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Book online «Angel Dust by Terry Kuder III (best non fiction books to read .txt) 📖». Author Terry Kuder III

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by going back to her through everything and possibly win her back. It certainly was a crazy notion, yet somehow I was inspired. Strangely enough, even though his speech wasn't all that motivational, I was inspired with an idea. "Am I right?" he said looking up at me waiting for an answer.
"I guess."
"Fuck, man. You are just as hopeless as I am." he chuckled. "What do you mean 'I guess'? What the hell does that mean? I mean, what in the world is truly stopping you from going out there and doing your thing? The fact that she doesn't want you back or that are you just too accustomed to doing your current thing: offing yourself every week just to repeat the same thing the next week?"
"No..." I started feeling myself get a bit pumped. "No, no, you're right. I need to go out there and do something. I need to do something productive and stop feeling this pity over myself. You're right, dude."
"That a boy" he smiled. "Now, go away so I can finish trying to find something to watch." He said turning back to the t.v. I was definitely excited now. I was ready for a battle. I began to turn away before Dan stopped me again. "Oh, dude, by the way, you're dripping." He pointed to the towel in my hand which was dripping onto the carpet.
"Dammit!" I yelled. I wasn't going to let my excitement dwindle. I threw the towel in the kitchen sink and walked towards the door. Dan watched me knowing what was about to happen. He just smiled, waiting.
I opened the door and looked out. A creature with two beady eyes looked up at me. His blue fur turned even brighter revealing that he was defensive. We stared at each other for a moment before he sprinted off on his two legs moving as fast as they could carry him. I watched as he flew past another creature that was hunkered over. The florescent green creature stood up slowly, growing up to eight feet in height. The tiny little blue creature tripped over his own little feet, hitting the ground, and rolling into a ball. The huge horned beast raised one of his fist in the air, dust flying as he brought it down upon the little cretin, but suddenly stopped when he saw the fur on the blue one grow thick and then became pointy. The spiked ball was an even brighter blue than before I saw it. The huge beast knew what harm it would have caused him if he tried to pummel the tinier one. The green creature looked up at me. He stared at me for two seconds, before turning around and running towards me. His feet slammed against the ground, shaking the land beneath him. As he began to pick up speed another horrendous creature came down picking up the green beast with his mouth. He tossed him up in the air, catching again, slamming his jaws down on the corpse and breaking it in half. He chewed up the remains with ease before thundering off. My heart quickened and I slammed the door shut.
"Did you forget that we don't live in a normal world anymore?" Dan said without looking up, his head propped on his fist as he turned the channel.
"Yeah." I said almost too stunned to say anything.
"You might want to grab some weapons first?" Dan said without an ounce of surprise in his voice.
"Yeah." I said, turning around to head to my room. "That would certainly be a good idea."



