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her ear. 

She froze on the spot, shivering. Nats noticed that and roared in laughter. After his short-lived laugher, he went into a rant of cursing Hana and Berry out and disgracing their name until Slyvia snapped. She pulled her arm back and swung at him, making contact with his right cheek. The momentum she quickly gathered pushed her fist into his cheek. Her weak push was able to knock him to the ground. Even Slyvia was amazed by her strength, gawking at her fist as if she developed a skill. Unbethonest to them, Jake had been training and was able to transfer a percent of Tanzo to Slyvia and enhance her strength for a millisecond. A week of training wasn’t enough to keep the strength in Sylvia. He could only transfer a percent of Tanzo or his other skills to other people for a mere millisecond. Anything past that would drain him and the backlash would hurt him.

Jake watched as Nats’ confidence disappeared in a second as he began babbling about the punch. His bodyguards were hesitant to approach Slyvia because they were fakes who used their appearance and height to intimidate others. They had no real strength of their own, relying on their genetics to serve as Nats’ bodyguards. They couldn’t kill a fly. 

Nats and his bodyguards jumped back in the carriage and the driver led them away from the house. Once they left their eyesight, Hana and Berry cradled Slyvia. Theo, who was grabbing a musket from his bedroom, appeared at the doorstep, understanding the situation instantly. He went over to his daughter and hugged her, praising her for defending the body. However, he was worried about the consequences. 

As for Jake, he struggled to remain in consciousness. The backlash from transferring a percent of Tanzo to Slyvia for a second was already biting him in the back. However, he was getting used to the backlash and could keep himself from collapsing. 

Berry looked at the pathway that Nats ran through and shook his head. “Be prepared to leave. Nats will return and he won’t come back with flowers and chocolate. He’ll be back with an army. Pack your stuff and let’s go.” 



Episode Four "For Family"

Jake packed what belongings he had into a backpack that Hana gave him. Slyvia had already packed her belongings and was waiting for Jake at the backdoor. Theo was with her, acting as the guide. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

Once Jake finished packing, he reached the backdoor, motioning for Theo to open it. Theo nodded, opening the door and allowing them to pass through. They carefully crept to the stable, staying quiet enough not to awaken the chickens and roosters. Once at the stable, Theo outfitted the horses with saddles and stirrups. He grabbed Slyvia and put her on the chocolate horse. Theo jumped on the horse behind her, motioning for Jake to jump onto the silver horse.

Jake got on the silver horse, slightly shaking. He attached his feet to the stirrups and waited for Theo’s order. Theo kicked the horse into gear, moving them out of the stable and into the backyard. From there, they looked up at the windows and noticed Berry and Hana watching them. A candle illuminated their appearances. This allowed Jake to see a tear fall from Hana’s eyes, slowly traveling down her cheek before dropping to the ground, out of his sight. 

“Let’s go,” Theo said, grabbing Jake’s shoulder and shaking it. Jake nodded and beckoned for Theo to lead the way. Theo jerked the reins, forcing the horse to start walking. Jake did the same, ordering his horse to follow suit. Theo then led him away from the house and through the forest, leaving their home behind. 

They traveled a day's time before resting in an open clearing, an hour from the capital. Theo jumped off his horse and, after Jake jumped off his, led them to a nearby water source to drink. 

Slyvia and Jake were tasked with building a campfire for smoking their food. Slyvia ventured into the shallow parts of the forest and brought back dry sticks to burn. Jake, on the other hand, used Tanzo and slaughtered a rabbit he chanced upon. He took back his prize.

Theo started the fire and laid Jake’s rabbit and some food that they brought onto a metal plate. The metal plate was placed over the fire. While Theo cooked the food, Slyvia and Jake rested. It was broad daylight, but the two were drowsy by the few hours of sleep. However, they couldn’t afford to spend their time lavishly. They were on a mission. They needed to get to the capital and get Jake’s status as a Tanker revealed, ensuring that a noble will secure their future. 

What they needed the most was money, enough to fulfill the debt that Hana and Berry were stuck in. They lacked the funds to pay this month’s rent and with Slyvia’s attack on Mr. Nats, they were in enormous trouble. Berry suspected that Nats would arrive the next day with his personal army and barge into the house, taking Slyvia and Jake as bargaining pieces, hostages, or to pay off the debts. Hana and Berry couldn’t allow this, forcing Theo to take the kids away from the house before Nats arrived. 

Jake despised the idea and wanted to fight back against Nats using his power, but recognized the trouble he would cause. By attacking or even killing Nats, he would be marked as a criminal and his family would be implicated by it. Instead, he went with his family’s earlier plan of being taken in by a noble family and training his powers with them. By being taken in by nobles, he could ask for enough money to pay off their debt, saving everybody. A foolproof plan at first, but it had one important flaw. Nobody could predict what would happen to Hana and Berry before Jake sent the money to Nats. What if Nats killed them before the money could land in his hands. What if he still killed them even if he got the money.

