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Book online «Element: Season One by Nick Venom (ebook reader with highlighter TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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cashier was balling, at her wit’s end. She could no longer take the berates, being a sensitive flower to a lawnmower. Fortunately, Max arrived and was able to assist her. He hid his face as he entered the gas station, the cyan mist forming around his head and creating a mask that covered everything except his eyes. His mouth wasn’t important to the mask. 

Upon entering, the assailant turned the weapon towards Max, threatening him. Max didn’t respond to his words, instead, forming five daggers. He threw the first dagger at the assailant, penetrating the arm holding the gun to the wall. In the process, the assailant dropped the gun. One of the hostages then grabbed the gun and turned it towards the assailant. However, the assailant wasn’t going to surrender quickly, instead, turning around and grabbing the cashier’s head. He yanked her petite frame over the counter and shielded himself with her. He brandished a knife and brought it close to her neck.

Max hesitated to throw another dagger, finding the situation eerily similar to Madeline’s death. However, he didn’t want it to play the same way. 

He launched the dagger towards them, barely missing the girl’s shoulder and hitting the assailant’s shoulder, which was slightly higher than the girl’s. The dagger jerked him back and forced him to relieve himself of his hostage. The girl then rushed to Max, hiding behind him. 

“Who ya’ think you are?” He shouted, blood dripping from his body and collecting on the ground. “Some kinda hero?”

“I’m… not a hero.” He threw the last dagger and pinned the guy’s other shoulder to the table. He then looked over at the hostage with the gun, ordering him to contact the police. The girl that had a knife to her neck watched him with awe.

She crept closer to him, asking, “what’s your name?”

Max hesitated to answer. He didn’t want to come up with some kind of name on the spot and he didn’t feel like a hero. He felt like an anti-hero. 

Max turned away from the girl, using his elemental essence to boost himself into the air. He used his powers as a jet booster. The girl watched in shock, amazed at the sight she witnessed.


Max went to the second location, defeating the petty robber named Rob who was stealing purses. He wasn’t much of a threat, almost laughable. However, Max had no time for laughter. He rushed to the third location, discovering a bank robbery in progress. The robbery had a familiar lineup; three men and one woman. “Almost like what happened with…” His voice trailed off, not letting himself complete his sentence. 

“Focus, don’t let your emotions influence your might,” Guardian told him, coming out with his black cape on. The cape seemed to hold the ability of teleportation or invisibility; which of them was unknown.

“I know,” He muttered. 

Guardian disappeared as Max dove towards the bank and landed in the back of the bank, discovering three police officers. 

“Who are you?” The first officer shouted.

“Did he come out of the sky?” The second officer asked.

“No way, that isn’t possible.” The first officer responded.

“Both of you, shut up. Don’t alert the robbers to our presence. As for you, what is your intention?” The oldest of the officers asked, his presence slightly imitating Max. 

“Save them,” He muttered. “I want to save them.”

“Save them? Who in the world are you?”

“You are a hero?” The third officer asked.

“No, but I’m not a villain either. An anti-hero maybe?”

The third officer stared at Max before letting out a sigh. “Can you fly?” Max nodded. “Can you capture them?” Max nodded. “Can you kill them?” Max didn’t respond instantly, hesitating. He shook his head.

“I’ll trust you then. We go in fast, I’ll need you to attack first.” The officer told Max.

“You’re going to trust him Chief? He’s some kind of freak?”

“My life was saved by one of those ‘freaks’. I won’t betray them again.” The chief said, motioning for him to enter. Max nodded and entered the building, using his elemental essence to boosts around. He flew high, staying out of the robbers’ eyesight. He went into the main room with the cashiers and robbers and formed four daggers, one for each robber. He carefully aimed the daggers and released them, hitting the spines of all of the robbers. This disabled them but wasn’t enough to kill them. He wanted to kill them and was about to when the conversation with the chief lessoned the mental blow his memories were giving him. 

Now with the robbers taken down, the chief and his two officers stormed the room and captured the robbers. The chief looked up in time to watch Max vacate the building, leaving without muttering a word. The chief shook his head before focusing on the robbers, throwing them to the officers stationed outside. The hostages were freed with no casualties.


Max stopped in a park, Guardian by his side. “I’m surprised you didn’t kill them.” He asked, fixing his cape after it got caught up on a small tree.

“I was, but… I couldn’t anymore.” He said before hurling vomit into a nearby bush. “I nearly pissed myself.”

“Pick yourself up, we’re returning to your-” Guardian was interrupted by an animalistic screech. They looked over as a six-foot-tall muscular man drenched in flowing black goo---that covered his entire body---glared at them. 

“Kill!” The man screeched. 




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Episode Six "Symbiotes"

A man dressed in acidic black goo lunged forward, startling both Max and Guardian. 

“Who is that? What is that?” Max asked, painting at the monster.

Guardian didn’t respond, instead, analyzing the monster. 

