I didn't." Carter argued.
"Really? Check your bed. You forced me out of my clothes and then took your boxers off. They're in the sheets. You'll see." I said, burying my head in Aaron's pillow.
There was a moment of silence.
"What the fuck..." Carter trailed off.
"See! You did try to rape me!" I exclaimed.
"I don't remember-"
"Carter, today is May 31st. Or actually June 1st. Breeding season started." Aaron interrupted.
"I told you. I'm not sleeping with anyone. Ever." I said.
"Do you trust me?" Aaron asked.
I nodded.
"Can I get back in my bed then?" Aaron asked.
I let him crawl in.
"Carter, if I try to breed, feel free to kick my ass." Aaron said.
I snuggled up against him, as he wrapped his arms around me.
I fell asleep again...

I awoke to Aaron whispering my name.
"Bijoux. Bijoux." He was whispering over and over.
"What?" I asked.
"I love you." He answered.
"What?" I asked.
"Can we have sex?" He whispered.
"Are you drunk?" I asked.
"A little bit, plus I'm really attracted to you right now." Aaron whispered back.
"Are you going to listen to me, or rape me like Carter tried to?" I asked.
"I'll listen to you. I promise. Nor will I hurt you. Please." Aaron whispered.
I can't remember much from that night...

I woke up, the entire inside of my legs sore, and Aaron grinning at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." Aaron said, looking away.
Carter staggered out of bed, smelling of alcohol, and hay.
"Morning." He said, sitting next to me.
He breathed in through his nose, going rigid.
"You idiot!" He yelled at Aaron. "Not fair!"
"What? I'm super confused." I said.
Carter rounded on me.
"Oh, so now YOU don't know what's going on? You were the one who let him...No wonder your parents abandoned you! You are selfish, stupid, and not worthy of your

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