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Book online «Trials: War by Stephanie Jones (the snowy day read aloud txt) 📖». Author Stephanie Jones

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thought it would be a message, not a summoning. Why would he wish to see me instead of my father or one of his advisors. This makes no sense at all; yes its my plan to meet Sdegr and to either talk him into stopping this war or killing him if that’s what it takes to stopping the war. The goblin sees hes caught be off guard and smiles a small smile of victory. I want to rip it off of his face; but I musnt if I wish to finally get to set my plan in motion. This could be a trap to get my father to stop sending troups or else I die. Or Sdegr could use me for something far worse; I wont be able to find out though if I don’t try to atleast find out why he wants me.  I clinch my hands while thinking and I remember my right hand is injuried by me slamming it into my table. Which makes me wonder if the goblin saw that display. My eyes shoot up to his to see him staring at me with an even bigger smile on his repulsive face. Seeing that causeses me to snap.

                “Why.” I marched over to him and got so close I could see all the different colors swirling in his eyes. I hear him gulp and see him open his mouth to utter some scared words.

“He wishes to speak to you about some certain matters.” He barely gets out; he also sees im not going to let up till I get everything I want to know from him out of him. “He thinks you too need to discuse some matters concerning both of the kingdoms.”

                “Why doesn’t he come see me himself?” I hiss back at him.

                “He has. Hes out by the gates Lady LĂşldes.” No words have shocked me so much in my short life. I take in a deep breath and see that the Goblin King has come to speak to me; and it looks like he’s not going to leave till he gets what he wants. Which is to talk to me about our two kingdoms apparently.

                “Very well, lets go see your master.” I turn my back on the goblin and start towards the door.

                “My Lady, please if you would allow me.” He comes up beside me at the door and holds his hand out to me. I look down at his hand and back up to his face; doing this I realize he has the power of teleportation. So that is how he got into my room without detection from anyone in the castle. Looking into his eyes I see slight fear in them; good. I nod at him and take his hand so he can teleport us straight to Sdegr. He surprises me by pulling me into what seems like a hug till everything goes black. Not even a second later I feel grass beneath my feet and feel that the goblin has released his arms from around me and has also taken multiple steps away from me. I look at him and see that he has already started walking away from me; looking around real quickly before following him to see if anything was amiss, finding none I turned around and hurried up to follow the goblin. 

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The goblin was right he teleported us a little ways out from the gate of the castle. We began to walk to where we were supposed to meet his master. He stopped a couple minutes later in one of the clearings about a mile and a half away from the gate. The breeze was chillier than it seemed like it was supposed to be, making me realize I forgot my cloak on the floor in my chamber. I looked towards the goblin and see that hes staring out towards to hills and mountains;  his face is stoic leading me to the conclusion that this is the spot that I will meet his master Sdegr. 

                We stand in the same spot for more than three hours. At first I didn’t believe that this is where we are supposed to meet the Goblin king. I changed my mind when I started to slowly feel emense power coming towards us. It came slowly but the longer we stood their the more I felt; the power was so intense I was finding it hard to breathe.  My anxiety was floored by the time I saw wolfs the size of carages coming towards us. Ive only seen these types of wolfs on the battle field; I had to remind myself I could not attack them if I wished to live.

                When I’m finally able to see the riders and wolfs more closely I’m shocked beyond belief.  The leader of the small army, which im guessing who is sdegr himself, is way more terrifyingly gruesome than I had ever imagined. The wolf he rides is so brillantly white I can’t look at anything else; till I look up and see the rider. Sdegr himself had to be the prettiest goblin I have ever seen; using that word loosly of course. His skin is the color of sand from the shores of Remula; his body is huge, even ridding a wolf I can see that he is well over six foot. The Goblin Kings eyes were the eyes of a hungry, hungry wolf anxiously awaiting its next meal. I had a feeling that I was going to be that next meal. The closer he got to me and his minion the more I felt this oppresing feeling, as if someone was taking a poker and putting it down my throat. It isnt neccesarily painful but its not comfortable either. I close my eyes to tell my body to relax; that if I wanted to all of the goblins could go up in flames. When I open my eyes Sdegr and his army are in front of me.