“E-En-Energy,” It, whatever it was, muttered with a raspy voice. It then charged at Max. Max formed a small shield and blocked the initial motion, but the backlash threw him back. He retreated a few steps, carefully analyzing the monster.

“It’s a symbiote of some kind. Clearly, it’s man-made.” Guardian said, pointing at the flowing goo. “The symbiotes I know don’t look like that. It’s an amateur symbiote.” He remarked before bringing up his staff, pointing the tip at the symbiote. “Begone!” He shouted as he shot a beam of fire at it. The fire scorched the goo, irritating it. 

“Symbiotes are weak to fire.” He told Max as he glanced as his armor. “Unfortunately, you don’t have the fire crystal.”

“En-Energy,” It spoke again. The goo retracted from the hosts’ face revealing a normal man, his widened eyes glaring at Max. 

“Your energy,” The man muttered. “I NEED YOUR ENERGY!” He screeched loudly. The screech nearly busted Max’s eardrums. 

The goo flowed over the man’s face, forming the complete monster. He then charged again at Max. Max reacted by forming daggers and hurling them towards the monster. The daggers made contact with the goo but, instead of hurting him, they were absorbed by the monster. 

“More,” He roared, continuing his charge.

Max summoned another hand shield and braced for impact. The symbiote hit him harshly, throwing him in the air and landing with a loud thud.

He opened his eyes, looking up at the relaxed sky, clouds scattered around it. “Get up!” He heard Guardian shout. He responded to the order, sitting up quickly. As he did, he felt his bones shift. 

Guardian went to his side, chanting a spell that erected a barrier to prevent the symbiote from getting close to them, temporarily. 

“What happened?” He asked.

“I think the impact broke some of my bones. Everything inside is moving.” He told Guardian. Max struggled to get up, spending half a minute to collect himself. “I can’t take another hit.”

“I’ll need you to. At the moment, that barrier is keeping him out, but soon he’ll be released.”

Max glanced up at Guardian. “Don’t you have some high-tier skills up your sleeves?”

Guardian nodded his head. “I do, but I can’t use them. I’m restricted by your planet’s atmosphere. Using my most powerful skill will result in a massacre.” Guardian explained, his staff outstretched and pointed at the barrier. “Only you can defeat this symbiote.”

“Thanks for the pep talk,” Max sarcastically remarked. He looked at the symbiote, a pile of goo slowly forming a human. He noticed that one of his daggers was being absorbed, piece by piece, forming a piece of the symbiote’s arm. “It’s absorbing my energy. It’s using me as its power source. What can I do?”

“I can’t help you here. It’s up to you about what you do.” Guardian said, struggling to maintain the barrier with the lack of magic swirling through his body.

“Fine,” Max muttered as he browsed through his catalog of weapons, none that would be effective. All melee weapons, none that would dent the symbiote. 

He then stood up and ran around the symbiote. He brought out a submachine gun and fired loads of bullets into it. None of the bullets dealt damage, instead, reinforcing the symbiote. The goo began forming shapes, creating a jet black armor for its host. It resembled Max’s armor in its tactical-look. However, unlike Max’s armor, there was a sudden bubble forming on the monster’s chest. 

Meanwhile, Max fired another magazine into the symbiote, earning himself an explosion from the symbiote’s chest. It absorbed too much energy, causing a bubble of overloaded energy, exploding when it filled to the brim. He noticed the explosion, continuing to fire ice bullets into the symbiote. The symbiote’s skin began to bubble.

“What is happening?” It screeched. The goo then began to retract, fleeing from its host. However, Max wasn’t going to allow that. He formed a bow and aimed, carefully firing an ice arrow, piercing the symbiote and overloading it. It blew up, charring its host. 

With the monster defeated, Guardian went over to the goo and inspected the remains of it, a few blobs of black goo. Next to the good was the charred host, a six-feet tall tanned man with a scarred body. He looked to have been whipped and scratched by somebody.

“What do we do about him?” Max asked.

“I’ll-” Guardian turned to face Max. “Deal with him later. For now,” He then felt killing intent coming from far away. He turned around and noticed nobody behind him and the lack of the symbiotes’ host. To make things worse, the black goo disappeared as well. “They’ve escaped.” He remarked, looking off into the distance.

“How, we were just watching them.”

“They have help,” Guardian concluded. “Somebody’s helping them.”



Hello All!


This marks the half-way point for Element - Season One: Becoming A Hero. This series will be undergoing its one-week mid-season break. This break is important to allow the writer [Nick Venom] to have some free time and take a break. 

If you enjoy this series, then read the other series in this generation:


Troy: The Demon Knight S1: Blueway [Monday]

Black Hood S1 [Tuesday]

Silos S1 [Wednesday]

Element S1: Becoming A Hero [Thursday]

Atlas Online S1 Soft-reboot[Saturday]

Aiden & The Holy Sword S1 [Sunday]


Until next time, I bid you a good day!

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