Jake shook off all of the negative thoughts as Theo handed them a piece of rabbit meat on a stick. “Bon appetit,” he joked. Unfortunately, nobody responded to his joke with laughter. Or a single giggle. It was cold, almost-dead silence. 

“Well, I tried.” He remarked, standing up. He glanced around, detecting something. “Get up. Jake, can you use your powers?” He asked. Jake nodded, standing up and looking in the distance Theo was staring at. Slyvia brandished a danger and pointed it at the forest line. 

“Step out into the daylight, Nats,” Theo remarked, beckoning for Nats to step out. Nats complied with his order, taking a few steps forward. The overhead sun illuminated him and his solid black attire. His weapon---a sword---glistened in the sunlight. 

“You must have a skill, impressive. Anyways, I know you don’t want either of those kids to die, but I do need that girl. Immediately.” Nats ordered.

“You want my daughter. Over my dead body.” He snarled, brandishing a sword of his own. He pointed it at Nats and the bodyguards that appeared next to him. “How did you find us?”

“You think I wouldn’t figure out your plan. The same thing has happened over and over and guess what? Every time, I’ve massacred them all. Every woman that stood up against me was slaughtered, tormented until their final breath. Every man that threatened me was executed in front of his family, scarring them. And guess what?” He licked the blade of the sword. “You’re next.” His eyes stared Theo down. 

“Get behind me, run when I say so,” Theo ordered. Slyvia nodded, hiding behind her father. Jake, however, didn’t rush to hide himself. He activated Tanzo and prepared Black Fire and Negative Second if they were needed. Fortunately, they weren’t.

Three patrolling guards stumbled across the scene, ordering everybody down. Nats and his men quickly dropped to the guard, throwing all of the attention off them and onto Jake and his family. 

“Get down! Get down! Get down!” A guard ordered, nearing them. He brandished his weapon and pointed at them. 

Slyvia and Theo dropped to the ground quickly, but Jake hesitated. The guard got closer, preparing to strike when Jake activated Negative Second and created more distance between them.

“I’m a Tanker, don’t hurt us.” He pleaded to the guard. The guard was taken aback, stopping his attack. His comrades heard Jake’s words, moving in to arrest Nats and his men. Meanwhile, the guard led them to the capital and through the capital’s confusing winding roads and closely knitted house to the castle. He motioned for Jake to enter. 

“Remember, kneel in the majesty’s presence. If he can verify that you’re a Tanker, then expect huge rewards.” The guard told him.

“What are you going to do with Nats?” He asked.

“If you’re a real Tanker, then they would go to prison.”

“Then what about my family. My grandparents are renting land from Nats. He could have them being held hostage or even…” Jake’s voice trailed off. He didn’t want to think of the worst outcome. 

The guard shook his head and rested his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “If you’re a real Tanker and you tell the majesty of your family problems, then he would help you. Now, good luck. I wish you the best.” Jake thanked him, watching the guard walk off. Theo and Slyvia walked up to Jake and motioned for him to open the doors and enter the throne room. Jake nodded, grabbing the large red and gold doors and opening them. He glanced over his shoulder at Theo and Slyvia, who pushed him forward. 

“Let’s go,” Theo said.

“We’re doing this for our family,” Slyvia remarked.

“Yeah… for family.”


Hello All!


Uncontrolled S2 has finally wrapped. It has been nearly two years since the first season’s initial release. I am amazed to finally be writing this series. I would’ve never expected to see this day when the second season for one of my older projects (March - June 2019) to be written and released. This season has been renewed for, at least, three more seasons. Expect season three, sometime next year.

I was extremely motivated to write this series, filled with enjoyment to follow the second chapter of Jake’s story. Writing a thousand words, and more, per episode was something I never expected, especially for this series. It doesn’t help that the platform that Uncontrolled S2 is under isn’t known for its word count and episode lengths. The Underground Tales was meant to house smaller ideas with very little information backing it, explaining why every series was four or five episodes long. Fortunately, that idea was scrapped, instead, treating The Underground Tales’ series as important as JTV’s series (Black Hood S1, Troy: The Demon Knight S1, and more). 

Anyways, sorry for the long ramble. Below is the next installment under The Underground Tales’ label and the secondary label of Year III’s entries. 


The Underground Tales: Year III - 


Uncontrolled S2 [February 2021]

The Three Otherworldly Heroes: Season One {Creationverse} [April 2021]

? [June 2021]

? [August 2021]

? [October 2021]

? [December 2021]


Until next time, I bid you all a good day!

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