                I steal myself so I don’t back away; I also force myself to look Sdegr in his wolf eyes. His eyes are the coldest I have ever seen;  they’re so ice blue they’re almost white. His face is so rugged that I cant tell if hes handsome for not. He and his wolf are so close to me I can see the top of his chest through his white lenin shirt. I turn to pay more close attention to his wolf. The animals head is well above my own; looking the creature up and down I turn to look at its tail, I gasp when I see the bright red fur at the end of the tail. I hear the goblins snicker and laugh at my reaction to their king. Hearing it I steal myself even futher; I narrow my eyes to tiny slits, locking my jaw to keep myself from speaking first and I curl my lip to show my distaste of being called out of my room at such an hour.

                Sdegr surprises me by jumping down from his creature and walking so close to me that I can smell the leather of his cloak. I look into his eyes to let him know im not scared of him and I never will be. We lock eyes for a second before his eyes travel down my body. He sees my blood red harem pants with matching top and my black as soot boots with red leather tie strings. When he looks back up to my eyes he smirks, a cold dead smirk. His mouth starts to do tiny movements as if hes about to open it and let words come out; I’m right.

                “So what they say about the fire princess is true.” His voice was incredibly deep and raspy; he shook my body with it. I want, no need to open my mouth and say something; but my voice is no where. I take a deep breath to calm my self, so I don’t make a fool out of myself.

                “And what is it that they say?” My voice sounded quiet, but strong. To back it up I looked so deep into the goblin kings eyes I swore that I was able to see the very essence of who he is. His smirk lessoned on the evil side and went up on the cockiness side.

                Showing his racer sharp wolf teeth he says “You have the body of a child, but the power inside you surpasses the power of a king. Although it doesn’t surpass mine; it might only be able to make me sweat.” His eyes squinted down to tiny slits; I want to slit his throat for what he just said. Fire errupted inside me, trying to desperately escape my body and to show just how powerful my magic really is. His face contorts again into yet a different smirk; this one says hes knows exactly what hes done.I clinch my hands to try and control myself. My knuckles on my right hand scream in agony and Im afraid that I might reopen my cuts on my hand. I slowly loosen my grip, along with a deep deep breathe to regain control over myself before I say a comment I will surely regret later on.  I really truly wish to say a smart comment to throw back in his face, but if I want to make it out of this alive then I have to atleast pretend politeness.

                “You’re everything they say you are as well Sdegr, but I must ask why have you gone to such length to talk to me and not my father?” I knew I shouldn’t have said what I did about what people say about him; but I just couldn’t hold my tounge enough for a man who is more animal than anything else. His face muscles tighten, along with his shoulder muscles. What I said wasn’t the worst thing I could have said but it deffinitley wasn’t the best either.

                “It seems your tounge is also fiery; and what is wrong with wanting to speak to a princess?” His lips curled back into what could only be called a crued smile; I can see almost every pointed tooth in his mouth.

                “Lots of things are wrong; for one we are out in a field, not in a meeting room. If my father finds out about this you will truly have the full wrath of the Elvish kingdom.” I clip my sentences, allowing more of my anger to be shown.

                He didn’t answer right away like I was expecting him too. I also didn’t expect him to look so calm and collected after my comment. He seems way to confident and cocky for being so close to an enemys kingdom. Its clear that he was prepared for a fight with all of the goblins he brought with him. If he wanted to fight then he would have just stormed the castle, but he did send troups earlier. He deffinetly has a plan in his head and im not sure its going to benefit me in anyway.

                “Well you’re clearly not scared of me since you agreed to come with my messanger.” He stated.

                “I didn’t

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