We sat in the luscious green forest that night. The newly forming dew made the leaves beam with a brightness. The waterfall behind us splashed continuously glowing with a brightness unbeknownst to the darkness of the forest. The fairies around us began their graceful dances around us, radiating off hues of florescent greens, pinks, blues, and purples. While the pixies dotted the forest in their illumination, the stars above decorated the skies. The midnight creatures reverberated the air around us with their coos, purrs, and various animalistic noises. The air around us filled with a sense of magic.
I looked around amazed at the spectacle that this land had performed. I tilted my head up, but could barely see the stars. Almost as if my mind was being read, the trees seemed to sway back, opening up the sky even more and allowing me to bask beneath the careful watch of the celestials. The night was full of magic. Not only that, it was full of something else I couldn't quite place my finger on. It was something that had not only brighten my mood, but had seemed to lighten up the forest with its own electricity.
I looked down at her as she held her dress to sit down. She wore a complex long sleeved dress filled with patterns and designs of the native sort. The weaves, loops, and shapes seemed to dance in their own sort of way, becoming partners with the fairies every time they passed over her. The colors matched perfectly: a royal blue to fill in the shapes and a gold tint to outline the borders. It was a one piece dress with a band around her waist to tie it off. The band reached around to her back and tied into an intricate bow that jutted from behind her. She had a matching band around her forehead to keep her bangs from her eyes. A misshaped letter was embroidered in the middle of the band with the same matching colors. The letter looked almost like an "H" but it curved on opposite ends with two dots on either side of the middle. Her auburn hair was tied meticulously behind her head with another matching bow almost just as large. Her blue eyes sparkled, giving more life to her wardrobe. She stared at me waiting for me to say something, but I was too stunned to even start a sentence, fearful that I might ruin the air and magic around us. She smiled that beautiful smile that I was so accustomed to.
I went to utter something, but she placed her fingers to my lips. She silently shushed me. I was glad of it. I didn't know what to say in the light of such a moment. The answer that I was looking for was love. Love was the object that had brighten the atmosphere with its own electricity. I was definitely in love. Many citizens had described this feeling as being afloat upon a precipitated cloud.
The term was properly named "Cloud nine." Why nine? I began to ponder on this subject not noticing that she was watching me. Nine was such an odd number to label as the feeling of being in love. Why not seven? Seven meant complete, so why not seven? Cloud seven had a nice ring to it. I would probably never find out the answer, but I was bemused at such a strange concept. Despite the ring that
cloud seven had to it, I wouldn't have described this moment as being buoyant upon a cloud. I was on the ground and I was aware of it.
Was it the environment around me that told me I was in love? Was it the gliding specks of light or the glistening leaves of the forest that reminded me of such trivial matters as being in love with the being before me? Was it the ceaselessly flowing waterfall behind us or the stars that smiled down upon us and our ritual? Or could it have been simply that my heart pounded at the sight of her; that despite the very confines of our own selves, we were breaking all the boundaries of what prohibited us from being in love? It was so difficult to tell and yet, it was the very understanding that I was in love that reassured me. I smiled at the notion.
I started to say something again and again she shushed me with her fingers. She extended her pointer and middle finger and her thumb from her palm in a shooter sort of manner. From the corner of my lips, she glided her fingers across their length, finishing off by removing them. A white line glowed from my lips to her fingers. She then commenced moving her fingers in a unknown pattern; circling them around, looping them through the air, and making zigzags. I followed, hypnotized by the light that followed it. The light transitioned from white to a bright pink, almost the color of several of the pixies. From there, it turned blue, teal, violet, a bright red, then yellow, and it ended with a sunrise orange. She
mumbled some words incoherently which seemed to echo through the air in whispers. The echoes faded and she was finished. A cool wind rushed through, blowing through my hair and riffling through my clothes. It filled me up with a tranquil sensation, warm and soothing.
I looked up at her and for a third time, I began to tell her something when everything changed. The sparkles of light started to fade and the waterfall's brightness disappeared. I looked around and even the trees closed up. The low murmurs of the animals died down and there was nothing left but the slow splashing of the water and silence. I looked up at her wondering if she knew what was happening. Her face told me she did. She looked down at the ground. Her countenance had completely changed.
"What's happening?" I asked her. She didn't answer, but just continued to stare at the ground as if there weren't any thoughts running through her head. I knew otherwise though. I knew that she had a million and one thoughts flowing through with the first one being how to tell me what was going on.
"I..." she started. My puzzled look must have evaporated the courage that she had built up during the silence because she stopped. She couldn't say anything else. I? I what? Why was she even sounding sad about the change of scenery? It wasn't her fault. At least, I assumed it wasn't. But, why the hesitation? Did she know or not? Did her maneuvers cause this? Had she casted
an incantation of some sort?
Both of my arms were grasped and I was jerked to my knees. I looked up and saw two beings of a huge built. Feathery wings protruded from their backs and they held golden staffs in the hands that weren't preoccupied. Their armor matched her dress: royal blue with gold borders all around. The helmets covered enough of their faces revealing white eyes through darkened faces. I was met with an eeriness that crept up my spine. They just held me tightly awaiting something. I turned my gaze to her and watched as a few tears strolled down her face. What was happening? Why was she crying and why were these....things....holding me as if I

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